Employees may leave the university for a variety of reasons: retirement, changing careers, pursuing advancement opportunities, adapting to family circumstances, pursuing educational opportunities, relocating; the reasons may vary and be well-thought-out in advance. Separations can also be swift and stressful.

The information below is provided to assist employees and departments in meeting important and timely obligations related to departures from the university.

If you are terminating your full-time, Classified, employment, review the important Separating Full-time Employment for Classified Staff information.

If you are terminating your full-time, Administartive and Professional Faculty, employment, review the important Separating Full-time Employment for A&P Faculty information.

If you are terminating your full-time, Instructional Faculty employment, review the important Separating Full-time Employment for Instructional Faculty information.

If you are terminating your part-time employment as an adjunct professor, review the important Separating Part-time Employment information.

If you are terminating your part-time employment as a wage employee, review the important Separating Part-time Employment information.





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