Anderson, R., Fulcher, K. H., & Orem, C. D. (2011, December). Assessing Student Learning: A Beginner’s Workshop. Workshop for the SACSCOC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Bandalos, D. L. (April, 2011). A general framework for assessing differential item functioning using factor mixture models. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Barron, K. E., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, August). Introduction to Motivation Theory, Motivation Planning, and Motivation Assessment. Workshop for the Department of Developmental Mathematics, South Texas College, McAllen, TX.
Barron, K. E., Hulleman, C. S., & Kolvoord, B. (2011, March). The role of motivational planning and assessment: How to create STEM classrooms and programs that attract, engage, and retain students. Workshop presented at the Engaged STEM Learning conference sponsored by the American Association of College and Universities and Project Kaleidoscope, Miami, FL, March 24-26.
Bashkov, B., Finney, S. J., & Kopp, J. P. (2011, May). Measuring entitlement: Evaluating existing and new validity evidence for the Psychological Entitlement Scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
Bashkov, B. M., & Finney, S. J. (2011, October). Is psychological entitlement really stable over time? An empirical investigation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Bashkov, B., Finney, S. J., & Kopp, J. P. (2011, May). Measuring entitlement: Evaluating existing and new validity evidence for the Psychological Entitlement Scale. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Sciences, Washington, DC.
Bradshaw, L. (2011, June). Psychometric tools for analyses of wrong answers in multiple choice tests. In E. Taleporos, (Chair) Analyses of wrong answers in multiple choice tests. Symposium conducted at the Council of Chief State School Officers’ National Conference on Student Assessment in Orlando, FL.
Brophy, S. & Sundre, D. L. (2011, January). Assessing Student Achievement and Outcomes. An invited workshop for the 2011 Invited CCLI/TUES NSF Principal Investigators Conference. Washington DC.
Brown, A., & Finney, S. J. (2011, May). An examination of the construct validity of the Hong Psychological Reactance Scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
Brown, J., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, September). Early Childhood Hands-On Science: The Development, implementation and evaluation of a preschool science curriculum. Paper presented at the Fall Conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
Casto, K. V., Zilberberg, A., Harmison, R.J., & Llobet, J. (2011, May). Psychological portrait of a champion: Dimensionality of the Winning Profile Athlete Inventory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
Coleman, C., Bandalos, D., & Cho, S.J. (2011, April). Measuring method effects associated with negative wording. Paper presented at the 2011 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Coleman, C., & Bandalos, D.L. (October, 2011). A (Cautionary) Tale of Two Testing Sessions: Administration Effects in Educational Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Coleman, C. M., Marsh, K. R., & Fulcher, K. H. (2011, December). Reimagining Standards for Student Competency: A Standard-Setting Approach. Presentation for the SACSCOC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
Finney, S. J. (2011, July). An Overview of Basic and Intermediate Structural Equation Modeling Techniques. Invited two-day workshop for the Educational Testing Services (ETS), Princeton, NJ.
Finney, S. J. (2011, January). An Introduction to Latent Growth Modeling. Invited training session for The College Board, Newtown, PA.
Finney, S. J. & Pastor, D. A. (2011, October) Longitudinal Modeling from Two Perspectives: SEM & HLM. Invited training session at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Flake, J. K., Barron, K. E., Hulleman, C., Lazowski, R., Grays, M., & Fessler, D. (2011, May). Evaluating cost: The forgotten component of Expectancy-Value Theory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
France, M. K., Pastor, D. A., Zilberberg, A., & Roberts, R. D. (2011, April). Latent Profile Analysis of Test Anxiety: Are There Different Types of Test Anxious Examinees? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Fulcher, K. H. (2011, March). Keynote presentation to University of North Carolina-Greensboro faculty on rubric development and course-embedded assessment. Student Learning Enhancement Workshops for Faculty. Greensboro, NC.
Fulcher, K., Lau, A., Miller. B. J., Siegert, K., Moore, D. & Sundre, D. L. (2011, October). Assessment in higher education: For the good of society. Invited panel at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Fulcher, K. H., Sundre, D. L., Orem, C. D., & Rodgers M. M. (2011, December). Evaluating the Quality of Academic Degree Program Assessment. Workshop for the SACSCOC Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Gerstner, J. J., & Pastor, D. A. (2011, November). A second look at the structural validity of the Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy: A replication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Gerstner, J., Swain, M., Sundre, S., McCoy, T., & Finney, S. J., (2011, June). Why Doesn’t My Transfer Orientation Work? The Importance of Assessing Program Implementation. Invited half-day workshop for the annual meeting of NASPAs Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas.
