Strategic Goal 3

Academic Affairs uses the division’s expertise and experience gained in the pandemic and beyond to learn, grow and innovate together in order to positively impact the world.

Objective 3

Broaden worldviews and promote global understanding by cultivating, facilitating and supporting global engagement at home and abroad.


3-1. Create transformative international experiences through teaching and learning, partnerships and research, study abroad, virtual exchange, and meaningful engagement with and a welcoming environment for international students and scholars.

3-2. Integrate cross-cultural perspectives and experiences into curricula and campus culture to develop globally competent students, faculty and staff. 

3-3. Support international research to enhance JMU’s reputation, to connect institutions across the globe, and to become a prominent hub for hosting and convening expertise and producing research.

Action Items
  1. As part of an effort to enhance data collection, in AY 2023-24, CGE:
    1. Identified key categories of data to be collected, including metrics on international student enrollment, study abroad participation, and global partnerships.

    2. Selected Tableau as the primary tool for data visualization and presentation of global engagement activities. 

  2. During AY 2024-25, CGE will conduct a pilot project using Tableau to test data visualization and presentation capabilities with the goal of refining the model for broader implementation.

  3. As part of an effort to increase student and faculty participation in CGE activities and programs, in AY 2023-24 CGE established seven Faculty Associate positions aimed at enhancing faculty involvement in global engagement activities, including virtual exchange, study abroad promotion, and support for international student success.

  4. CGE has achieved an increase in overall study abroad participation.

  5. In AY 2024-25, CGE will:
    1. Implement strategies to further expand study abroad participation, targeting an increase in both the number and diversity of participants. 

    2. Develop a comprehensive framework to integrate virtual exchange into campus activities, facilitating broader adoption and engagement. 

  6. In AY 2023-24, CGE successfully collaborated with Research, Economic Development and Innovation (REDI) to advance support for international research initiatives, laying a foundation for further internationalization efforts. 

  7. By the end of AY 2024-25, CGE will develop a comprehensive plan to support international student success by conducting a thorough needs assessment, mapping existing resources and collaborating with campus stakeholders to design targeted programs and services. 

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