Charge: This group is assessing the landscape of internships and other related, similarly-named high impact practices (HIP) at the university (student teaching, clinical placement, experiential learning experience, applied learning experience, field experience, etc.) in order to understand how internships/HIPs are currently operating so that they can be consistently tracked, assessed, given appropriate support (resources and personnel), and expanded to strengthen their value and ensure all students have the opportunity to participate. The group is reviewing the response from JMU to SCHEV’s questionnaire related to internships from Spring 2022. The group supports JMU's responses to additional requests from SCHEV and Governor’s office related to expanding internship opportunities, and is positioned to assist with submissions for funding that may be available from SCHEV and other entities (e.g., Commonwealth Innovative Internship Fund and Program | Virginia State Council Of Higher Education, VA ( The group will make recommendations related to better centralizing, formalizing, documenting and growing our internship operations.
- Siân White, College of Arts and Letters, Co-Chair
- Steve Whitmeyer, College of Science and Mathematics, Co-Chair
- Libby Westley, University Career Center, Co-Chair
- Kirk Armstrong, College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
- John Burgess, Faculty Affairs and Curriculum
- Sam Collier, College of Business
- Alysia Davis, Honors College
- Steve Grande, Student Affairs - Community Service Learning
- Arin Hawse, Academic Enrollment Management
- Keith Holland, Research and Scholarship
- Katy Hopkins, Student Affairs - University Career Center
- Kristina Oates, School of Professional and Continuing Education
- Bayo Ogundipe, College of Integrated Science and Engineering
- Chris Orem, Institutional Research
- Alphonso Sealey, Coordinator of Field Experiences
- Katie Sensabaugh, Center for Global Engagement
- Virginia Soenksen, College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Dave Stringham, College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Nora Sutton, School of Professional and Continuing Education
- Nick Swartz, School of Professional and Continuing Education