To support our commitment to excellence in sales education, the Center for Professional Sales actively conducts cutting-edge scientific research in the fields of professional selling, sales technology and sales management and leadership.

The fast-paced evolution and growth of sales presents many challenges to sales leaders and organizations today. Our faculty utilizes their expertise, sophisticated scientific analysis and keen research skills to provide practical, research-backed advice tailored to your organization's needs. These collaborations yield actionable findings to enhance sales effectiveness and we'll work with you every step of the way.

Research initiatives
  • Sales enablement
  • Salesperson resilience
  • Salesperson onboarding
  • Salesperson psychological resourcefulness
  • Salesperson retention
  • Sales leadership and coaching
  • Salesforce productivity
  • Salesforce well-being
  • Sales - marketing interface

Interested in learning more about academic research and opportunities for custom research within your organization? Please contact: 

Ali Anwar or Carissa Kim

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