Associate Provost for Online Strategy and University Studies Dean
Contact Info
University Studies and Online Strategy
This office oversees academic programs and support structures that span Academic Affairs and cross administrative divisions at the university. University Studies is the dean’s office for Exploratory students, Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies (IdLS) and Independent Scholars. Additional offices in this area include the Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS), Ethical Reasoning in Action, State Authorization and Distance Education Compliance, and the Assessment and Testing Center.
The Office of Online Strategy is focused on enhancing JMU’s online capacity and presence, building online-centered external partnerships, and helping JMU maintain its core commitments to high-quality programs and meaningful faculty-student interaction in online spaces.
Dr. Audrey Burnett, Associate Dean of University Studies and Associate Director for Online Strategy
Gabbin Hall, Room 109 | 540.568.8950 | burnetaj@jmu.edu
Ms. Sarah Cheverton, State Authorization and Compliance Officer for Online and Distance Learning
Gabbin Hall, Room 113 | 540.568.5321 | cheverse@jmu.edu
Dr. Keston Fulcher, Improvement Strategist
Gabbin Hall, Room 218 | 540.568.5383| fulchekh@jmu.edu
Ms. Mindy Koon, Administrative Manager
Gabbin Hall, Room 104A | 540.568.7770 | koonmf@jmu.edu
Ms. Annette Rexrode, Fiscal Manager
Gabbin Hall, Room 104 | 540.568.7525 | rexrodaj@jmu.edu
Mr. Toby Whitesell, Assessment Testing Center Manager
Gabbin Hall, Room G4 | 540.568.6855 | whitestd@jmu.edu
Administrative Units
Center for Assessment and Research Studies
Dr. Megan Good, Executive Director
Lakeview Hall, Room 1108 | 540.568.3292 | good2mr@jmu.edu
Ethical Reasoning in Action
Dr. Christian Early, Director
Gabbin Hall, Room 217 | 540-568-4646 | earlyce@jmu.edu
Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies
Dr. Scott Paulson, Director
Gabbin Hall, Room 118A | 540.568.4567 | paulsosa@jmu.edu
University Studies
Gabbin Hall, Room 104 | 540.568.7770 | universitystudies@jmu.edu