Professor Emerita, Ed.D. Consultant, and Adjunct
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Degrees:
BA Psychological Services, Mary Baldwin College
M.Ed. School Psychology, James Madison University
Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Virginia
Professional Interests:
Inclusive Models of Education Globally
Teacher Resilience and Efficacy
Intervention Outcome Assessment
Laura has worked as a clinician and a researcher with individuals with disabilities and at risk from birth to geriatrics. She has served as a research and evaluation specialist focusing on treatment outcome assessment for a state human services agency, been a regional human services director, an inpatient pediatric clinician, and a special educator across a wide variety of settings. She has traveled extensively studying models of inclusive education as a means for enhancing social justice. She and her sociologist husband Carl are happy “empty nesters” living along the South River with their many critters and love working together on shared research interests.