
The minor in African, African American, and Diaspora Studies (AAAD) broadens students' world perspectives by enhancing their acquaintance with and understanding of the peoples, the issues of identities, and the institutions of Africa and the African Diaspora. The AAAD program engages cross disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to understand and to encounter Africa and the African Diaspora in a global context. The cross disciplinary character of the program is further enhanced by the fact that courses taken to fulfill program requirements are drawn from several departments in the humanities, social sciences and STEM/pure sciences. From these course offerings, students will examine and engage with the key contributing disciplines, concepts, methods, and topics in African, African American, and Diaspora Studies. 

For more information, please explore this website or download our brochure. If you have questions about the minor, please contact the AAAD Minor Coordinators. You can declare the minor by going into MyMadison. 

AAAD Minor Coordinators:

Mollie Godfrey
Associate Professor of English 
Keezell Hall

Besi Muhonja
Associate Professor of English
Africana Studies / Women’s and Gender Studies / African Literatures and Cultures
Keezell Hall

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