Bandalos, D.L., & *Gerstner, J.J. (2013, October). Structural Equation Modeling Methods for Assessing Measurement Invariance. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.

Bandalos, D.L. (June, 2013). Introduction to structural equation modeling. Training session presented at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Bandalos, D.L., & * Lazowski, R. (2013, August).  When to use (or not to use) latent variable models. Paper presented as the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Bandalos, D. L., & *Kopp, J. P. (2013, May). Using the bifactor model in scale construction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D. C.

*Bashkov, B. & Finney, S. J. (2013, April). How does entitlement change throughout the college career? A longitudinal mean and covariance structures analysis. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Finney, S. J. & *Gerstner, J. (2013, Dec). How Do I Use Assessment Results? The Utility of Implementation Fidelity Data for Program Improvement. Invited workshop at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, Atlanta, GA.

Finney, S. J. & *Gerstner, J. (2013, Jan). Implementation Fidelity—What? Why? How? Invited workshop for the Center for Faculty Innovation, James Madison University.

Finney, S. J. & *Foelber, K.  (2013). Quantitative Psychology: Why You Should Consider This Field of Study. Invited address to psychology students. Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.

Finney, S. J. & Pastor, D.A. (2013, April). Working with the principles of cognitive processing: The power of visual displays to convey statistical information. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Finney, S. J., & Pastor, D. A. (2013). Working with, not against, the principles of cognitive processing: The power of visual displays to convey statistical information. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.

*Fisher, R. C., *Smith, K. L., *Pinder, K. E., & Finney, S. J. (2013, Oct). Showcasing the utility of implementation fidelity to evaluate educational programing. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.

*Fisher, R. C., *Gerstner, J. J., & Bandalos, D. L. (2013, May). A review and analysis of scale development procedures in psychology and education. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.

*Gerstner, J. J., & Bandalos, D. L. (2013, May). An evaluation of the use of exploratory factor analysis in scale development. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.

*Harris, H. & Horst, S.J. (October, 2013). Investigating underrepresented students’ academic outcomes: Using multiple matching techniques. Paper presentation at the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Rocky Hill, CT.

Hathcoat, J.D. (2013, February). Analyzing Assessment Data: Setting Standards.  Faculty Development Workshop, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Hathcoat, J.D., & Penn, J.D. (2013, June). Written communication as a source of construct-irrelevant variance in critical thinking assessment.  Paper presented at Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.

*Hopkins D.N., *Swain M.S., *Williams L.M., Finney S.J., & Sundre D.L. (2013, May). Investigating the dimensionality of test-taking motivation across consequential test conditions. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington D.C.

Horst, S.J., Huff, K., Patelis, T., & Young, J. (October, 2013). Where is the field going and how do I get there? Invited Panel and the Graduate Student Issues Committee Session of the Northeastern Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Rocky Hill, CT.

 Horst, S.J. (June, 2013). Assessment at James Madison University. Invited presentation to participants of the Riva Institute for Assessment in Higher Education. Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.

Horst, S.J. & Leaman, L. (March, 2013).  Invited focus group workshop on student experiences with research projects.  Student participants discussed the benefits of conducting scientific research, the higher order cognitive skills that they perceive being involved with conducting research, and factors that contribute to the success or lack of success of a project.  Eastern Mennonite University: Harrisonburg, VA.

 Horst, S.J., & Miller, B.J. (April, 2013) Assessment 101: Getting the most out of your objectives, Mapping & Measuring, and Course-Embedded Assessment.  Invited day-long workshop to participants of VCCS Mid-Central Region Center for Teaching Excellence. Rappahanock Community College, Warsaw, VA.

 *Jurich, D .P., & DeMars, C. (2013, October). Evaluating Limited-Information Goodness-of-fit Indices in Assessing Multidimensional Item Response Models. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association annual conference. Rocky Hill, CT.

*Jurich, D.P., & DeMars, C.E. (2013, April).  Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Dichotomous Data: Does Unmodeled Guessing Affect Fit and Parameter Recovery? Poster Presented at the National Council of Measurement and Education, San Francisco CA.

*Kopp, J. P. & Finney, S. J. (2013, Oct). The impact of missingness on higher education assessment growth estimates. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Rocky Hill, CT.

*Kopp, J. P., Pastor, D. A., & Patelis, T. (2013). Examining school-level variation in the relationship between PSAT/NMSQT scores and AP examination grades. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association.

*Kopp, J.,* Williams, L. , Sundre, D. L., & Thomas, S.. (2013, May). Work Life Satisfaction Survey: L&ET Balanced Scorecard Committee. 2nd Annual Library & Educational Technologies Assessment Presentations. Carrier Library: Harrisonburg, VA.

Kratz, J.A., *Panizo, M.,* Hart, V., & Horst, S.J. (November, 2013). Student success:  Identifying academically at-risk international students. Presentation at the NAFSA: Association of International Educators Annual Conference.  Pittsburgh, PA.

*MacDonald, S.K., *Williams, L.M., *Lazowski, R.A., Horst, S.J., & Barron, K.E. (October, 2013). Faculty attitudes towards assessment: A mixed methods study using motivation theory. Paper presentation at the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Rocky Hill, CT.

*Panizo, M., Kratz, J.A, *Hart, V., & Horst, S.J. (October, 2013). Non-cognitive factors that identify academically at-risk international students. Paper presentation at the Northeastern Educational Research Association. Rocky Hill, CT.

Pastor, D.A. (2013, April 11) Webinar – “Considerations in Evaluating, Selecting, and Developing Data Sources and Measures,” Institute of Education Sciences webinar delivered to members of Regional Educational Laboratories.

Penn, J.D., & Hathcoat, J.D. (2013, June). Politically incorrect assessment: Exploring assessment’s lighter side.  Paper presented at Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference, Lexington, KY.

Penn, J.D., & Hathcoat, J.D. (2013, April). Mission Possible: Aligning assessment with your institutional mission statement..  Paper presented at the Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 

*Pyburn, L., Horst, S.J., Kratz, J.A., & Erbacher, M.K. (November, 2013). Country of origin and help-seeking: Does one size fit all?  Poster presentation at the Virginia Assessment Group Annual Meeting.  Roanoke, VA.


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