Roughly monthly from August through May, our program offers virtual info sessions so that prospective students can learn more about the program from various perspectives.

At this panel session, faculty, current students, and graduates of JMU's M.A. program in Florence talk about the program and its concentration on European Union policy studies. After opening remarks by each panelist, the last 30 minutes of the session will be dedicated to question & answers with the audience.

  • Tuesday March 11, 2025 from 5-6pm Eastern Time
    • **Register for this info session and receive a link to the meeting. 

CONVERSATIONS with the Program Director via ZOOM 

To schedule a Zoom conversation about this graduate program with the director, go to The system will display the slots offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays of most weeks of the year. You can then pick a date and time and will receive a Zoom link via the e-mail that you provide.


JMU's M.A. program in political science is offered in JMU's facilities in Florence, Italy. This 10-month graduate program is framed inside and outside the classroom to prepare people for work in fields of practice associated with politics and policy – in policy advocacy, in government relations, in government agencies, and in nonprofit organizations engaged in policy research & advocacy. Many of the skills enhanced via this program -- including cross-cultural competencies, program design, stakeholder analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and others -- are also decidedly useful in the private sector & in other components of the nonprofit sector. Throughout this graduate program, from pre-departure orientation until well after the program is over, we have students meeting with practitioners and talking through the application of various skills in professional settings.  

Courses take place entirely in Florence with extracurricular activities unfolding elsewhere in Italy and in Europe more broadly. For more on the program, including comments from program graduates, see: M.A. in Political Science. All instruction is in English.

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