If you are a current JMU student majoring or minoring in a College of Education program, use MyMadison Connect to schedule an advising appointment with your COE advisor.

Annette Fornadel

I am not a current ELED or IECE major, but I have general questions about one of these programs.
30 minute general

I want to change to major in ELED or IECE.


45 minute new to program

in-person virtual in-person virtual

If you would like to meet but are not currently a JMU student, please email the advisor directly to set up an advising meeting.forna2am@jmu.edu
Amber Loyacano

I am not a current ELED or SPED major, but I have general questions about one of these programs.
30 minute general

I want to change to major in ELED or SPED. 


45 minute new to program

in-person virtual in-person virtual

If you would like to meet but are not currently a JMU student, please email the advisor directly to set up an advising meeting.Email: loyacaae@jmu.edu
I am not currently in a middle or secondary program, but I have general questions about one of these programs. 
30 minute general

I want to change to a middle or secondary education program.
45 minute new to program

If you have any questions please email Dr. Dredger. Email: dredgemk@jmu.edu
Hannah Smith

30 minute meeting for new to minor advising and general questons

in-person virtual

If you would like to meet but are not currently a JMU student, please email the advisor directly to set up an advising meeting.Email: smit22hm@jmu.edu

*Note: If your program is not listed here, please refer to your program page.

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