.100 General

This section provides detailed guidelines to all activities of the University for payment of vendor invoices. It includes payments for materials, supplies, equipment, and services purchased from vendors or individuals regardless of the procurement method. This section does not apply to Payroll, Travel Reimbursements and Moving and Relocation expenditures.

Departments must follow procurement guidelines to obtain goods and services. Refer to the Office of Procurement Web Page for general procurement requirements.

NOTE: An individual's failure to adhere to these procedures may result in the individual being held liable for any unauthorized expenditure made.

Proper approvals are necessary to assure all expenditure transactions are authorized and to assist in timely processing of documents. A person must be authorized to sign accounting documents. Departments may obtain signatory authority for individuals by completing a Signature Authorization Form  and submitting it to the Office of Finance.

University policies and procedures related to expenditures may be based on State or Federal rules or guidelines by the University administration in fulfillment of its responsibility for the prudent management of all resources.

The general policy of the University is to apply the Commonwealth's expenditure guidelines and limitations to all transactions irrespective of fund source. The Associate Vice President for Finance has ultimate responsibility for expenditure transaction processing and may on occasion; seek additional approvals of the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the President.

.200 Control Responsibilities

.210 Finance Office

  • Assure the propriety of vendor payments in accordance with commonwealth and University regulations.
  • Certify and process vendor invoices for payment within five workdays after receipt of vendor invoice, and proper documentation, including receiving report.
  • Researches problems that produce late payments and effects appropriate corrective action.
  • Maintains records to assure that funds are available in the department budget to cover expenditures.

.220 Departments/Offices

  • Maintains departmental records of budgetary actions, expenditure commitments, and expenditures to assure funds are available in the departmental budget before starting any procurement action.
  • Initiates proper procurement actions to obtain goods and services for the department.
  • Inspects and accepts goods or services purchased to ensure that the items received meet the standards and quantities specified in the order.
  • Ensures that the individual receiving and signing for materials is someone other than the person authorizing the purchase.
  • Forwards immediately, to the Accounts Payable Office all Original invoices (when received by the department), prepayment documentation, subscription renewal type transactions, and any other payment related documentation.  
    NOTE: Attach the vendor invoice to an 8 1/2 x 11 size blank sheet of paper if the cash register slips or other vendor invoices are not standard letter size.

.300 Different Types of Expenditures

.310 Expenditures

Expenditures are for purchases that occur on a regular basis and support the operations of the University. Payments are initiated upon receipt of a vendor invoice and proper supporting documentation. Allowable expenditures include purchases for office supplies and equipment, housekeeping supplies and materials, repair and maintenance materials, and printing services.

When making purchases, departments should instruct all vendors to send invoices to the Office of Accounts Payable, unless the department is a JMU designated satellite area. Currently, the Office of Finance has approved the following satellite areas: Library, Facilities Management, Facilities Planning and Construction, and WMRA. If a non-satellite department receives an invoice from a vendor, in error, they should immediately forward it to the Office of Accounts Payable.

.311 Sponsorships

The Commonwealth requires that all purchases be considered essential to the operation of the university and in support of the university’s mission to justify the use of state funds. The university requires the same for the use of university local funds. Outgoing sponsorships are usually payments that include the mention or listing of the sponsor’s name or other tangibles such as admission to an event. Allowable advertising by departments is limited to employment needs unless an authorization has been obtained as outlined in FPM 4205.313 and University Policy 1502. Because of the close resemblance of sponsorships to donations and charitable contributions and the fact that they may not be considered essential to the operation of a university department, or the university, they are not always considered a defendable purchase.

An Outgoing Sponsorship Justification Form, which includes a written statement detailing the benefits the university will receive and how the sponsorship supports its mission, must be approved prior to the start of sponsored activity. The Outgoing Sponsorship must result in a tangible benefit to the university that can be quantified financially, aligns with the university mission and aligns with the university brand. The total value of the tangible benefit must equal or exceed the amount of the Outgoing Sponsorship. Academic Unit Heads/Directors/Approving Authorities are responsible for ensuring that requests meet the provisions related to the Outgoing Sponsorship Justification Form.

Sponsorships may not:

1. Involve the sponsorship of individuals, including employees, for participation in personal fundraising activities or events.

2. Sponsorships that include alcohol with admission tickets may not be paid for with university funds.

3. Utilize symbols or copyrights not owned by the university, unless written permission is obtained by the owner of said symbol or copyright.

4. Violate the Conflict of Interest Policy 1106.

5. Include expenses for the following university-sponsored events:

a.  Going-away parties

b.  Entertainment expenses not associated with employee engagement

c.  Holiday décor

d.  Alcoholic beverages (and related expenses)

e.  Charitable contributions

f.   Gifts and flowers not associated with approved and documented organizational recognition awards

g.  Civic activities/events

    Sponsorship Limits:
$2,500 State department id# $2,500 Local department id#

University departments planning to co-sponsor or share costs of a sponsorship are to disclose this information when requesting approval. Failure to do so may result in the requirement for funds to be repaid from non-state sources.

Requests must be submitted and approved before initiating sponsorship transactions. A Sponsorship request submitted after the event has occurred may not be approved.

.312 Memberships

As a general rule, memberships to retail stores/warehouse clubs are not necessary or acceptable uses of state funds. James Madison University is mandated to use or has executed agreements in place for such purchases as office supplies, furniture, copiers, catering/dining, and beverage/vending. Due to these mandates and agreements, benefits realized from these types of memberships do not justify their costs. Examples of such memberships include: Sam’s Club, Costco, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon Prime.

.313 Advertising/Marketing/Promotional

Advertising by departments for promotional purposes across all mediums, including print, social media (including Snapchat Geofilters) and digital media, as well as the purchase of external web domains (i.e.: using GoDaddy.com) is coordinated through JMU’s Office of Marketing and Branding, following university policy 1502: University Marketing and Branding. Purchases made are subject to audit for written authorization, prior to purchase, from University Marketing and Branding.

Some examples of expenses which would generally be considered UNALLOWABLE are:

  • Generic advertisements in seasonal or annual high school team programs and/or yearbooks
  • After-prom activities or sponsorships
  • Sponsorships being promoted as advertising or media expenses
  • Advertisements not targeted specifically towards current and prospective students or patrons of currently approved business activities (University Policy 4501)

The majority of promotional items purchased by university departments should be targeted towards prospective students. All other forms of advertising/marketing expenditures, including promotional items could be considered gifts. (Review the JMU Financial Procedures Manual [FPM] subsection 4205:390-397 regarding Miscellaneous Payments to Individuals/Participant Payments for additional information on incentives.) Promotional items making use of JMU marks such as trademarks, logos and insignias requires use of licensed vendors. Contact the JMU Foundation or reference the JMU Foundation webpage, no exceptions are made to this requirement.

Promotional merchandise with a de Minimis value and average cost to the University of no more than $22 per item, excluding setup charges and shipping costs may be purchased. All items included in the order must be items that would normally be purchased and used in promotional activities of the department/center/division and should not include lower cost items added to reduce the average per item cost of the order to meet this average cost criteria. Justified exceptions may be approved and requests should be submitted to the Associate Controller for Accounting Operations and Disbursements prior to initiating a purchase. Promotional items are not appropriate for employees.

.314 Food and Beverage Procedures


The procedures provided herein apply to all James Madison University departments, faculty, staff, students and all organizations and individuals that intend to provide food and/or beverages and any related services to JMU personnel (faculty and staff), students, or their guests at university expense.

There are limited circumstances in which it is considered appropriate to provide food and beverages to personnel who are not in travel status.

