The Health Administration Student Association (HASA) is a professional organization focused on improving our skills and forming a helpful network within our program. We do this by holding biweekly meetings where we will be discussing various important topics in health care related to our major. In addition, HASA invites many exceptional speakers such as Chief Operating Officers, graduate school admission directors, and more. We will be holding community service and social events to allow everyone to make connections within the organization. HASA offers several ways to be involved, including serving on the executive board of the association. The positions range from President to Social Chair. Additionally, through HASA we have created an organization called HSA Connections. Here upperclassmen are paired with underclassmen, and they will share their knowledge and will help guide their underclassmen through their years here at JMU. It is a great way to meet people and a great networking tool for all students. There are opportunities for everyone in HASA!
Our goals this year are to increase attendance, make meetings meaningful to our members, and to incorporate the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) into HASA. These goals are intended to be supportive throughout your JMU career both professionally and socially. One of the newest additions to HASA is focusing more on ACHE. This is an international professional society consisting of 40,000 students and executives in the field. Through the organization opportunities to attend networking, education, and career development meetings in the central Virginia area are available. We plan on connecting you with this valuable organization and its influential members.
HASA hopes you consider joining our organization! It is the only on-campus association that is geared specifically for Health Administration students. It has led to many opportunities and new friendships for our members. If interested, please contact the organization via Hope to see you at the meetings!