Scholarships can significantly reduce the cost of your graduate education. Students are encouraged to explore the opportunities on this page for available funding from national, regional, foundation and organizations, and scholarship programs.
Graduate Student Scholarships for All
This scholarship is designed to assist in funding higher education for individuals. Students provide short answers to questions concerning financial literacy to encourage positive behaviors in managing finances.
The National Medical Fellowships awards scholarships to graduate students who are pursing a career in healthcare. Learn more.
Whether Asian or American, whether a cutting-edge painter or a traditional dancer, whether a classical musician or a modern cultural archeologist—any gifted individual artist or scholar who seeks to grow in his or her craft or field can apply for funding to conduct research and study, receive specialized training, undertake observation tours, or pursue non-commercial creative activity in the United States or among the countries of Asia. Learn More.
The JR Program for International Peace awards Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships to students enrolled in U.S. universities who are researching and writing doctoral dissertations on topics related to international conflict management and peacebuilding. Proposals from all disciplines are welcome. Learn More.
International Graduate Student Scholarships
American Center of Research Scholarships and Fellowships
The foundation offers a series of monetary grants and fellowships based on research within the Asian continent, and is open to various nationalities. This is available to pre-doctoral and post-doctoral students. Learn More.
Davis-Putter Scholarships
Need-based grants (up to $6,000) to undergraduate or graduate students who are able to do academic work at the college level, and are actively working for peace and justice. Grantees must receive college credits for the time period covered by their grant. Open to non-US citizens who are attending an accredited university. Learn More.
Educational exchanges that strengthen understanding and communication between the United States and over students from 140 countries. Students interested in applying for the Fulbright Student Program must apply through the Fulbright Program Office in their home country. Learn More.
Organization of American States (OAS) Fellowships
This organization offers general scholarships for undergraduate and graduate study. All applications must be submitted through the corresponding National Liaison Office in your country. OAS academic scholarships are awarded for no more than two years of full-time studies at any university in an OAS member state, with the exception of the applicant’s sponsoring country. Learn More.
American Association for University Women - International Fellowships
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree by September 30, 2014, and must have applied to their proposed institutions of study by the time of the application. Up to five International Master’s/First Professional Degree Fellowships are renewable for a second year. Learn More.
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund
The International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program which provides scholarships for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. Members of P.E.O. believe that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding. The maximum amount awarded to a student is $10,000. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs. Learn More.
Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW)
The Fellowships and Awards Program supports graduate study, literacy, and the creative arts through awards and grants ranging from $2,000 to $11,500. Numerous fellowships available to graduate students. Eligibility is restricted to women, and those who are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. Learn More.
American Scandinavian Foundation
The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) offers over $500,000 in funding to Scandinavians to undertake study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Candidates for awards are recommended to the ASF by our cooperating organizations. In order to apply submit applications to the appropriate cooperative organization (see below). Awards are made in all fields. Eligible candidates must be citizens of one of the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. Learn More.
Belgian American Education Fund, Inc.
The foundation offers fellowships for study or/and research in the United States. In addition to the amounts indicated, BAEF also pays for health insurance at the US institution. Fellows are Belgian citizens, who are expected to stay in the USA for a full academic year at a US institution or for a full year to do research institution. Learn More.
The Norway-America Association
The Norway-America Association (NORAM) is an non-profit organization that since 1919 has helped Norwegian students to study in North-America, and American students to study in Norway. NORAM awards approximately five scholarships for Americans students who will attend graduate school or do PhD research here. Applicants must be members of the Norway-America Association (NAA) and must have completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree. Award amounts range from $ 2,000 to $20,000. Learn More.
Onassis Foundation Scholarships
Offers scholarships for Greek graduate for postgraduate and doctoral studies outside of Greece. Offers research grants and educational scholarships in the Humanistic Sciences, Political Science, Law and Economics, Architecture, Fine Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Cinema. Learn More.
Rotalia Foundation
The primary goal of this foundation is to provide financial support to various activities associated with Rotalia, such as academic scholarships, travel grants, and to support Rotalia’s publications, libraries, archives, conferences and sporting events. Scholarships and research grants for individuals in the U.S. and abroad who read, speak, and understand Estonian. Grants are given at all levels – undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and for research. The foundation is particularly interested in supporting qualified individuals in the U.S. to study in Estonia, and individuals in Estonia to study in the U.S. For more information, contact Rotalia by phone (+372 7 343 970) or by rotalia@rotalia.ee. Learn More.
Statens Lanekasse for Utdanning
Provides educational grants and loans for Norwegian students abroad. Citizens of an EEA or EFTA country who have accrued rights in Norway are also eligible. Normally, grants are only given to people who have a consecutive period of at least two years of residency in Norway during the five years before the education begins. Applicants must be in at least their sophomore year of undergraduate study. Apply for funding as soon as you get accepted to your desired program of study. Learn More.
The Sweden-American Foundation
Awards approximately 40 fellowships for graduate, postgraduate and post-doc studies in the U.S. and Canada. Only Swedish citizens with a completed undergraduate degree are eligible to apply. Every year, the Sweden-America Foundation awards approximately 40 fellowships for Graduate, Postgraduate and Post Doc Studies in the United States and Canada. Learn More.
Swiss Benevolent Society of New York Scholarships
Merit based awards for study at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels both in the U.S. and abroad. To be eligible, the applicant must be or have parents who are Swiss nationals. Applicants for Pellegrini and Zimmerman scholarships and the OSA award must be residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania or Delaware. Applicants for Medicus grants for study in Switzerland must reside in the United States. Learn More.