Gerstner, J. J. & Pastor, D. A. (2011, May). A factor analytic study of the Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
Harackiewicz, J. M., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, January). The interaction of achievement motives, purpose goals, andtarget goals: Testing the matching hypothesis. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Harackiewicz, J. M., Rozek, C., Hyde, J. S., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, April). Promoting parents’ utility value conversations with their teens: An experimental test. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Horst, S.J., Finney, S.J. & Enders, C. K. (2011, April). Exploring examinee motivation in a low-stakes testing context. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Hulleman, C. S. (2011, January). Relevance and Motivation: Using Theory and Research to Make a Difference in the Real World. Invited colloquia for the Department of Psychology, University of Miami.
Hulleman, C. S. (2011, February). Relevance and Motivation: Using Theory and Research to Make a Difference in the Real World. Invited colloquia for the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education.
Hulleman, C. S., & Barron, K. E. (2011, December). The role of motivational planning and assessment: How to create classrooms that engage students. Workshop for the Faculty Senate, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
Hulleman, C. S. (2011, September). Conceptualizing intervention fidelity: Implications for measurement, design, and analysis. Paper presented at the Fall Conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
Jurich, D. P (May, 2011). Measuring Interpersonal Problem Solving in Criminal Offenders: The Influence of Method Effects. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Jurich, D. P., & DeMars, C. E. (2011, October). Classification accuracy of IRT models at small sample sizes: Exploring the role of model selection. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Point, Connecticut.
Jurich, D., & Koepfler, J. (2011, April). Applying missing data techniques to the treatment of rapid responding. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, New Orleans.
Jurich, D.P., DeMars, C.E., & Goodman, J. T. (2011, April) Investigating the Impact of Cheating on IRT Equating under the Non-equivalent Anchor Test Design. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, New Orleans.
Kopp, J. P., & Finney, S. J. (2011, October). Building the nomological net of academic entitlement: Metacognition, help-seeking, and GPA. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Kopp, J. P. & Finney, S. J. (2011, May). Linking academic entitlement and compliance: Measurement invariance and latent mean differences. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Kopp, J. P., Finney, S. J., Zinn, T. E., & Jurich, D. P. (2011, February). Measuring entitlement in higher education. Poster presented at the annual Virginia Council of Graduate Students, Richmond, VA.
Kopp, J. P., Jurich, D. P., Goodman, J., Becker, K. (2011, April). An application of assessment engineering methods to item families. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, New Orleans, LA.
Kosovich, J., Durik, A. M., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, November). Boosting High Success Expectancy Student Performance: Effects of Utility and Goal Manipulations. Poster presented at the Southwest Consorti um for Innovative Psychology in Education (SCIPIE) conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
Lee, M.R., Pastor, D.A., Wu, A., Yi, S., & Campbell, A. (2011, March). How should faculty teach about diversity in the classroom? Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, March 26, 2011, Tarrytown, New York.
Lovin, L., Russell, J., Schultz, K., & Anderson R. (2011, January) A Mixed Methods Approach to Developing an Assessment of Preservice Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Invited training session at the annual meeting of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Education, Irvine, CA.
Marsh, K. R., Finney, S. J., Anderson, R., & Zilberberg, A. (2011, April). The role of students’ attitudes on the validity of institutional accountability test scores: A path model. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council of Measurement in Education, New Orleans, LA.
Marsh, K. R. & Pastor, D. A. (2011, May). Stanovich and West’s (2007) Actively Open-Minded Thinking Scale: Anexamination of factor structure. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
Marsh, R. K., & Pastor, D. A. (2011, November). Apathy or indecision: An examination of characteristics that influence endorsement of a midpoint response. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Marsh, K. R. & Pastor, D. A. (2011, May). Stanovich and West’s (2007) Actively Open-Minded Thinking Scale: Anexamination of factor structure. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
McCoy, T., Swain, M., Gerstner, J., & Finney, S.J. (2011, June). Yes, it is possible! Completing the assessment cycle in one year. Paper presented at NASPA’s annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
McCoy-Ntiamoah, T. A., Swain, M. S., Gerstner, J. J., & Finney, S. J. (2011, November). Committing to quality program assessment: Building capacity to assess program effectiveness in one year. Presented at the Virginia Assessment Group Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Morsch, M., Patterson, H., Orem, C., & Hulleman, C. S. (2011, February).Transitioning into the Major: Career PlanningCourses and Career Decision Self-Efficacy. The 30th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience, Atlanta, GA.
