Having a chance to practice interviewing will improve your performance in an actual interview.

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All JMU students and alumni can use BigInterview to conduct free, online practice interviews with a webcam. You will have access to frequently asked interview questions, or you can choose your own questions, or you can select a prepared interview. You can record yourself responding to each question, retry, and review the final product to improve your performance.

Features and benefits of using BigInterview include
  • Convenience: You can practice online, any time of the day or night, from the comfort of your own room.
  • Interview Questions Specific to your Field: You have the option of conducting an interview with questions that are specific to your future career field. This allows you to create your own practice interview related to Business, Education, Technology, Sciences, Health Care, Communications, Art, Non-Profit, Social Services, Military, Recreation, and more.
  • Expert Advice: BigInterview also offers tutorials where recruiters provide advice and strategies for answering difficult interview questions and making the best impression in the interview, overall.
  • Getting Feedback: After you conduct a practice interview on BigInterview you’ll have a video of the entire interview that you can access later. You can send anyone (professors, family members, friends, mentors) the link to this video and ask for their feedback on your responses and non-verbal communication. You also have the option of reviewing the final video yourself and revisiting any of your responses to improve your performance.

If you are having technical difficulties, check out the BigInterview Support page or the BigInterview Student Guide. You can also use the chat function within BigInterview or email support@biginterview.com. If you are still having difficulty, email Libby Westley at westleek@jmu.edu

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