These procedures provide guidance related to the purchase of food and beverages for official university business.  Purchases from any university account (including E & G, Auxiliary, Local, and Grant funds) are subject to these guidelines. Purchases for food and beverages include, but are not limited to, business meals, catered events, meal tickets, finger foods, party platters, and refreshment breaks.

  Appropriate Food and Beverages Functions

The functions or events at which it is considered appropriate for food and beverages to be served to University personnel are limited to the following:

  › Official Business Function: Food and beverages may be provided at business meetings that involve substantive and bona fide business discussions with an outside party or parties in attendance.  The primary beneficiaries of such functions are the non-JMU employees.  Meals at which interview candidates are hosted are included in this category.
  › Employee Engagement Function: Food and beverages may be provided at employee engagement functions that center around social, recreational, and educational programs.  Programs may include employee family members, however, must be reasonable in terms of time and costs.  Activities are limited to once per semester and are subject to per diem rules and alcohol restrictions.  Examples include school start-up planning meetings and employee recognition events.  It is preferred that these events be held on-campus, however, for events held off-campus, completion of an Off Campus Authorization form is required prior to committing to an external provider. This procedure does not authorize the use of university funds for social gatherings other than employee engagement events.
  › Internal Training Function: Food and beverages may be provided to participants of a formal training session when business is conducted through the time of the meal and the training session lasts for a minimum of two hours.  The determination of whether a departmental function or event is an appropriate internal training function at which food and beverages may be provided will require consideration of the factors surrounding the event.  Departmental functions or events must be conducted primarily as training functions, are at least two hours in length, and do not occur more frequently than once per semester.  The type of training provided will depend on the particular department involved.  In order to limit expenditures for rental facilities, functions or events should be held at properties owned or leased by JMU.  Functions or events held at off campus locations require advance written approval - Departmental Off Campus Authorization Form.  University employees are the primary beneficiaries at such events.
  › Student Academic Function: Food and beverages may be provided at student functions that contribute to the academic mission of the University. Current and prospective students are the primary beneficiaries at such events. Food and beverages provided at commencement or annual award ceremonies are examples of this category.  Mission-related program review and focus group sessions are also examples of functions within this category.
  › Student Programming/Club Function: Food and beverages may be provided at student programming/club functions that contribute to student engagement and support the mission of the University. Current students are the primary beneficiaries of such events. Food and beverages provided at residence hall programs or club programming events sponsored by student activities fees are examples of this category.  Mission-related program review and focus group sessions are examples.


  Requirements and Limitations

This procedure established the following requirements and limitations regarding appropriate expenditures for food and beverages for reimbursing an individual:

  1. Food and beverages may be provided only at functions or events that meet the criteria listed in the above section of this procedure.
  2. For official business functions, the purpose/business reason must be included on the Expense Report to verify the JMU employee is acting as an official representative of the university and would be exempt from tax reportable income for the cost of the meal. A listing of the names and organizational affiliations of each person in attendance at events at which food and beverages are provided must also be listed on the Expense Report to support payment. If a listing is impractical to provide, a written explanation to that effect must be submitted with the Expense Report.
  3. Food and beverages may be provided at official business meetings held during normal work hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Breakfast and dinner meals are generally not considered to be part of an employee's normal workday.  A detailed justification is required for meals outside of normal business hours.
  4. Refreshments may be provided at official business functions.  Food and beverages should not be provided at regularly scheduled or routine meetings (examples include: staff, division, or department meetings).
  5. For employee engagement functions, the purpose must be included on the Food and Beverage Certification Form and the Off Campus Authorization Form (when applicable).
  6. The actual cost per person for food and beverages, including any related service fees or gratuities, may not exceed the per diem amount allowed for business meals.  With sufficient justification an Approving Authority may authorize meal expenditures up to 50% over of the applicable per diem meal rate.
  7. Internal training retreats where food and beverages are served should include a description of the type of training provided as documentation to support the expenditures.
  8. Reimbursement requests if an employee pays for official business meals must be submitted on an Expense Report via Chrome River, along with the original itemized receipt.
  9. Alcoholic beverages (and related expenses) may not be provided at University expense.
  10. Any additional fees incurred on the catering contract must be included when calculating to ensure you remain within the per diem rate. Such fees include, but are not limited to: china fees, table linen fees, non-alcoholic drinks, transportation fees, and late fees.
  11. All catering contracts are subject to audit by the Finance Office. Any pertinent documentation should be readily available upon request and any per diem overages found should be addressed as soon as possible using an external funding source.

  Catering and Dining Services

JMU has a contract with Aramark to provide all catering and dining services for on campus official business events. Departments must utilize JMU’s Catering and Dining Services unless permission to use an outside vendor is obtained in advance of the event from Aramark.  If Aramark exercises its right of refusal to provide food/beverage and grants written approval for the department to use an outside vendor, the department must maintain this approval for future audit.

When using JMU’s Catering and Dining Services, the Food and Beverage Certification Form must be filled out with a listing of the names and organizational affiliations of each person in attendance and the purpose/business reason must be included for each event and maintained along with the contract in the department’s office for future audits.  

Business events that would not require Catering and Dining Services to be used are:

  • Non-catered events such as department purchases for grocery items
  • Potluck events
  • Events not meeting the Catering department's minimum order of $250 per delivery (pickup under $250 will still be provided).
  • Minimum spend for catering delivery of $250 is required (confirm order is within per diem using the total cost).


Duke Card Log


Sample of a properly prepared log


Meal Voucher Log


Sample of a properly prepared log


Food and Beverage Certification Form


  Local Vendors

For payment processing to the vendor when purchasing food and/or beverages, a Food and Beverage Certification Form must be filled out.  A listing of the names and organizational affiliations of each person in attendance and the purpose/business reason must be stated on the form and submitted with an Accounting Voucher, along with the original itemized invoice/receipt to the office of Accounts Payable for payment processing.

The Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) is to be used to pay outside food vendors for purchases up to $250 consumed on-campus without any exception needed; purchases over $250 or consumed at the vendors location require advance approval. The Food and Beverage Certification Form must be filled out along with the original itemized receipt and a listing of the names and organizational affiliations of each person in attendance and the purpose/business reason for each event is to be maintained in the departments' office records and uploaded into Bank of America WORKS for SPCC reconciliation.

NOTE:  Departments must utilize JMU's Catering and Dining Services for food purchases over $250 unless permission to use an outside vendor is obtained in advance of the event from Catering and Dining Services and an exception is approved in PeopleSoft Finance Workflow to pay by SPCC,  both approvals must be in place before the purchase can be made.  If you have questions on the process please contact appa@jmu.edu.

.315 Employee Apparel and Uniforms

Apparel purchases for employees are to be made using the Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC).  Departments may purchase apparel with a cost up to $100 per employee, per year, as this is considered de minimis.  The JMU Employee Apparel Log is to be completed and uploaded in to Bank of America Works, along with the purchase receipt, when reconciling SPCC apparel purchases for all employee apparel purchases except Athletics, Facilities Management, Health Center, Parking Services, Public Safety and UREC.

The Internal Revenue Service strictly defines what qualifies as a tax exempt work uniform, and most departments do not meet this definition. 

Facilities Management, Health Center, Parking Services, Public Safety and UREC continue to follow approved policies regarding work uniforms.  Athletics will follow the policy established by the Athletics Business Office.

The employee apparel and uniform procedure does not apply to apparel purchases for outside parties or students (including student employees). Refer to the FPM subsection 4205.313 to review procedures for items provided to students and outside parties (non-employees).

.320 Expenditures that are Improper Charges to Public Funds

Each department is responsible for determining its needs and for obtaining goods and services in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act and procedures established by the Office of Procurement Services. The expenditure must be in support of the mission of the department.

