
JMU does not have on-campus housing for graduate students. Most graduate students find off campus apartments. A good place to start looking is the JMU Office of Off-Campus Life (OCL). If you have trouble finding a place, contact the OCL. They know of apartments that are rented primarily to graduate students. They also maintain a directory that includes the property location, contact information, and other pertinent information. Check out their website, send them an email at ocl@jmu.edu, or give them a call at 540-568-6071.
Downtown Harrisonburg also offers many apartment living options. Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance keeps a webpage of downtown apartment complexes, all of which are appropriate for a more mature student.
JMU dining was named #2 from the Princeton Review!
Over 20 dining locations across campus (all you can eat style and a la carte style).
Starbucks and Java City locations are located in libraries and in various academic buildings on both sides of campus.
Express Markets are located in Showker Hall, HHS, and Montpelier Hall for quick grab and go sandwiches and coffee.
Dining services offers 7 Meal Plan options for commuter students. It is quick and easy to pick the best option for yourself!
Meal plans are not required for commuter students.
In order to park on campus, graduate students will need to purchase a parking permit. Parking Services offers several types of parking permits. Students can purchase a permit by visiting Parking Services in the Basement of the Showker deck or by going online.
HDPT Transit
The Harrisonburg Department of Transit provides buses that are free to ride for students. Buses go through campus, to areas around town such as the Valley Mall and Walmart, and to various apartment complexes. Bus schedules can be found online, in packets that are located at the front of every bus, and on various smartphone apps.
Traveling to and from JMU
There are various options for traveling by plane, bus, rail, taxi and shuttle. Learn more.