Each year, a Model EU Simulation (MEU) enables students in the European Union Policy Studies program to develop and hone policy analysis, diplomacy, negotiation, team-building, and cross-cultural communication skills as they simulate several multilateral decision making processes by playing the roles of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) as well as European government representatives at the EU ministerial level, and members of the national and international press. The MEU simulation series is an intensive academic immersion into the processes of EU policy-making, spearheaded by EUPS faculty and supported by practitioners from the EU institutions, who share with the students their invaluable insider views about the day-to-day workings of the EU's most important institutions and the structural, organizational, ideological and political reasons behind each specific move by the Brussels politicians and administrators.

Working on actual EU legislative materials, under the guidance of a dedicated team of high level academics and EU professionals; stepping into the shoes of EU decision makers by representing parliamentarians and ministers from EU member states; having to negotiate solutions to the most controversial policy dilemmas of the day are all experiences which allow students to truly comprehend the inner workings of the European political system.

The final press conference, which sees the students put on the hat of journalists from the various national and international press agencies, newspapers and TVs helps to deepen a further relevant dimension of the policy process: the communication with the media, the national and global audiences and ultimately voters.

Past Simulation Topics
  • 2022: Food security, China & Taiwan
  • 2019-2021: Iran, Russia, the Arctic
  • 2017-2018: Crimea, Libya, Syria, Russia, Venezuela
  • 2016: Migratory Crisis, Syria and ISIL/Da'esh, Egypt, EU-Belarus Relations
  • 2015: Refugee crisis, Yemen, EU dialogue with Cuba
  • 2014: Eastern Partnership, Southern Neighbourhood, Africa relationship
  • 2013: Enlargement, Serbia, Ukraine, Syria
  • 2012: Southern Neighbourhood
  • 2009-2011: Climate change, energy efficiency, water pollution

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