The JMU Faculty Emeriti newsletter is emailed to all FEA members. Follow the links below to read current or archived issues:

Legacy Grant

Each year the Faculty Emeriti Association presents a $5,000 unrestricted grant to a JMU faculty member who has made significant professional contributions over time. The award randomly rotates among colleges, with the selection made by the dean of the college. Past recipients are:

  • 2025: Corinne Diop, School of Art, Design & Art History
  • 2024: Dr. Tom DeVore, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • 2023: Dr. Jennifer Coffman, College of Integrated Science and Engineering
  • 2022: Dr. Jennifer Walsh, Department of Health Professions
  • 2021: Dr. Sharon L. Blatz, Department of Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities
  • 2020: Dr. Andre Neveu, College of Business
  • 2019: Dr. Katey Castellano, College of Arts and Letters
  • 2018: Trudy L. Cole, School of Art, Design & Art History
  • 2017: Dr. Susan R. Halsell, Biology
  • 2016: Dr. David Bernstein, College of Integrated Science and Engineering
  • 2015: Dr. Michael D. Hall, College of Health and Behavioral Studies
  • 2014: Dr. David Slykhuis, Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Department
  • 2013: Dr. Bill Wood, Economics
  • 2012: Dr. Scott Hammond, Political Science Department
  • 2011: Dr. Don Rierson, Music Department
  • 2010: Dr. Hassan Hamdan, Mathematics and Statistics Department
  • 2009: Dr. Ann Myers, Social Work Department
  • 2008: Dr. Teresa Harris, Early Childhood Ed. Department
  • 2007: Dr. Raymond Hyser, History Department
  • 2006: Dr. Newell Wright, Marketing Department

Emeriti Friends

A group of our members, aptly known as Emeriti Friends, stand ready to provide transportation to medical appointments for other emeriti. They will provide transportation for those members unable to drive to our meetings. Contact: Violet Allain

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