This is neither an employment contract nor an invitation to a contract of any kind. The policies, procedures and other information contained in the Classified Employee Handbook may be changed by the university and/or the Commonwealth of Virginia without notice.
Human Resources compiled information on personnel matters frequently of interest to James Madison University’s classified employees. Questions relating to your department should be directed to your immediate supervisor. Questions relating to university and/or Commonwealth of Virginia policies and other personnel matters should be directed to Human Resources at 540-568-6165 or researched on HR’s website.
About JMU
JMU Organizational Chart
HR Communications
We want you to be connected and informed:
- HR’s website is filled with information for your employment satisfaction
- Join the conversation on Twitter @JMUJobs
- If you are an administrative assistant or administrator, send a request to humanresources@jmu.edu to join the HR Alerts for Admins ListServ to receive timely announcements and need to know information
Wondering who to call with specific questions? See Services We Provide for a list of HR services provided and the primary contact person for that service.
University Policy Manual
Visit the University Policy Committee's website to research policies that have a broad impact on the university's people and processes. Find out about smoking regulations, weapons, animals, and drones on campus, university bulletin boards, what to do with found items, or how to claim lost items.
The UPC ListServ is a great way to stay informed on new and revised policies. An opt-in feature allowing you to join the ListServ is available on the Home and Ask Questions pages at https://www.jmu.edu/JMUpolicy.
As a result of subscribing to the ListServ, employees receive notices when:
- Policies are updated
- Policies are posted for public review
- The semi-annual policy change notification report has been posted on the site
Personnel Data
You have the right to review your personnel file by contacting the Human Resources office to arrange an appointment. When you change your home address, marital status, number of dependents, beneficiary, or similar information, you should notify a Benefits Specialist in Human Resources.