Office/Department: Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) Office
Vice President: Dr. Tim Miller
Supervisor: Carson Lonett, Executive Advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs
Number of assistantships available: 1

Mission Statement: To engage all students in accessible and inclusive learning, growth and personal development opportunities and experiences.

Functional areas included in this department: Website

Students who participate in this experience in the following areas:

  • Observation and general experience with Student Affairs Leadership, leadership team discussions, decision-making and operations.
  • Project management & event planning: Plan and implement campus-wide events such as speaker series, receptions, and engagement opportunities (examples may include: student visits with campus speakers, Parent’s Receptions/engagement opportunities, division-wide meetings).
  • Supervision of two student assistants.
  • Lead and co-facilitate student affairs cohort learning experiences.
  • Coordinate and strategize around new initiatives proposed by the Vice President for Student Affairs Leadership Team (examples may include: campus packs, vice president engagement, division-wide
  • Division and University wide committee involvement including the SAPros,
    Communications Council, president-level councils, graduation, and advisory boards.
  • Statewide and national group involvement (NASPA-VA, NASPA-VA SSAOs, NASPA-VA
    COS, and others)
  • Review and engage with Division and University wide policy and procedures

Students who participate in this experience will be exposed to the purposeful application of the following student development, career development, counseling and/or organizational theories:

  • Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
  • Perry & Kohlberg – Cognitive Development Theory
  • Organizational Frames Theory
  • Theory of Self-Authorship

Students assigned to this site will be able to participate in the following assessment and/or evaluation projects:

  • Participation in assessment of all programs by creating, implementing, and analyzing instruments and results for each program

Students who participate in this experience will be evaluated and provided on-going
feedback in the following ways:

  • Individual weekly meetings with supervisor
  • Individual monthly meetings with Vice President (if desired)
  • Mid semester learning goal check-in with supervisor
  • Semester formal evaluation with supervisor
  • 360 Evaluation process (if desired)

Specific expectations of students assigned to this site include:

  • Arrive early for office training, date TBD.
  • Create and maintain consistent 20 hours/week schedule. Some flexibility in the
    beginning of the semester (August).
  • 1-2 hours dedicated for professional development opportunities (non-project time). This would be determined by student and supervisor.
  • Participate as a team member of Vice President for Student Affairs Office Team including attending weekly briefing meetings, establishing and maintaining office hours.
  • Attend required committee meetings.
  • Complete assigned projects.
  • Collaborate with other offices in the development of programs.
  • Uphold office professionalism standards.

Contact Person

Carson Lonett
Executive Advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President for Student Affairs Office
Alumnae Hall 106, MSC 7604 | 540-568-5685

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