At The Graduate School, we are dedicated to transforming the lives of our graduate students by providing exceptional academic experiences and professional development. Your contributions can help our graduate students access the resources they need to stay on track, earn their degrees, and make a difference in our world. Support our mission and be a part of their success.

Empower Graduate Success.

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Connesia Hanford

"There are so many important initiatives or projects that would not have happened if students with culturally unique perspectives had not been afforded help to be in the room so their voice could be heard."

Connesia Handford
Advancing Intelligent Minds (AIM) scholarship recipient

When you give to The Graduate School, you can choose your fund to support:

The Graduate Student Professional Development Fund provides graduate students with support for engaged learning experiences that are necessary for the development of professional skills that are fundamental to individuals earning graduate degrees. This fund provides support for on-campus professional development programming for graduate students as well as funds graduate student travel to present scholarly and creative work at academic and professional conferences.

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The Advancing Intelligent Minds (AIM) Fund provides support to exemplary graduate students who are currently underrepresented in their academic field of study.

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Contributions to the Graduate School General Fund make it possible for us to continue to support many other opportunities for students.  

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