In CARS, we think of the assessment process as an ongoing cycle, in which assessment of student learning outcomes is used to improve programming. Student learning outcomes are things we want students (or program participants) to know, think, or do upon completing the offered program. For more information on the assessment cycle, see the resources below. The following sections include resources for each step of the cycle.
JMU Rubrics/Instruments
- JMU Integrative Critical Thinking Rubric
- JMU Writing Rubric
- JMU Rubric for Academic Presentations
- JMU Student Opinion Scale (SOS)
Please see our Examples of Learning Improvement for examples of how JMU programs have used assessment result to improve their courses, activities, and other programming components.
Assessment Cycle
Video: An Overview of the Assessment Cycle
Slides: Workshop on the Assessment Cycle
Step 1: Writing Learning Outcome Objectives
Video: Writing Objectives
Handout: Writing Clear Objectives, the ABCD Method
Handout: Common Mistakes in Writing Objectives
Handout: The Do’s and Dont’s of Objective Writing
Handout: Checklist for Effective Objectives
Slides: Objective Writing Workshop
Step 2: Mapping Objectives to Programming
Video: Program Theory
Video: Mapping Objectives to Program Components
Step 3: Selecting and/or Designing Instruments
Video: Selecting/Designing Instruments
Handout: Overview of Selecting/Designing Instruments
Handout: How to Find Pre-existing Instruments
Handout: Comprehensive Guide to Selecting and Designing Instruments
Slides: Overview of Writing Instrument Items
Slides: Item Writing Workshop
Video: Designing and Using Rubrics
Step 4: Collecting Data on Learning Outcomes and Implementation Fidelity
Video: Collecting Data on Learning Outcomes
Video: Evaluating Implementation Fidelity
Video: Introduction to Implementation Fidelity
Slides: Implementation Fidelity Workshop with an Applied Example
Article: Measuring Implementation Fidelity (Gerstner & Finney, 2013)
Article: Importance of Implementation Fidelity (Fisher, Smith, Finney, & Pinder, 2014)
Step 5: Analyzing Data
Video: Analyzing Student Learning Outcomes Data
Step 6: Using Assessment Results to Improve Programming and Learning Outcomes
Video: Using Assessment Results