Welcome to the JMU Faculty Emeriti Association

The JMU Faculty Emeriti Association is a multifaceted organization open to all faculty and administrative personnel who have been granted Emerita or Emeritus status by the JMU Board of Visitors. The organization provides an opportunity for retired faculty to continue association with colleagues and to maintain ties to the University. We welcome you to join any and all of our activities.

Nearly 350 retired faculty and administrative professional staff members are actively involved with the JMU Faculty Emeriti Association and with each other. We invite all retired faculty emeriti to be a part of this active group. We are a professional and social organization which encourages the interaction of emeriti through meetings, interest groups and events.

Please contact Faculty Emeriti President Kay Knickrehm at knickrkm@jmu.edu or JMU Administrator, Jennifer Sommers, Assistant Director of Family Engagement at sommerjl@jmu.edu or phone at (540) 568-5255.

JMU Faculty Handbook.  Section III.B.3.e. Emeritus Faculty.   A retired instructional or A&P faculty member is eligible for emeritus status if the individual has served full-time for a minimum of 10 years on the university faculty, has attained the academic rank of lecturer, senior lecturer, principal lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, and has retired in good standing. Emeritus rank is a privilege and not a right of any retired faculty member. For details see the JMU Manual of Policies and Procedures, Policy 2105, Emeritus Faculty.

Please note: The Faculty Emeriti Association is not empowered to grant emeritus status.

The JMU Faculty Emeriti Association is a proud supporter of the Valley Scholars Program. To learn more or support this program, visit their website.

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