Charge:  Goal 1, Objective 1-2 of the Academic Affairs Strategic Plan identifies providing a range of options for degree completion for undergraduate and graduate students as a high priority. Further, Goal 3, Objective 1 of the Academic Affairs Strategic Plan identifies expanding community engagement as a high priority. Additionally, leadership transitions within SPCE, and expanded attention on economic engagement provide the division with an opportunity to re-examine the organizational structure of SPCE with the goal of optimizing the University’s and Division’s goals in key areas.

To these ends the Provost has appointed the School of Professional and Continuing Education Appraisal Task Force to lead the division through a process of analysis, consultation, discernment, and innovation. The members of this task force will: 

  1. Study all aspects of SPCE, consulting with an array of stakeholders both on and off campus. It will also identify best practices among peers, assess the feasibility of new models, and gather information from staff, instructional faculty and administrators.
  2. Advise academic leaders on expanded communication and messaging about the SPCE’s role in JMU’s unique blend of liberal arts, research, and professional education.
  3. Make recommendations on programs, structure, leadership, organization, budget management, and alignment with other units within Academic Affairs and across the University.


  • Narketta Sparkman-Key, Associate Provost for Inclusive Strategies and Equity Initiatives


  • Keith Holland, Research and Scholarship
  • Mark L'Esperance, College of Arts and Letters
  • Jolie Lewis, University Advising
  • Jason McClain, Academic Resources
  • Scott Paulson, University Studies
  • Linda Thomas, The Graduate School 


Fall 2022

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