In addition to our sales-driven role plays, competitions and networking opportunities, the CPS can help with no-cost certifications and assessments to optimize your career success from the very beginning.
Whether you are a marketing major with a future in sales or just need to hone your ability to present your ideas, we can help prepare you for the challenge.
Professional Sales Club
The JMU Professional Sales Club is a student organization that was established to help develop skills and knowledge in sales, advance careers and broaden networks through interactions with leading businesses and professionals. The club hosts resume workshops, corporate presentations and gatherings, LinkedIn tutorials, networking opportunities, job and internship fairs and more.
Advisor: Steve Kozak (
For more information email or visit their BeInvolved page.

“I have been taking advantage of the many opportunities and competitions associated with JMU's sales classes, the Center for Professional Sales and Professional Sales Club since my freshman year. As a result, I have learned valuable skills in sales and relationship building which have consistently translated into success at the internships I’ve completed.”
-Layne Balderson ('21)
Winner of JMU Sales Competition (Fall '19),
President of Professional Sales Club ('20),
Most Outstanding Female in Sales Award (‘21)

USCA Sales Certificate
Students who meet the certification requirements of the University Sales Center Alliance (USCA) are eligible for a USCA sales certificate when they graduate. This certification is open to all majors. To qualify, students should meet early in their junior year with one of the sales professors to discuss an individualized certificate plan.
SEF Career Development Program
Our affiliation with SEF allows students to take advantage of their Career Development Program which offers no-cost Chally assessments to university sales students to help them navigate the world of professional sales.