.321 Examples of Improper Public Funds Expenditures

The following lists contain examples of expenditures that are considered improper uses of public funds. These lists are intended to provide general guidance to departments in judging the appropriate use of public funds. However, any expenditure may be questioned, even those not included on the following lists.

Employee personal expenses such as:

  1. Books required to participate in/attend a class (unless required to meet job-related certifications, attend appropriate conferences, and workshops and the books remain property of the University)
  2. Snacks or refreshments not related to an approved employee recognition event
  3. Baby sitting
  4. Non-business related newspapers or magazine subscriptions
  5. Personal articles that are lost or stolen
  6. Tuxedos or other formal wear/commencement regalia (cap, gown)
  7. Clothing (non-uniform or repairs to clothing damaged in the work place)
  8. Refrigerators, coffee makers, and other appliances for employee use


Non-employee expenses such as:

  1. Commencement regalia (cap, gown, tassel) for students
  2. Student aid not processed through the university Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (textbooks, loans, meal plans, etc.)
  3. Prepaid cards not authorized through the Finance Office for specific purposes
  4. Student organization expenses not properly authorized by Accounts Payable, Cash & Investments, Finance Office for specific expenditures
  5. Donations to student organizations, non-profits, or fundraisers
  6. Mini-grant awards (internal to JMU) cannot be used as “sub-awards to provide donations, funding for grant proposals, or financial support for grant-funded/non-profit/public/private agencies (including agencies affiliated with JMU).
  7. Gifts and flowers not associated with approved and documented organizational recognition awards

.330 Advance Payments

Advance payments are defined as payments that are made before receipt of goods or services. After the department makes an advance payment, there is no absolute guarantee that the vendor will deliver the goods or perform the requested services, placing the University's assets at risk. Therefore, when considering making an advance payment, a department must conform to the following procedures.

A completed W–9 form must be on file before a payment is processed. Contact System Support @ 568-2941 to determine if the W–9 is on file. Departments must adhere to all receiving report requirements. Standard policy prohibits the approval of an invoice for payment without first obtaining an approved receiving report. For departmental purchases up to $10,000, only a vendor invoice will be needed to process a payment to a vendor. However, advance payments are allowed for expenditures normally prepaid as a standard practice or where such prepayments are considered cost beneficial. All prepayments must have an itemized original invoice and a copy of an order form, a registration form, or some other documentation to send to the vendor with the check. Documentation should be forwarded to the Office of Accounts Payable for review and to substantiate the decision to make advance payments. The following describes those payments, which under certain terms and conditions, may be prepaid. These lists are not all inclusive.

.331 Allowable Advance Payments

Allowable miscellaneous advance payments are subject to a maximum prepayment period of 180 days.

  1. Organization Memberships: Includes employee or agency annual membership dues for professional organizations.
  2. Publication Subscriptions: Includes initial and renewal annual subscriptions for technical and professional publications. Multiple–year subscriptions are permitted as long as documentation clearly shows it is a cost savings for the Commonwealth.
  3. Convention and Educational Services: Limited to advance registration fees for convention, conferences, seminars, and employee workshops. Departments must be reasonably sure that travel will occur as planned. Excludes other travel expenditures except for public carriers.
  4. Travel Public Carriers: Limited to prepayments for individual travel by aircraft (if other than JMU travel contracts), train and bus. Excludes rental vehicle expenditures.
  5. Mail Order Purchases: Limited to mail order purchases where payments must be included with the order.
  6. Human Subject Payments: Includes expenses for advance payments to individuals (human subjects) for experimental research, engineering projects, and medical projects.
  7. U. S. Postal Service Purchases: Limited to postage purchased from the U. S. Postal Service. Excludes courier service and freight expenditures.
  8. Hotel/Motel Deposits: Limited to one night deposit for direct bill payments on hotel/motel rooms for employees who travel on behalf of the University. Use of VISA travel card is encouraged to secure room confirmations. Actual advance payments using the travel charge card will not be reimbursed before the trip.
  9. Film Acquisitions or Rentals: Limited to payments for the acquisition or rental of educational training and development films.
  10. Advertising Expenses: Limited to prepayments for newspaper, magazine, journal, and periodical advertisements or employment advertisements authorized by Human Resources only without prior written exception.

.332 Advance Payments for Written Contracts, Leases, or Agreements

Allowable advance payments pursuant to written contracts, leases, or agreements are subject to a maximum prepayment period of one year, where delivery, performance, or refund is assured based on written obligations. Vendors should be encouraged to invoice the agency on a monthly or quarterly basis in the absence of a sufficiently reduced annual pricing arrangement.

  1. Legal Services: Includes fees to retain outside legal counsel for the University. The University must have written approval from the Attorney's General's Office BEFORE obtaining any legal services.
  2. Media Services: Limited to payments for radio and television advertising. May also include expenses paid to advertising firms for these services.
  3. Specialized Pharmaceutical Supplies and Rare Medical Drugs: Limited to payments for specialized manufactured pharmaceutical supplies and rare medical drugs. Excludes the purchase of ordinary supplies and drugs.
  4. Mechanical, Electrical, and Equipment Repair and Maintenance Contracts: Limited to payments for services provided to repair and maintain mechanical and electrical systems and equipment. Excludes material and equipment purchases.
  5. Computer Hardware and Software Maintenance Contracts: Limited to payments for services provided to repair and maintain computer hardware and software. Excludes computer hardware and software purchases.
  6. Licensing Agreements: Limited to payments for the licensing fees associated with the use of computer software.
  7. Specialized Equipment Purchases: Limited to payments for the purchase of specialized custom manufactured equipment. Excludes ordinary equipment purchases.
  8. Equipment Rentals: Limited to payments for the use of the equipment.
  9. Real Property: Limited to payments for the use of buildings and land (Requires proof of approval from the Real Property and Space Management Office).
  10. Insurance Premiums:  Limited to premiums for insurance contracts.

.340 Services Provided by Individuals Not Employed by James Madison University

Occasionally the University finds it appropriate to use the services of individuals who are not university employees.  In order to use the services of individuals who are not university employees and whose services are excluded from eVA, a completed W–9 form must be on file before a payment is processed. Contact System Support @ 568–2941 to determine if the W–9 form is on file. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Honoraria ("payments to professional persons for services for which fees are not legally or traditionally required")
  • Artistic performance
  • Human subjects ("payments to individuals participating in research activities")
  • Game referee or official
  • Physicians or medical centers
  • The Internal Revenue Service requires the University to track these payments for each calendar year. When a payment to one individual reaches $600 for a calendar year, the University must report the payment on a 1099 form.

  Timely Payment to Individuals for Services

To ensure timely payment to individuals for services performed and according to their contract/agreement a completed Accounting Voucher and all pertinent documentation must be sent to Accounts Payable or Grants Accounting, if applicable. This must be in Accounts Payable at a minimum of 10 working days in advance of when the check is needed.

After Accounts Payable reviews the voucher and backup, they will forward this to Payroll Services for their approval for payment as an “Independent Contractor”. Once approved Payroll Services will send the voucher and documentation back to Accounts Payable for payment processing. If the determination is made that the services performed are truly an employee status, Payroll Services will contact the requesting department and explain why the payment must be considered as being performed by an employee. The voucher will be returned to Accounts Payable with a note stating the payment must be processed on a PAR form as well as have the department fill out the appropriate hiring paperwork (PAR) and schedule “On Boarding” if necessary. Accounts Payable will then send this back to the requesting department.

Please note: Consultants are not excluded from eVA, therefore they should be processed through an eVA order and normally would not require a voucher.