Swiss Friends of the USA
The Company Swiss-American Society awards per year CHF 15'000-20'000 on scholarship contributions. These contributions are intended as a funding supplement and be in 5-7 candidates who are either Swiss or have long ties with Switzerland. This scholarship is oriented to those who want to continue their education in the United States with the goal of a university degree. Learn More.
Kosovo Scholarship
JMU’s Kosovo Scholarship provides financial support to citizens of Kosovo to pursue master’s and doctoral degrees in select programs. Students must plan to return to Kosovo after completing degree. Learn More.
The Lituanian Foundation
Supports students who have Lithuaninan heritage and are active in their community. Students can be US citizens, US permanent resident, or Lithuanian citizens. Scholarships up to $7,500 for one academic year are available. Read more.
US Graduate Student Scholarships
Digital Responsibility Scholarships
Four scholarships to promote awareness of digital responsibility. Each scholarship requires essay specific to an area of digital responsibility. $1000 scholarship. Designed to encourage students to increase literacy skills. No required field of study necessary to apply. Learn More.
The Lituanian Foundation
Supports students who have Lithuaninan heritage and are active in their community. Students can be US citizens, US permanent resident, or Lithuanian citizens. Scholarships up to $7,500 for one academic year are available. Read more.
Students with Heart Foundation
Supports students who have suffered from various types of heart disease and deformities. Learn more about the criteria.
American Indian Graduate Center – The Center for Native Scholarships
Offering a variety of scholarships to Native American students. Scholarship amounts vary. Learn More.
American Indian Education Fund
Supporting graduate students who are American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian. Read more.The Bridging the Dream Scholarship Program for Graduate Students
The scholarships helps outstanding students from minority and other historically underserved communities attend graduate school. Grad students who are facing financial challenges may apply to receive a $10,000 scholarship to help them pay for their graduate or professional degree program. Learn More Here.
The Protecting Black Voices Graduate Scholarship
The Protecting Black Voices Graduate Scholarship was created to support students committed to civic responsibility and community engagement. Students who are pursuing graduate studies in History, Political Science, Communications, and Public Administration or related fields are encouraged to apply. Learn more.
Otsuka Scholarship
This scholarship for black students in a business or STEM related graduate program. Learn More.
National Black MBA Assoication, Inc.
The National Black MBA Association seeks to support black graduate students in the advancement of their careers by partnering with more than 300 top businesses. Learn more.
United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship
UNCF offers the United Health Foundation Diversity in Health Care Scholarship for students of color pursuing a career as a clinical professional. Deadline to apply for the $5000 award is August 27, 2023. Learn more.
(ISC)2 Graduate Cybersecurity Scholarship
For students pursuing a degree with a focus on cybersecurity or information assurance. Scholarship amounts between $1000-$5000. Minimum 3.5 GPA. Citizenship not required. Learn More.
CyberCorps Scholarship of Service
For students earning the bacherlor's degree in cybersecurity. Scholarship includes full tuition and fees plus stipends. Learn more.
2023 National Space Club and Foundation Keynote Scholar Application
For applicants with the intention of pursuing a career in STEM fields and excel in public speaking. $10,000 scholarship. Learn More.
Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship Program
Thermo Fisher Scientific scholarship was created to help provide educational opportunities for the future generation of scientists. Graduate students or undergraduate students must be enrolled in an accredited college to qualify for this scholarship, and majoring in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or a related life-science field. A pre-selected committee will award two $10,000 scholarships and four $5,000 scholarships among the candidates. To qualify for the scholarship, students must have a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and be enrolled in an accredited college for university for the Fall 2014 semester. In addition to these qualifications, students must also be legal United States residents, meaning that students possessing appropriate Visa status in order to study in the United States are also eligible. Learn More.
Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance Foundation Scholarship
For students in five year programs, the awards are presented to students who have completed their sophomore year of college by application deadline and majoring in accounting or finance. Minimum cumulative college GPA of 3.0. Learn More.
Multiple scholarships between $1500 – 3500 awarded to students who excel in critical thinking about written materials in any field. The selection is a two-step process to include a timed test. Learn More.
William B. Ruggles Right to Work Journalism Scholarship
Graduates students in journalism or related programs. $2000. Learn More.
Applegate/Jackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship
For graduate students in education programs. $1000 scholarship. Learn More.
Eckenfelder Scholarship
US citizens or permanent residents who are studying environmental sciences and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. See additional requirments.
The Gloria Barron Wilderness Society Scholarship
This scholarship benefits students whose career interests include long-term protection of the wilderness in the US. Learn more.
AMBUCS Scholars – Scholarships for Therapists
US citizens in a graduate-level program in audiology, occupational therapy, or speech language pathology. One page personal statement submitted with FAFSA required. $6000 award. Learn More.
National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
Students must be legally blind in both eyes; residing in the US, DC, or Puerto Rico. Learn More.
CBCF Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program
The CBCF Louis Stokes Health Scholars Program is for students attending professional health programs including physician assistant and nursing. Learn More.
Army Nurse Corps Association
ANCA supports students have or are serving in any branch, rank, or component of the US Army. Learn more.The Melanie Foundation
Supporting graduate students are studying in the mental health field in the United States. Find more details here.
Science Scholarships
A federal/university partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and 34 university-based programs in coastal areas, Great Lakes states, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Applicants should have interest in marine study to improve coastal environments. Learn more.
The Generation Google
Students interested in computer science graduate degrees are encouraged to consider applying for The Generation Google Scholarship. Learn more. Learn more.
Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity
For graduate students funded by active NSF grants. Students must have completed at least one year of academic study. Learn more.
Presidential Management Fellows Program is open to current gradaute students who expect to be graduating the year following the annual application. Students who are interested in public service and government leadership are encouraged to apply. Learn more.