A degree with a difference

The AHRD Master’s program gives program graduates a competitive edge when they enter the workplace. Our program provides both the theoretical grounding and practical experience necessary to design. develop, implement, and evaluate innovative and effective technology-infused learning programs. Our core curriculum ensures that students are prepared to work in the field, and our summer study abroad program builds skills in global competence and visual communication, both critical competencies in today’s job market.

Earn your Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) in Adult Education / Human Resource Development.

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Brittany Bilodeau

'This program gave me the opportunity to learn practical work skills so I don't just have one competency. When I interview for jobs and they ask if I have experience in various areas, I can answer yes.'

-Brittany Bilodeau ('16M)

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AHRD Faculty

Dr. Tabitha Coates

Assistant Professor


Dr. Oris Griffin

Associate Dean for Shared Equity and Student and Faculty Affairs & Professor (LTLE)


Dr. Amelia Underwood

Assistant Professor

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