CARS alumni, faculty, and students at NERA 2023


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Here at JMU's Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS), we are committed to supporting quality assessment on campus, including a new ‘exploratory’ approach to our work as we begin collecting learning data from graduating seniors at JMU (while keeping our Assessment Day data collection efforts). Our ‘secret sauce’ is integrating our work with the Assessment and Measurement program. This synergy brings a scholarly lens to our work and allows us to support graduate student travel to assessment conferences.

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In the 2023-2024 academic year, our faculty and graduate students achieved remarkable success, publishing thirteen (13) papers, presenting at twenty-six (26) conference sessions, leading four (4) workshops, and being invited to give three (3) talks. We're excited to aim even higher in the 2024-25 academic year.

Three JMU CARS memebers in from of conference slide 

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