Strategic Goal 1
There is a broad consensus that our future as a national university hinges on the establishment of a distinctive, JMU blend of liberal arts, research and professional education.
Objective 4
Pursue renewal of JMU’s core curriculum to provide all undergraduates with a high-quality General Education program.
4-1. Use the 2021-22 APR to develop recommendations for revising and renewing JMU’s core curriculum to better incorporate contemporary expectations for the liberal arts and sciences.
4-2. Expand communication and messaging about the General Education program’s role in JMU’s unique blend of liberal arts, research and professional education.
4-3. Analyze staffing levels needed to meet SCHEV base adequacy guidelines; strategically grow full-time instructional positions to support the instructional needs of our core curriculum.
Action Items
In AY 2022-23, the Core Curriculum Appraisal Task Force (CCATF) charge was revised in response to faculty feedback. The task force established formal connections with the General Education Council and the Faculty Senate, delivered an initial faculty survey and connected with faculty leadership in all JMU colleges.
In AY 2023-24, the Core Curriculum Appraisal Task Force:
Facilitated broad discussions with faculty about preferences and priorities for general education renewal.
Provided summaries of feedback from faculty and other stakeholders to the campus community.
In AY 2024-25, the Vice Provost will consult with stakeholders and:
Report on the adequacy of current JMU Curriculum and Instruction processes for the consideration of General Education Renewal.
Propose additional processes for campus consideration of General Education renewal, if needed.
- During the summer of 2024, JMU sent a team to the Institute on General Education, Pedagogy and Assessment (IGEPA). The team (a majority of whom were instructional faculty members) was charged with identifying and proposing general education reforms aligned with the JMU and Academic Affairs Strategic Plans.
During AY 2024-2025, an adapted form of the JMU IGEPA team’s recommendation will be considered by instructional faculty.