Pastor, D. A., France, M. K, Zilberberg, A., & Roberts, R. D. (2011, April). Latent Profile Analysis of Test Anxiety: Are There Different Types of Test Anxious Examinees? Presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Pierrakos, O., Casto, K., Chase, B., Nagel, J., Watson, H., & Anderson, R.D. (2011, March). Understanding the development of the engineering identity: From identifying with engineering to becoming an engineer. Poster session for the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Awardees Conference. Reston, VA.
Pierrakos, O., Zilberberg, A., Samonte, K., Anderson, R.D., & Nagel, J. (2011, March). On complex problem solving: From relevance to research to practice. Poster session for the National Science Foundation Engineering Education Awardees Conference. Reston, VA.
Rodgers, M., & Stoloff, M., (2011, June) Using transcript analyses for curriculum mapping, capacity building, and retention. Poster presented at the NASPA’s annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas.
Rodgers, M.M. & Jurich, D.P. (2011, June). What factors drive improvements in program Assessment? An exploration Using mixed methods. Paper presented at NASPA’s annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas.
Samonte., K. M., & Pastor, D. A. (2011, May). An exploratory factor analysis of the Global Perspectives Inventory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
Samonte., K. M., & Pastor, D. A. (2011, November). Continuous and categorical exploratory factor analyses of the Sense of Identity scale. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Smiley, W.F., Anderson, R.D., & Moghtader, M. (2011, March). Measuring the ineffable: Assessing aesthetic knowledge in general education. Presentation for the Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal Conference, Chicago, IL.
Sundre, D. L. (2011, January). Advancing Assessment of Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning: Year 4. A poster session presented at the 2011 Invited CCLI/TUES NSF Principal Investigators Conference. Washington, DC.
Sundre, D. L. (2011, May). Linking research to public policy: The missing link. Keynote presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Sundre, D. L. (2011, August). Assessing Quantitative Literacy. Invited panel for the Mathematics Association of America—Mathfest 2011. Lexington, KY.
Sundre, D. L. (2011, November). Assessment: Creating a culture of caring. Presented at the Virginia Assessment Group Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Sundre, D. L., Zane, T., Garcia, A., Vittengl, K. & Schnitz, J. (2011, October). Working models of campus-wide assessment: Suggestions from the field. Organizer, presenter and chair for a concurrent workshop for IUPUI Assessment Institute. Indianapolis, IN.
Swain, M., Fulcher, K., & Yang, S. (2011, June). Communicating Expectations of Good Assessment: An evaluation of trends across the Nation. Presented at NASPA’s annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Swain, M. S., Sundre, D. A., Gerstner, J. J., McCoy-Ntiamoah, T. A., & Finney, S. J. (2011, November). What your assessment plan is missing: Assessing program implementation. Presented at Virginia Assessment Group Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.
Waugh, T., & Anderson, R. (2011, June). ABQ Scale validation: Implications for assessing Alternative Break Programs. Poster presented at NASPAs annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas.
Waugh, T., & Anderson, R. (2011, May). Items behaving badly: Problems with assessing Interpersonal Relationships. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC.
Young, W. & Finney, S. J. (2011, June). Partnering with purpose: Strategies for creating students affairs assessment process and investment. Presented at NASPA’s annual Assessment & Persistence Conference, Las Vegas.
Zilberberg, A., Swerdzewski, P., Anderson, R., Finney, S. J., & Marsh, K. R. (2011, October). Growing up with No Child Left Behind: Creating a measure of college students’ knowledge of accountability testing in K-12. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.
Zilberberg, A. & Pastor D. A. (2011, February). Detecting Autistic Traits in a Non-Clinical Population: Dimensionality of the Short Version of Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ-26). Poster presented at Graduate Student Research Forum held by the Virginia Council of Graduate Schools (VCGS), Richmond, VA.
Zilberberg, A., Anderson, R., Finney, S. J., & Marsh, K. R. (2011, April). Students’ attitudes towards large-scale testing forinstitutional accountability mandates: Developing a measure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.