.350 Cellular Telephone Expenditures

The appropriate Vice President must authorize acquisition and use of cellular telephones before procurement. An approved written request justification and a copy of the approved requisition for purchase must be on file for each telephone. Recurring monthly billings must be received in the Telecommunications Office. Telephones are to use for conducting official business only, and should not be used for personal purposes.

.351 Cellular Phone/Internet Access Stipends

  General Information

The Stipend Program alleviates the significant administrative burden, on both employees and the university, of providing the extensive substantiation required to fulfill IRS reporting requirements. James Madison University offers a taxable stipend, upon VP approval, for employees whose duties and responsibilities require wireless phone and/or internet access. The university does NOT pay for the data package for iPads™/tablets. (The only exception is if an individual does not have a phone stipend and they own an iPad™/tablet. With VP approval, a stipend may be granted.) The Stipend Program compensates for the business use portion only of the employee’s personal cell phone or Internet access.

Pre-determined criteria and stipend amounts, including several levels of compensation, have been chosen. A page has been created on the Human Resources website to help employees and supervisors understand and comply with JMU’s Cell Phone and Internet Access Stipend Program. The link has been included for convenience.

JMU’s Cell Phone and Internet Access Stipend Program

  Processing Procedures

Procedures for supervisors considering approval of a cell phone or Internet stipend should follow the link below for specific instructions and the Supervisor Worksheet and Employee Agreement.

Summary Instructions

Instructions for completing the ePAR to initiate a cell phone or internet access stipend is contained the in the link below. Please remember that cell phone and Internet access stipends are not retroactive and will begin with the first pay cycle after receipt of the ePAR by Payroll Services.

Stipend ePAR Instructions 

  Cancellation of Stipend

If the employee resigns, terminates, transfers departments, or no longer qualifies for a university stipend, a paper PAR form must be submitted to Human Resources to discontinue the stipend. The stipend is based on the employee’s primary job; VP approval and re-certification is required if the primary job changes. The supervisor from the old job should submit a paper PAR form to discontinue the stipend. The new supervisor would re-certify the need for the stipend, complete the supervisor worksheet, and initiate an ePAR.

Additionally, VPs review the list of employees receiving cell phone and Internet access stipends on an annual basis and make recommendations for changing/stopping an employee's stipend.

.360 Agency Transaction Voucher (ATV)

This form is required to record all transactions among University departments related to sales, services, recovery of costs, and transfers of expenditures and revenues among University Departments. Departments should forward Agency Transaction Vouchers to Financial Reporting.

.370 Declining Balance Cards

The Financial Procedures Manual section 4205.390 specifically states declining balance cards (prepaid cards) are not to be purchased as incentives or non-monetary recognition awards. Exceptions may be allowed for externally funded sponsored programs when the funding agency specifically states payment cards may be used as the incentive. This exception requires advance authorization and use of the university’s prepaid card program unless the sponsored program specifically states otherwise.

Employees are to use the Small Purchase Charge Card (SPCC) to make authorized card purchases Student employees required to make point-of-sale purchases that cannot be procured by university employees, may be eligible for a university managed prepaid card. The department fiscal contact should contact Cash and Investments using the PrepaidCards@jmu.edu mailbox to investigate this option further.

All purchases must be documented and receipts retained for purchases made with state funds. (Departments are responsible for any documentation that would be required for an audit).

All purchases must fall within the Accounts Payable and Procurement guidelines.

.380 International Wires

This section addresses international wires for payment to vendors for Accounts Payable disbursements. All wires related to International Studies Programs are facilitated through the International Accounting Office within Accounting and Reporting.

Departments may initiate international wire payments by completing the Accounting Voucher as described in subsection 610 and forwarding the completed voucher with all appropriate supporting documentation to the Cash & Investments Office, MSC 5711. Cash and Investments staff will determine the most appropriate system for facilitating the wire and will finalize the cost of the wire to the department accordingly, with the goal of maintaining the integrity of the payment to the beneficiary as well as cost efficiency. Considerations must be given to policies and regulations governing remission of funds to specific countries. Questions may be directed to Cash & Investments by calling any Cash & Investments Office team member or by completing an online request.

.390 Miscellaneous Payments to Individuals/Participant Payments

This section addresses several different types of payments made to individuals. As detailed below, employees may receive a specific payment identified in this section but typically, these payments are made to non-employees.

Within five days of cash or non-monetary Incentives being distributed, submission of the Participant Worksheet and/or a W-9 may be required. These are forwarded to Cash and Investments within five business days of making payment and no later than January 10th for the prior calendar year. Both forms are available in the JMU FPM Forms Index.

When making payments to non-resident aliens (NRA’s) for services, honorariums and/or associated travel expenses, you must determine whether it is legal to pay them, if the payment is subject to tax, and what policies and procedures must be followed.  Reference FPM subsection 4205.398 for additional information prior to initiating any compensation.

University employees are not authorized to purchase payment cards directly from providers. All requests for payment cards are submitted to Cash and Investments using the JMU Prepaid Payment Card Order Form.  Payment Cards are considered monetary recognition. Auditable inventory logs of all requested cards must be maintained by the department. Due to costs incurred by the university to process prepaid card orders, there is a $10 minimum/per prepaid card.

Cards are to be picked up within 5 business days of the date they are confirmed for pickup by Cash & Investments. Cards not picked up within 5 business days will be returned to available inventory and a new card order will be required if the cards are needed. Distribution of prepaid cards within 60 days of the pickup/funding date is required. All unused cards are to be returned to the University Business Office within 60 days of receipt. Individuals routinely failing to pick up and/or distribute cards in a timely manner may not be eligible for future prepaid card distributions. Card orders received within two days of month end will not be funded until the first business day of the following month. Orders received less than five days prior to university holidays and year-end deadlines will not be funded until the first business day after the holiday or in the new year.

The preferred method of distributing payment cards to participants is to hand the recipient their card and have them sign the JMU Departmental Prepaid Card Log at that time. If extenuating circumstances exist such that the payment must be mailed to a participant, the department must provide the required information on the JMU U. S. Bank Corporate Rewards Load Spreadsheet and submit with required logs and W-8/W-9. The card will be mailed to the recipient directly from the bank. Cards may only be mailed directly by U.S. Bank. Since card recipients are not set up as vendors in the university’s finance system, each time a card recipient receives $100 or more, a new W-9 is required.

The JMU U. S. Bank Corporate Rewards and/or Focus Blue Departmental Prepaid Card inventory logs are required for audit purposes and should indicate the date awards are received/distributed, individual doing so and total inventory remaining on hand.

Non-monetary incentives, prizes, and recognition awards, as well as research subject payments of all types are to be given, based on criteria which is documented and maintained in the department.  (Applicable to all recipient groups: students, employees, volunteers). Criteria should include the goal of the recognition; specify the timeframe the goal is to be accomplished and create a measurement system all understand. Criteria cannot include normal job-related criteria expected to be met based on the position description and/or university, state, federal and affiliated organizational regulations nor should it include criteria that everyone in the same position/category/organization would fulfill each period.

.391 Incentives

To encourage participation in campus surveys, focus groups and other student engagement activities, non-monetary incentives with a fair market value of less than $100 per item may be awarded. Prepaid cards represent monetary recognition, and are not allowed. Written approval for non-monetary incentives of $100 or more is required prior to purchase, email iis.finance@jmu.edu. W-9/W-8’s are required for all non-monetary incentives of $100 or more and if the same recipient receives more than one incentive of $100 or more, a new W-9 must be collected each time since these recipients are not setup as vendors in the university’s financial information system.

