Do I qualify?
- No specific diagnosis is required. All children who have some type of physical, developmental, or emotional condition for which they require more services than what is typically required by most children (McPherson et al., 1998). Examples may include: autism, learning disabilities, ID/DD, mobility issues, etc.
- Families must live within a one-hour drive (one-way) of JMU. Travel time does not count in the respite care hours.
- Families must be willing to help educate the students.
- Potential participants are not required to speak English.
Process to become involved
- Fill out the forms - Families must complete the two included forms:
- Family Participation Agreement (PDF), Family Participation Agreement (online version)
- Family Information Form (PDF), Family Information Form (online version)
- Send the forms to Precious Time - Forms can be sent using one of the following ways:
- Emailed to Hyuntae Kim [kim58hx@jmu.edu]
- Mailed to:
Precious Time—MSC 9021
220 University Blvd.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
- Meet with the program director ‐ the program director meets with each family before they start. The purposes of this meeting are to get to know the family better and answer any questions that arise.