
The AAAD Studies Center is pleased to announce the 2022-2023 AAAD Student Research & Development Program. This competitive program, which in future will be offered twice per year, will support AAAD minors in their research, scholarship, and professional development efforts. Funding of up to $750 can be used in the following ways:

  • Travel costs & registration fees to present scholarly work at meetings and conferences, or to attend professional development opportunities, symposia, or workshops.
  • Travel costs to support scholarly research or activities.
  • Supplies, equipment, or training related to scholarly activities (please note that all supplies and equipment purchased with JMU funds will remain the property of JMU).
  • Stipends to serve as summer research assistant for a AAAD faculty member or to collaborate with a AAAD faculty member on a scholarly or professional project.
  • Other costs related to research, scholarship, or professional development.


All AAAD minors currently enrolled at James Madison University are eligible to apply. 


Please send the following application materials electronically to aaadstudies@jmu.edu with the subject line: AAAD Student Research & Development Program Application. Only complete applications will be considered.

  • Title Page–Include your name, title of your proposal, your major/minors, and the name of the AAAD faculty member who is supervising/mentoring the work.
  • Statement of Purpose (1-2 pages double spaced)—Include a brief description of the project, what the money will be used for, a timeline for completion of the project, and the value/impact of the project (for you or others).
  • Proposed BudgetUsing this spreadsheet, list all items for which funding will be spent and the total requested (maximum of $750).


Spring 2023 applications are due by 11:59pm on Friday, March 31, 2023.  Students who have an urgent or time-sensitive need for research and development funding at other times of the year should contact the AAAD Studies Center Director for guidance.

Proposal Evaluation and Notification

A multi-disciplinary faculty committee will review proposals under the following criteria: 

  • Description of the project and its value for the student (or others)
  • Appropriateness of the timeline and budget
  • Overall quality of proposal

Recipients of funding will be notified by early- to mid- April 2023. 


At the completion of program-funded activities, a brief written report of accomplishments must be submitted to the Director of the AAAD Studies Center no later than Friday, September 15, 2023. All expenses must be paid before this date. The report should include a description of outcomes, value, and impact of the project (for the student or others).

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