Incentive based surveys may be used as assessment tools for obtaining data considered mission-critical to the University, colleges and/or approved centers.  Appropriate survey instruments, outcomes, and incentive distribution documentation is to be maintained by the department to support incentive expenditures.  Non-monetary incentives with a de Minimis value and average cost to the University of no more than $25 per item, excluding setup charges and shipping costs may be purchased. These incentives, when associated with the documented survey instruments and outcomes analysis, may be provided to all participants completing the documented requirements.

Incentives funded by Sponsored Program awards and not governed by the IRB, where the award document specifically states authorization of amount the items may be given as an incentive and/or that the incentive may be paid by prepaid card allows the department to do so. The Sponsored Program Accounting Office will be required to approve Prepaid Payment Card Order Forms prior to the order form being sent to Cash & Investments.

Within five days of cash or non-monetary Incentives being distributed, submission of the Participant Worksheet and/or a W-9 may be required. These are forwarded to Cash and Investments within five business days of making payment and no later than January 10th for the prior calendar year. Both forms are available in the JMU FPM Forms Index.

  These incentive items should be coded to 141300.

.392 Non–monetary Recognition Awards

A non-monetary recognition award that is of nominal value (up to $500) may be given infrequently by the department to their students and employees.

Recognition awards should be designed to acknowledge employee or team accomplishments and contributions that support the mission and objectives of the institution.

They are based on specific, pre-determined recognition programs which are documented and maintained in department records, either as departmental procedures or with the transactional records. 

Recognition programs, including the selection process, should be communicated to employees within the department.

Allowable examples include the following: desk items (pens / cups), certificates (plaques / frames), flowers, timepieces, meals, and student regalia (incl honor cords & stoles). Apparel is excluded as an allowable recognition award for employees.  Items must be purchased using university approved vendors.

For employee awards equal to or greater than $100, Payroll Services must be notified via email to have the Fair Market Value of the award added to the employee’s taxable earnings. Recipient name, EMPLID number, value of item, and brief description of the recognition program/purpose should be provided.

Within five days of cash or non-monetary Incentives being distributed, submission of the Participant Worksheet and/or a W-9 may be required. These are forwarded to Cash and Investments within five business days of making payment and no later than January 10th for the prior calendar year. Both forms are available in the JMU FPM Forms Index.

Longevity awards are not to be given by departments as these are given by the University and coordinated by the Office of Human Resources. Approval for monetary recognition awards of any amount must be coordinated with and approved by the appropriate approving authorities and Human Resources. Monetary recognition documentation and procedural requirements are outlined in the JMU Salary Administration Plan section XII. Awards and Recognition (completion of the Employee Recognition Nomination form). 

Cords/stoles/medallions for members of an entire group may not be purchased, as this does not meet the requirement for selective criteria that not everyone will fulfill.  The University does not use state funds to cover student organization member expenses such as student organization fair supplies, cords, stoles.

Gift cards are considered monetary and may not be given as recognition.

  These awards should be coded to 141300.

.393 JMU Student Prizes (Monetary & Non-monetary)

Student prizes may be distributed following departmental or Sponsored Program funded competitions supporting University mission-related purposes. The prizes may be non-monetary or monetary. All options valued at $100 or more are tax reportable and require W9’s. Monetary prizes randomly awarded must first be approved by the JMU Financial Aid Office.

Within five days of cash or non-monetary Incentives being distributed, submission of the Participant Worksheet and/or a W-9 may be required. These are forwarded to Cash and Investments within five business days of making payment and no later than January 10th for the prior calendar year. Both forms are available in the JMU FPM Forms Index. Prizes distributed using the university managed U.S. Bank prepaid card system do not require the Participant Worksheet since the facilitator will submit the required order form, card log, and load spreadsheet. The card log works in place of the Participant Worksheet and is to be signed by each card recipient before funds will be loaded on to the associated cards.

Please reference subsection .390 above for information related to payment cards.

  These prizes should be coded to 141300.

.394 IRB Approved Research Subjects

This category of individuals works with investigators in IRB approved research projects outside of the procedures for payroll and contractual arrangements and may be provided a monetary (cash, check or university provided payment card) or non-monetary payment for their participation. These individuals participate in a research project under the conditions set forth by the procedures governed by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). These are volunteers who have signed consent/assent forms after being fully informed about the procedures, risks and benefits of their participation. W9’s are required for payments of $100* or more.  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers all payments made to individuals to be taxable; gift/payment cards are viewed as cash equivalents. If the participant is a U.S. resident, and payments are $600 or greater in any one calendar year, the university is required to file a 1099 form with the IRS. For amounts less than $600, the individual is responsible for reporting the additional income. *Although W9’s are not required for payments less than $100, when payments are issued as a check, the recipient’s TIN or PeopleSoft Vendor # is required on the Accounting Voucher regardless of the check amount and the Accounting Voucher is to include the IRB approval number.

Single accounting vouchers payable to faculty/staff to access bulk cash for distribution to subjects are limited to maximum of $500  or one month’s worth of research subject payment total, whichever is LESS, unless a written exception is requested and granted. Exception requests are submitted to the Director, Cash and Investments: iis.finance@jmu.edu. Monetary prizes randomly awarded to JMU students must first be approved by the JMU Financial Aid Office.  The Participant Worksheet must be provided to Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711 within 5 days of cash being disbursed.

In cases involving confidentiality of participants, the department must provide an internal control plan to account for and audit disbursement records. This alternative plan must be approved by the Director of Cash and Investments prior to being used.  Alternative plan development is the responsibility of the researcher(s). Cash and Investments is confirming the researcher has attested that such plan is in place, not the method used for the alternative plan. Researcher obtains participant name, complete address, phone, email and social security number list in a secure location and matched to the alternative plan. The researcher will provide the identifying information upon request by Finance for IRS reporting purposes (payments of $600 or more) or by auditors for compliance purposes. An example of an alternative plan is as follows:

Example (statement – answer):

Month born: SEPTEMBER(9)

Number of Older Brothers (half-brother, living, or deceased, if none write X): 1

Number of Older Sisters (half-sister, living or deceased, if none write X): X

First initial of Mother/Female Guardian’s First Name: S

First initial of Father/Male Guardian’s First Name: V

First initial of your middle name (if none, write X): X

Therefore, the unique code is (no spaces): 91XSVX

The approval should be kept on file in the department and submitted with the payment request.

JMU Prepaid Payment Card Order Forms requesting prepaid payment cards for research projects are limited to a maximum of one month's worth of research subject payments, unless a written exception is requested and granted by the Director, Cash and Investments. This form is used to request Rewards cards to be distributed in person and/or to be mailed by the bank as well as Focus Blue Reloadable cards to be distributed in person. Use a separate form for each card type/distribution method. Personalized Rewards cards requested to be mailed are ordered and funding with submission of the JMU U.S. Bank Corporate Rewards Load Spreadsheet. Reloadable cards are funded using the JMU U.S. Bank Focus Blue Fund Order Spreadsheet and require a new W-9 each time a recipient receives $100 or more. Anonymous cards distributed in person are also funded with the JMU U.S. Bank Corporate Rewards Load Spreadsheet. Distribution of prepaid cards within 60 days of the pickup/funding date is required. Requests for cards should be conservative; you may request additional cards as required. Individuals failing to distribute cards in a timely manner may not be eligible for future prepaid card distributions and may be required to reimburse state funded card distributions from non-state sources. Card orders received within two days of month end will not be funded until the first business day of the following month. Orders received less than five days prior to university holidays and year-end deadlines will not be funded until the first business day after the holiday or in the new year.


If the research is part of a Sponsored Program, then the Sponsored Programs Accounting Office will be required to approve Prepaid Payment Card Order Forms prior to the order form being sent to Cash & Investments.    

