CISR's Mission, Vision, and Values 

cisr-logo-only.jpgMission: The Center for International Stabilization and Recovery helps communities affected by conflict and trauma through innovative and reliable research, training, information exchange, and direct services.

Vision: As a global leader in connecting people, resources and ideas, CISR envisions peaceful and prosperous futures for communities impacted by conflict.

Values: Knowledge and expertise, analysis, innovation, integrity, partnerships

About CISR (pronounced "scissor")

past-issues.jpgOur work improves lives and communities. Every day, CISR works around the world with post-conflict communities to promote recovery, rebuilding and resilience.

Since its founding at James Madison University (JMU) in 1996, CISR has been dedicated to understanding and overcoming global conflict. We work with faculty, staff, and students at James Madison University to bring best practices and research to the field. This website is central to all of that growth. Here, you can learn about our

... and much more. Please explore our site to learn more about our projects and programs, and see how you can help us improve lives. 

youtube-logo-hd-50px.jpgListen to stories from CISR's former directors to gather perspectives on the founding and growth of CISR over the years (links go to YouTube):

dennis.jpg 1996-2009: Founding Director COL (ret.) Dennis Barlow 
Ken 2010 -2019: Dr. Ken Rutherford

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