Amato, H., Good, M. R., *Smith, K.L., & Fulcher, K.H. (2014, December). Developing an Assessment Culture: Strategic Approaches to Faculty Development in Assessment. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) in Nashville, TN

Bandalos, D.L. (June, 2014). Introduction to structural equation modeling. Training session presented at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Erbacher, M.K., & *Swain, M.S. (2014, October). A Hands-on Intro to R. Workshop presented at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Erbacher, M. K., *Harris, H. D., & *Pinder, K. E.  (2014, October). Creating and Maintaining a Professional Web Presence. Workshop presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

Finney, S.J. & Pastor, D. A. (2014, Nov). Promoting the Use of Path Diagrams in Quantitative Research and Teaching. Invited address to the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 

*Foelber, K. J. (2014, September). Quantitative Psychology & Graduate School: My Experiences. Invited address to undergraduate psychology students and faculty. Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA

*Foelber, K.J., Horst, S.J., & Erbacher, M.K. (2014, October). Examining the factor structure of the civic-mindedness scale. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

Fulcher, K.H., *Rodgers-Good, M., *Smith, K.L., & Coleman, C. (2014, December). Evidence of Improved Student Learning: Unpacking Comprehensive Standard Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) in Nashville, TN

Fulcher, K.H., Good, M.R., & Coleman, C. (2014, December). Evaluating the Quality of Academic Degree Program Assessment. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) in Nashville, TN

*Gerstner, J.J., & Bandalos, D.L. (2014, April). Using factor mixture models to identify response styles associated with negatively keyed items. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA

*Harris, H. D., Mathers, C. E., Sauder, D. C., & Horst, S. J.  (2014, October). An investigation of the dimensionality and measurement properties of the revised interpersonal and problem-solving scale. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

Hawkins, P., & *Smith, K.L. (2014, September). Opening the Black Box of Assessment Practice: An Introduction to Implementation Fidelity. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Division of Student Affairs and University Planning. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Hazard, G., Clarke, K., & Horst, S.J. (2014, September). Coming to terms with your assessment disorder: How to embrace assessment to improve liberal education pedagogy.  Invited pre-conference workshop at the Association of General and Liberal Studies 2014 Annual Conference: Atlanta, GA

Hazard, G., & Horst, S.J. (2014, November). Creating effective assessment reports. Invited Pecha Kucha presentation with discussion. Virginia Assessment Group, Norfolk, VA.

Horst, S. J. (2014, September). What is Quantitative Psychology? Invited address to undergraduate psychology students and faculty. Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA

*Johnston, M.M., & Pastor, D.A. (2014, October). Identifying examinees who guess on low-stakes tests: An application of the extended HYBRID model. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

McCleve, M., & Hathcoat, J. D. (2014, September). A New Tool for Assessment in Student Affairs and University Planning (Intermediate/Advanced Level). Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Division of Student Affairs and University Planning. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Pastor, D.A. (2014, August). Modeling item response profiles using factor models, latent class models, and latent variable hybrids. Webinar presented for the Northeastern Educational Research Association.

*Pinder, K.E. & Bandalos, D.L. (2014, October). The effects of categorized data on coefficient alpha. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

 *Pyburn, E.M., Horst, S.J., & Erbacher, M. (2014, October). International student success: An application of cluster analysis to predict GPA. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

 *Pyburn, E.M., *Johnston, M., Horst, S.J., & Hathcoat, J. D. (2014, October). A psychometric evaluation of the Miami University Diversity Awareness Subscales. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

Richmond, C., Heilbrun., A., Hill, C., Arredondo, B.C., Kent, J.A., & Marcopulos, B. (2014, August). The Utility of Neuropsychology in a Psychiatric Impatient Setting: Discharge Summaries. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

*Sanders, C., *Miesen, C., & Hathcoat, J. D. (2014, October). Motivation filtering: A comparison of test-specific versus global measures of student effort. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

*Sanders, C.B. & Horst, S.J. (2014, November). Developing performance assessments.  Workshop presented to the Office of Student Accountability and Restorative Practices and James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

Sequeira, S. N. (2014, September). How Quantitative Psychology can improve your research. Invited address to undergraduate psychology students and faculty. Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.

*Sessoms, J.C. & Finney, S.J. (2014, October). Predicting change in examinee effort on low-stakes tests. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

*Smith, K.L., *Bashkov, B.M., & Fulcher, K.H. (2014, October). Assessing Attitudes toward Ethical Reasoning: Examining the Factor Structure of the Survey of Ethical Reasoning. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT

Sundre, D. L. (October, 2014). Developing/using assessment instruments and approaches. Invited session for WASC Senior Colleges and University Commission Retreat on Core Competencies: Quantitative Reasoning and Assessment in the Majors. Pomona, CA

Sundre, D. L. (October, 2014). Designing a mature quantitative reasoning assessment plan in the major. Invited session for WASC Senior Colleges and University Commission Retreat on Core Competencies: Quantitative Reasoning and Assessment in the Majors. Pomona, CA

Sundre, D. L., Ball, T., Hazard, G, Horst, S. J. & Burnett, R. (2014, November). The Test of Oral Communication Skills, version 2 (TOCS-2). Presentation at Virginia Assessment Group Annual Conference: Norfolk, VA.

Sundre, D. L., Clarke, K., *Swanson, M., *Jacovidis, J. & *Strickman, S. (2014, November). Information Literacy Assessment: A Case Study in Collaboration. Presentation at Virginia Assessment Group Annual Conference: Norfolk, VA.

*Swain, M.S. (2014, October). The effects of a planned missingness design on examinee motivation and psychometric quality. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT.

*Williams, L.M., & *Swanson, M.R. (2014, October). But it doesn’t count: A mixed-methods investigation of student test-taking motivation in low-stakes testing. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northeastern Educational Research Association, Trumbull, CT.

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