Auditable logs (JMU U.S. Bank Corporate Rewards Departmental Prepaid Card Log or JMU U.S. Bank Focus Blue Departmental Prepaid Card Log) and monthly card reconciliations (JMU Prepaid Card Monthly Reconciliation) for prepaid cards must be maintained by the department and submitted annually to Cash and Investments. Within five days of cash or non-monetary items being distributed and signed for, the Participant Worksheet (and applicable W-9/W-8’s) must be provided to the Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711. The Participant Worksheet does not apply to prepaid card incentives.

The preferred method of distributing payment cards to participants is hand them their card and have them sign the Inventory Log at that time. If extenuating circumstances exist such that the payment card must be mailed to a participant, the department must provide the required information on the JMU U.S. Bank Corporate Rewards load spreadsheet. The Focus Blue Reloadable cards for research must be distributed in person.

Faculty/staff electing to use Amazon's Mechanical Turk (M-Turk) or similar hosted research/survey processes for use in purchasing prepaid HITS and conducting online experiments may do so on a reimbursement basis or by requesting funds to place on the application payment account.  Advance funding is requested using a single accounting voucher payable to the faculty/staff member, attached to the JMU Research Advance Funding Request.  Due to the need for these accounts to be established and maintained by individuals, advances are made to individual JMU employees conducting research and are the sole responsibility of the employee.  The advance amount is limited to the value sufficient to fund one survey at a time or a maximum of $1,500, whichever is less.  This funding limit is to include all fees to be assessed on the accepted HITS/experiments.  Once the survey has closed or the funds have been exhausted, the faculty/staff member is required to submit the associated Activity Report(s), showing the Payments Summary for the funds advanced, to the Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711 or iis.finance@jmu.edu. If the total advanced is less than the actual total cost of the survey, the employee may submit a reimbursement request for the difference.  If the total advanced is more than the actual total cost of the survey, the difference is due and payable from the employee receiving the advance.  The reimbursement is due within 30 days of the survey closing date, via check payable to James Madison University.  The reimbursement is to be deposited with the University Business Office Cashier along with a properly completed Deposit Transmittal Form (DTF) for Checks and using the original funding department budget code and account code 149900.  A copy of the DTF must also be remitted to the Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711 or iis.finance @jmu.edu within 3 business days of receipting the deposit with the University Business Office.

Incentives independently funded, with approval of the IRB, are not subject to University Procurement or Financial Restrictions; however, these self-funded incentives are not eligible for reimbursement from University or Sponsored Programs funds. The incentives will not be processed/facilitated within the University Financial Information System.

Please reference subsection .390 above for information related to payment cards.

  Research Subject payments must be coded to 141320.  
Note:  Research subject payments or incentives will not be approved or processed unless IRB approval has been granted.  

.395 Non - IRB Approved Research Subjects

This category of individuals works with investigators in non-IRB approved research projects outside of the procedures for payroll and contractual arrangements and may be provided a monetary (cash or university provided payment card) payment for their participation. These individuals participate in research projects that do not meet the criteria for compliance under the conditions set forth by the procedures governed by the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Faculty/staff electing to use Amazon's Mechanical Turk (M-Turk) or similar hosted research/experiment processes for use in purchasing prepaid HITS and conducting online experiments may do so on a reimbursement basis or by requesting funds to place on the application payment account. Advance funding is requested using a single accounting voucher payable to the faculty/staff member, attached to the JMU Experiment Advance Funding Request. Due to the need of for these accounts to be established and maintained by individuals, advances are made to individual JMU employees conducting research and are the sole responsibility of the employee. The advance amount is limited to the value sufficient to fund one survey at a time or a maximum of $1,500, whichever is less. This funding limit is to include all fees to be assessed on the accepted HITS/experiments. Once the survey has closed or the funds have been exhausted, the faculty/staff member is required to submit the associated Activity Report(s), showing the Payments Summary for the funds advanced, to the Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711 or iis.finance@jmu.edu. If the total advanced is less than the actual total cost of the survey, the employee may submit a reimbursement request for the difference. If the total advanced is more than the actual total cost of the survey, the difference is due and payable from the employee receiving the advance. The reimbursement is due within 30 days of the survey closing date, via check payable to James Madison University. The reimbursement is to be deposited with the University Business Office Cashier along with a properly completed Deposit Transmittal Form (DTF) for Checks and using the original funding department budget code and account code 149900. A copy of the DTF must also be remitted to the Cash and Investments Office at MSC 5711 or iis.finance @jmu.edu within 3 business days of receipting the deposit with the University Business Office.


Please reference subsection .390 above for information related to payment cards.

  Non-IRB- Approved Research Subject payments must be coded to 141300. Note: Research subject payments or incentives will not be approved or processed unless proof of review by the Office of Research Integrity for compliance has been demonstrated (attach email from Office of Research Integrity showing IRB approval is NOT required to Accounting Voucher).

.396 Cooperating Professionals

Individuals who provide a service based on the agreement with their employer and the University. Cooperating Professionals (CP’s) are not employees of the University and the University has no authority over their participation. CP’s may discontinue their participation without risking any future relationships with the University. One common example of a CP is a school teacher who provides information about a student, who is an intern or research participant, to the faculty coordinator or investigators on a one time or repeated basis as a result of an agreement between the University representatives or investigator and the school district.

  Cooperating Professional payments should be coded to 126800.

.397 Faculty Members in Residence

Visiting Faculty Members in Residence provided short-term housing in JMU-owned or leased facilities, for which the department pays rental expenses. The Department is responsible for obtaining W9’s from each of these faculty members and completing Participant Worksheets with the value of the rent provided, for the calendar year, and submitting both documents to Accounts Payable no later than January 10th of the following year. The Department coordinates securing the housing and payment for same with the JMU Real Property and Space Management Office.

.398 Payments to Short-Term Foreign National Visitors/NRA's

When making payments to non-resident aliens (NRA’s) for services, honorariums and/or associated travel expenses, you must determine whether it is legal to pay them, is the payment subject to tax, and what policies and procedures must be followed.

It is the sponsoring department’s responsibility to ensure that their foreign national visitor has been pre-approved for payment by Payroll Services prior to making formal arrangements for any kind of payment. All non-travel related payments must be processed via Payroll and our goal is to have the payment available for the incoming visitor while they are on campus. Please allow a minimum of 30 days for the pre-approval and check generating process. It is also the foreign national visitor’s responsibility to ensure that they obtain the proper visa prior to their U.S. arrival, so JMU may legally pay them.

  Service/Honorarium Payments

The most common types that allow for compensation are B-1 (business visitor), B-2 (tourist visitor), WB (business visitor), WT (tourist visitor), and occasionally J-1 visa holders**.

  The B-1, B-2, WB, and WT visa holder can be paid for services/honoraria only if they are providing “usual academic activity” at the University no longer than 9 days and have not accepted payment or expenses from more than 5 institutions in the previous 6 month period (9-5-6 rule).

“Usual academic activity” includes such things as lecturing, teaching, consulting, or otherwise sharing knowledge, experience, or skills in master classes, and performances that are open to the general public, free of charge. Additionally, they must sign a Nonresident Alien Honoraria/Travel Expense Supporting Statement certifying that they meet the “honoraria eligibility” criteria. Visitors that are to receive honoraria that exceed the 9-5-6 rule will need to get a J-1 visa via the Office of International Student and Faculty Programs.

Canadians admitted without an I-94 card are considered to be visitors for pleasure (B-2 tourist visa holders).

  **J-1 visa holders may receive payments for occasional lectures and/or consultations. However, before we can compensate a J-1 Exchange Visitor sponsored by another University, we are required to have prior written authorization from that University's "responsible officer" such as their International Advisor; permission letters from academic departments are not acceptable for this purpose.

