The Valley Scholars Program provides tuition and support to students in the Shenandoah Valley — and they depend on the generosity of supporters like you.
Your donations are used to fund academic coaching for all Valley Scholars students, provide tuition for Dual Enrollment courses, and much more. Donors, you make the dream of attending college a reality for Valley Scholars students. For that, we thank you!
Who We Serve
We serve middle and high school students in Augusta, Page, Rockingham and Shenandoah Counties and Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Waynesboro Cities.
What We Do
We invest time, energy and resources into each student to ensure that they can be successful in achieving a four-year degree. This model includes sequential outreach and enrichment for each grade level and then provides financial support for college tuition and fees at the completion of the program and admittance at James Madison University.
Why It Is Important
College can mean the difference between leading a productive and meaningful life on the one hand or becoming vulnerable to circumstances on the other.
We need your support
Valley Scholars surpassed 1,000 donors in the fall of 2020 and have now received donations from 1,085 unique donors. Thank you to our private, corporate, and foundation supporters. We are pleased to welcome a new foundation partner, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). SNF will provide support for a graduate student dedicated to working with Valley Scholars during the critical transition between senior year and the first semester of college. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation also continues their grant investment, supporting academic coaching and dual enrollment course access for high school students. In the second year of the Foundation's support, 39 different students have used this financial opportunity to take a total of 411 college credit classes this fall and upcoming spring semester.
You are the hope for our future Valley Scholars. Please give today.