Apply to be a Mentor for the Valley Scholars Program!
Valley Scholars Mission:
The Valley Scholars program provides outreach activities to first-generation middle and high school students, engaging them in educational enrichment activities designed to increase awareness of and access to institutions of higher education with the goal of providing scholarship support for students admitted to and attending James Madison University.
Why be a mentor?
As a JMU student, you've prepared for, applied to, and are now attending college. For many students in the Shenandoah Valley this is a daunting process. Valley Scholars helps students navigate the process to college acceptance and success, but it starts with mentors! As a mentor you will have the opportunity to work with a fellow JMU student to help a small group of 8th graders as they enter the Valley Scholars program and transition to high school. Mentorship assists students in developing necessary skills for future college success.
Mentors will:
- Meet with your 8th grade mentees for up to one hour each week
- Attend Valley Scholars program days and/or enjoy lunch with mentees
when they are on campus. - Attend a 3-credit JMU course on a weekday evening (likely Tuesdays after
4pm). - Have reliable transportation to your mentee group (up to 45 minutes away
in some cases). - Make a two-semester commitment to mentoring.
Provide support and guidance to your mentees for their entire 8th grade
Mentors are matched with mentees in the cities of Harrisonburg, Staunton, Waynesboro and the counties of Augusta, Shenandoah, and Rockingham.
Valley Scholars recruits mentors at the end of Spring semester. Apply here or contact the Valley Scholars office for more information.