The Bachelor's of Individualized Study with a concentration in Inclusive Early Childhood Education is designed for students who have earned their transferable associate's degree and are working as instructional assistants. Completers of this program earn a bachelor's degree and are eligible for a Virginia teaching license in Early Childhood (grades PK-3) and Early Childhood Special Education (birth to age 5).


Who is Eligible?

  • Students with a transferable associate degree from a VCCS college.
    • A transferrable associate degree from any VCCS institution will provide the smoothest transition to BIS coursework.
    • Students accepted into the program without a transferable associate degree may have to complete general education requirements not transferred into JMU. Therefore, it is important to know that a student may have to take more courses in addition to their program courses. 
  • Students who have completed a minimum of 30 transferable college credits.
  • Students who want to work in Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, or PK-3 General Education.
  • Students who need an online program and are working as instructional assistants in PK-3 schools.

Field Experiences

  • Typically in a public school PK-3 inclusive classroom.
  • Student teach in a public school for eight weeks in an Early Childhood Special Education classroom (or Early Intervention) and eight weeks in a K-3 general education classroom.

Program Requirements

  • About 60 credit hours at JMU plus your transferrable associate's degree (or approved credit) will meet the 120 credit hours required for a bachelor's degree
  • Synchronous program courses
  • Passing scores on the following assessments are required for degree and licensure
    • ALEKS Math Assessment at JMU
    • Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects: (5001; subtests 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)
    • Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary (5205) 
B.I.S. Coordinator

Katie Shifflett

BIS Program Coordinator

Apply now!


For application instructions click here, or watch the video below.


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