  All other visa types must be authorized by the Office of International Student and Faculty Programs and Payroll Services prior to offering compensation for services, honorariums and/or travel expenses, as there are visa types that JMU cannot legally pay.

Payments to NRA's are subject to federal income tax withholding at 30% unless specifically exempted by an income tax treaty. There are tax treaties with over 45 countries. Each treaty is unique. To claim a tax treaty exemption, the IRS requires the NRA to have either a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and submit a completed Form 8233 prior to payment. If not exempted by a tax treaty, taxes must be withheld.

  Travel Arrangements/Reimbursements

Prior authorization is required before any direct billing arrangements are made and/or any pre-payments for expenses using a department’s small purchase card*. Reference Policy 4215 Travel for new Travel Authorization rules regarding foreign national/non-resident visitors.

B-1/WB visa holders (business visitors) may be reimbursed for reasonable travel and incidental expenses incurred in connection with a usual academic activity/service, regardless of the duration of the activity and regardless of whether the individual has previously received payment from other institutions.

B-2/WT visa holders (tourist visitors) may be reimbursed for reasonable travel and incidental expenses incurred in connection with a usual academic activity/service not exceeding 9 days in duration, provided that the individual has not received travel and incidental expenses from more than 5 institutions in the previous 6 months (9-5-6 rule).

  *NOTE: In order for a travel expense reimbursement to be exempt from tax, a business purpose is required. Therefore, the primary purpose of the U.S. visit is very important. If the primary purpose of the U.S. visit is business, and you acquire itemized travel related receipts, then JMU can reimburse the expenses under the Accountable Plan tax free. Eligible expenses may include airfare, hotel and other travel related expenses. If the primary purpose of the U.S. visit is NOT business, then JMU can only reimburse those costs that relate to the business purpose (i.e. meals and lodging at JMU, travel within the U.S. to get to JMU, etc..), but not airfare from the visitor’s foreign address to the U.S. (that would be considered tourist/personal).

  Tax Analysis

Sherry Willis in Payroll Services will perform a tax analysis and assist in the completion of the Form 8233 (if applicable). She will also authorize all non-resident travel reimbursements and/or honorarium payments to foreign national visitors. In order to perform a tax analysis and approve payment(s), the following information is needed:


.400 Receiving Reports

.410 General

Before a vendor is paid for materials delivered, it is important to verify that the item delivered meet the standards and quantities specified in the order.

The receiving report copy of the purchase order or the Receiving Report form must be completed for all items purchased more than $10,000 and must be signed by a different individual than the person originating the purchase. The employee who receives the goods and verifies the quantity and condition must enter the date received and his/her full signature. Initials or a signature stamp is not acceptable. Receiving report alternatives: In lieu of a separate receiving report document for purchases of more than $10,000.00, a bill of lading or packing slip may be used, provided that all of the required information essential to a receiving report are listed.

.420 Inspection, Acceptance, and Rejection of Goods or Services

Departments are responsible for inspecting and accepting goods or services purchased. Inspection is the close and critical examination of goods or services delivered or picked up to determine conformance with applicable requirements or specifications.

.430 Lost or Damaged Shipments

It is the department's responsibility to promptly inspect deliveries for shortages and shipping damages at the receiving location. Shortages or shipping damages must be noted to Accounts Payable so that payment is not made until the vendor has replaced the damaged goods for departmental purchases. Otherwise note on the receiving receipt/packing slip concealed damage must be reported to the carrier and vendor within seven days of receipt and before removal from the point of delivery. Departments must keep the carton for concealed damage claims.

.440 Rejection of Goods

Rejection of goods or services is the responsibility of the requisitioning department whenever the goods or services do not meet contract requirements. In case of a partial or total rejection, the department must take immediate action to notify the vendor as to the reasons for rejection and to request prompt replacement with a mutually agreeable replacement date.

When a rejection is made against a purchase order or contract, the department must notify the appropriate buyer in the Procurement Services department by telephone.

.500 Processing Procedures

.510 Department

  • Verifies that sufficient funds are available in the departmental budget before making any purchases or processing any procurement documents.
  • Prepares appropriate procurement documents for purchases via eVA unless excluded from this process (see exclusion list on Procurement's eVA page).
  • Receives goods and services from the vendor, completes a receiving report, if $10,000 or greater.
  • Receives vendor invoice or a faxed copy from Accounts Payable with eVA PO# listed on invoice. Sends receiving report (if required) to the Office of Accounts Payable within five working days of receipt. Attaches the vendor invoice to an 8 1/2 x 11 size blank sheet of paper if the cash register slips or other vendor invoices are not standard letter size.
    Required information of each invoice:
    • Vendor name and address
    • Vendor Federal Identification Number of the vendor, or Social Security Number of the Individual being paid
    • Vendor Invoice Number
    • Vendor Invoice Date
    • Description of goods or services
    • Amount being paid
    • Maintains records of all expenditures and verifies charges to departmental budget report. Contacts the Cash & Investments Office to reconcile differences.
  • For all invoices without an "eVA PO#" shown on it, completes an Accounting Voucher to initiate payment.
  • Payments are required to be paid by SPCC for all invoices under $10,000

.511 Check Request

The University currently processes checks at least twice a week, so that even payments required within a few days [only for unique circumstances] can generally be produced in a timely fashion under normal business process. The university participates in anti-fraud protection services that require issued checks be reported to our financial institution 24 hours before a payee may present the item for payment, therefore only legitimate emergency check requests will be considered outside the university’s normal check processing schedule. Inconvenience and failure to complete and submit paperwork in a timely manner or follow university procedures are not considered emergencies.

All requests for express [emergency] checks must be in the Accounts Payable Office by 11:00am to receive a check that same day. Exceptions must be approved by the AVP Finance or Associate Controller.

Payments to JMU student vendors:  All student refunds & reimbursements will be processed by JMU's vendor - Higher One.

.520 Accounts Payable

  • Receives procurement documents for expenditures $10,000 or greater. Reviews for proper authorization signature, correct coding, and appropriateness of purchase.
  • Receives Receiving Report and Bill of Lading from Department if $10,000 or greater.
  • Receives invoice from Vendors, date stamps, and records in the Financial Information System.
  • Matches invoice with procurement document, receiving report, and any other supporting documentation available.
  • Forwards or Faxes the invoice to the department that originated the purchase.
  • Receives completed accounting voucher (see subsection .615 - Forms Preparation Instructions) for all invoices without an eVA PO # shown on them. Reviews completed accounting voucher and documentation for completeness and correctness. If incorrect or incomplete, returns documents to department.
  • The department would only contact Accounts Payable when an invoice should not be paid. If no response from the department, eVA invoices up to $10,000 will be paid within five (5) business days. Accounts Payable staff will use the coding and signature on the eVA PO as authorization to make payment.
  • Calculates payment due date and processes invoice for payment. In the absence of contractual terms and in accordance with the Commonwealth's Prompt Pay Act, payment shall be due thirty (30) days after receipt of proper invoice or material/service, whichever is later.
  • Inputs payment information into the Financial Information System, generates necessary reports to determine accuracy of postings, budget exceptions, accuracy of due dates, past due payments, etc.
  • Initiates the payment posting process and generates journal entries. Verifies information, executes Cardinal EDI Transmittals and generates the Interface Transmittal Listing. Reconciles and distributes reports. Saves files for check processing.
  • Provides assistance to University Campus for processing expenditures.

.530 Cash & Investments

  • Processes university disbursements (including international wires).

