Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellows act as representatives of the GCFE across campus to spread the
entrepreneurial mindset to students in their respective colleges.
Students are encouraged to reach out to their EFF to explore their idea and what GCFE opportunities are
available to them. The goal is to bring more students, from diverse backgrounds and fields of study, into
the entrepreneurial ecosystem to foster innovation and new venture development.
Faculty Fellows
The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.
Name | Department | |
Christopher Bachman | CISE | bachmacg@jmu.edu |
Jamie Calcagno-Roach | JMU Libraries | calcagjm@jmu.edu |
Dymph de Wild | Art, Design and Art History | dewilddg@jmu.edu |
Parama Chaudhuri | COE | chaudhpx@jmu.edu |
Laura Taalman | CSM | taalmala@jmu.edu |
Isaac Wang | CISE | wangid@jmu.edu |
Donna Fickes | Hart School | fickesdj@jmu.edu |
Amanda Kellogg | SPCE | kellogao@jmu.edu |
Amy Strunk | COB | strunkal@jmu.edu |
Chen Guo | CAL | guo4cx@jmu.edu |