General Education: The Human Community is the common core academic program of James Madison University, in which students come to understand how distinct disciplines look at the world from different vantage points. Courses in The Human Community are organized into five clusters, each emphasizing unique tools, rationales, and methodologies. Taken together, courses in a student's chosen major and The Human Community complement and complete each other. Both are integral and essential components of a student's full and proper education.
In the Liberal Arts tradition, General Education: The Human Community aspires to create informed global citizens of the 21st century. We challenge our community of students and faculty to engage in personal and collective reflection, development, and action.
Assessing General Education
CARS provides support for the development and refinement of Program goals and objectives. One of the most important roles of CARS is to work with Dr. Margaret Mulrooney, Senior Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Curriculum, Office of VPFAC; the five Area Coordinators and committees; and faculty to design ways to assess General Education at JMU. CARS faculty serve as liaisons and active members to each Area Committee and the General Education Council.
CARS Liaisons
Madison Foundations
- Dr. Yu Bao, Assessment Liaison, bao2yx@jmu.edu
Arts and Humanities
- Dr. John Hathcoat, Assessment Liaison, hathcojd@jmu.edu
The Natural World
- Dr. John Hathcoat, Assessment Liaison, hathcojd@jmu.edu
The Sociocultural and Wellness Area
- Dr. Yu Bao, Assessment Liaison, bao2yx@jmu.edu
American and Global Perspectives
- Dr. Christine DeMars, Assessment Liaison, demarsce@jmu.edu