.540 Financial Reporting

  • Transmits files to the Commonwealth Financial Reporting System (Cardinal) system at the Department of Accounts in Richmond. Verifies accuracy of reports in Cardinal.
  • Receives a manual copy of the Budget Exception Report, resolves exceptions not resolved by Accounts Payable.
  • On a monthly basis reconciles Cardinal expenditure reports to Financial Information System expenditure reports.

.600 Forms Preparation and Submission

.610 Accounting Voucher

.611 Required

This form is required to initiate payment to vendors for all invoices without an eVA PO# listed on it and for all payments to vendors via international wire.

.612 Where to Obtain Blank Forms

An electronic form is available ONLINE.

.613 Number of Copies

Complete two copies.

.614 Where to Send Completed Forms

Send the Original form with supporting documentation to the Office of Accounts Payable, retain one copy for departmental files. Sensitive data (i.e. social security numbers, etc) must not remain on departmental documents.
NOTE: Accounting Vouchers for payment by international wires are sent directly to the Cash & Investments Office, MSC 5711.

.615 Forms Preparation Instructions

Following are detailed instructions for the preparation of the Accounting Voucher. Enter the following information only; all other areas should be left blank. Print a copy of an accounting voucher (with numbers to coincide with the instructions) to assist you with completing your voucher. For International Wire of Foreign Currency sample, click here . For sample of foreign wire of US Dollars, click here

  #1 Agency Name/Delivery Address: Enter the name and address of the department being charged.
  #2 Vendor Information: Enter the Vendor’s name, Address, City, State, and Zip Code. Enter the Federal Identification Number of the vendor, including the suffix or the Social Security Number of the individual being paid. (PS SA# for students providing skilled services or receiving a non-travel reimbursement) Enter the Peoplesoft Vendor number, if known. For services provided by individuals not employed by James Madison University, a completed W-9 form must be on file before a payment is processed. Contact System Support @ x82941 to determine if the W-9 form is on file.

For International Wires, the Vendor Information section should be completed as follows:
Name - James Madison University
Address - JMU EDI Vendor
PeopleSoft Vendor # - 0000002610

Highlight the Address line and the PeopleSoft Vendor # line to alert A/P that this is an EDI payment. Remaining fields left blank.

For all check requests from state deptIDs (1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9) to be deposited into local/agency funds depts (8), the Vendor Information section should be completed as follows:
Name - James Madison University
Address - JMU EDI Vendor
PeopleSoft Vendor # - 0000002610

Highlight Address and Vendor # to alert A/P that this is an EDI payment. Remaining fields left blank. Attach original and one copy of completed Deposit Transmittal Form for Local/Agency DeptID (BDEP-Bank).  Include Invoice # from Accounting Voucher in description area of DTF.  Send entire packet to Accounts Payable.
  #3 Date Voucher Prepared: Enter the date the voucher was prepared.
  #4 Contact Person: Enter the name of the person to call if questions arise.
  #5 MSC: Enter the Mail Stop Code (MSC) for the department preparing the voucher.
  #6 Phone No.: Enter the telephone number of the person to call, if questions arise.
  #7 Vendor Invoice: Enter the vendor's invoice number. Only 1 invoice number may be paid on this form. If no invoice # is present, enter a "meaningful" short description which will appear on the check advice.
  #8 Invoice Date: Enter the date of the vendors invoice.
  #9 P. O. No.: Enter the number of the Purchase Order, if applicable, or the Travel Authorization Number, if applicable.
  #9a eVA exclusion #: Select the exclusion number from the "pulldown" box (by using the "arrow" to display your selections) that matches the allowable, excludable items/categories that do NOT need to be procured through the eVA Procurement System.
  #9b Non-eVA purchase explanation: Provide an explanation of non-eVA purchase if no exclusion # is provided in #9a.
  #10 Approving Signature and Date Signed: Enter the signature of the individual responsible for the departmental budget being charged. This signature must be an approved one on the Signature Authorization Listing maintained by the Office of Finance. The signature attests that the goods and services were received in good condition. Enter the date the individual signed as "approving signature".
  #11 Description: Enter a complete description of each item or service provided.

For International Wires, the description field must include all of the following:
  • beneficiary bank name
  • beneficiary bank address
  • beneficiary bank branch and address/number (if applicable)
  • beneficiary account number
  • the exact name of the beneficiary account
  • the purpose of the wire
  • the amount to be wired
  • the type of currency the payment is to be made in
  • The SORT and/or SWIFT code(s) or IBAN must also be included in this space.
  #12 Quantity: Enter the quantity received.
  #13 Unit Price: Enter the price for each unit received.
  #14 Amount: Enter the amount. (Leave blank for international wires - Cash & Investments will complete after wire is finalized.)
  #15 Department ID #: Enter the Departmental ID Number.
  #16 Acct. #: Enter the expenditure account code that best describes the goods or services provided.
    Total Amount: All total amounts are calculated. (Both places on the form)

.620 Receiving Report

.621 Required

This form is required ONLY for departmental purchases of more than $10,000. A copy of a bill of lading or packing slip is also required for any purchase greater than $10,000.

.622 Where to Obtain Forms

The form is available ONLINE.

.623 Number of Copies

Complete one form.

.624 Where to Send Completed Forms

Send completed forms to the Office of Accounts Payable.

.625 Form Preparation Instructions

  Date Prepared: Enter the date you prepared the form.
  Vendor: Enter the Vendor's name.
  P. O. No.: Enter the Purchase Order Number.
  Requesting Department: Enter the name of the Department that requested the goods or services.
  Attention: Enter the name of the departmental contact person.
  Rec'd. at Dept By: Signature of the individual who received the goods or services.
  Date Rec'd: Enter the date the goods or services were received.
  Item Description: Enter a complete description of the goods or services received.
  Quantity: Enter the number of items received, if applicable.
  ETF Reference: Enter the ETF (Equipment Trust Fund) Reference number if receiving ETF equipment.
  Shipment: Partial/Complete: Indicate if the shipment was partial or complete.

.630 Food and Beverage Certification Form

.631 Required

This form is required when using university/state funds to purchase food and beverages for official university business.

.632 Where to Obtain Forms

An electronic form is available ONLINE.

.633 Number of Copies

Complete one original and one copy to retain in the departmental file.

.634 Where to Send Completed Forms

Submit the Original form with supporting documentation to the Office of Accounts Payable when appropriate, or scan/attach as supporting documentation to SPCC Reconciliation documentation. Retain one copy for departmental files.

.635 Form Preparation Instructions

Instructions for Food and Beverage Certification Form (FBCF):

  Contact Person: Enter name of individual completing form.
  Contact E-mail: Enter contact person's JMU email address.
  Contact Phone Number: Enter contact person’s JMU phone number.
  Date Prepared: Enter date the Food and Beverage Certification Form is prepared.
  Cardholder Printed Name: Enter name of cardholder if applicable expense was charged to JMU SPCC.
  Cardholder E-Mail: Enter cardholder’s email address if applicable expense was charged to JMU SPCC.
  Meal/Food & Beverage Reimbursement Amount: Enter amount of food & beverage expense.
  Date of Meal and/or Food & Beverage Expense: Enter date of expense.
  Name & Address of Dining Facility: Enter complete name and address of facility used for food & beverage expense.
  Business Reason: Select applicable Business Reason and if other is selected, explain the nature of the business benefit for the expense.
  Over meal per diem?: Choose Yes or No from the drop down to indicate whether or not the expense is over the allowable meal per diem. If Yes, must provide additional justification and obtain the appropriate approving authority’s signature. If No, additional justification and approving authority signature is not required.
Additional participant list or agenda attached? Select Yes or No from the drop down box and if yes is selected be sure to provide the attachment.
Names of the Meal Participants

Provide the Participant Names and Affiliations.

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