
The rationale and need for the certificate program is based in the variety of routes through which many individuals enter the Student Affairs profession. Basic entry-level requirements for a position in Student Affairs include a master’s degree – preferably in the field of counseling, student personnel services, higher education administration, or a comparable discipline. However, many individuals enter the profession with academic preparation in other disciplines and advance in the field based upon their experience. While these professionals are adept in their management skills, they may lack an educational/developmental focus in performing their duties. The certificate program is designed to educate student affairs professionals regarding “how” and “why” students develop during their college years. Equipped with this training these student affairs professionals will be better able to construct learning/developmental outcomes and design programs that will intentionally facilitate such learning and development.


The certificate program in College Student Personnel Administration (CSPA) is designed as a professional development series for professionals working in Student Affairs on a college campus. It is a twelve credit-hour program that addresses the core knowledge, theories, and philosophical foundations of the Student Affairs profession. Student Affairs professionals who have completed a master’s degree in a discipline outside of CSPA are admitted to this program and introduced to the specialized knowledge and practice inherent in the profession. The certificate program is comprised of courses in college student development, student personnel services, professional issues in student services, and an approved elective in the area of either administration or counseling/student development (based upon the student’s previous training). All classes are taught in a traditional classroom setting. No online options are available.

Courses of Study

Students should refer to the JMU graduate catalog for comprehensive course information.

Application to the Certificate Program

Applicants are required to be currently employed in higher education or Student Affairs before an application is submitted. Students who wish to apply to the Post-Master's Certificate Program in College Student Personnel Administration must submit the items listed on this website to the Graduate School:

Applications are accepted once a year. The deadline for applications is January 15th for admission beginning fall semester.

Questions and additional information:

Dr. Steve Grande
Director, CSPA Program
James Madison University
MSC 7401
Phone: 540-568-3433

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