Policies for Public Review

The following policies are open for public review from August 1, 2024 through September 9, 2024: 

  • Policy 1121– Public Expression on Campus
  • Policy 3104– Bulletin Board Use and Posting Public Notices


  • If you review this policy and would like to make a comment, click on the following link: www.jmu.edu/JMUpolicy/suggest.shtml.  Suggestions for changes will be reviewed by the University Policy Committee and policies could potentially be updated and republished as a result of the input.
Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility Pledge

August is Civility Awareness Month.

The Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will collect names throughout August 2024 for a September online publication at the Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility website. Those who would like to have their name included in the September print version of the list (to be distributed during September events that promote Civility) must submit their name by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Sep. 2, 2024. New pledges will be announced at the Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility website the first day of each month throughout the academic year. For more information, please contact the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, placing Dukes ‘Ace” Civility in the subject line.  

As a visual representation of names, the “Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility” Pledge List helps to further highlight the strong foundation of support within our campus communities to uphold civility. We are excited to invite you to become a visible partner in August and all year!


American Council On Education, PEN American Resource Guide

February 24, 2023 ACE and PEN America have collaborated on Making the Case for Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy in a Challenging Political Environment: A Resource Guide for Campus Leaders.


  • Have you ever thought about how colleges and universities examine complex issues, challenges, and ideas and provide forums in which issues and opinions can be explored and openly debated?

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Bonus Source: Pen America Campus Free Speech Guide

Bruce Lee: "Enter The Dragon" - The Art of Fighting Without Fighting


  • Have you negotiated incivility without combative discussion or action?

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Making sense of (In)Civility: voices from UC Davis

Based on interviews with UC Davis administrators, staff, students, and faculty, this look at our campus uses tools of sociological analysis to understand how the university’s structures determine what becomes “uncivil” on campus and frame the range of responses that can take place to these incidents. Questions asked include: at what point does the administration respond to uncivil acts, and what are the limits of possible responses to those acts? How do individuals who work within the university define a successful outcome when addressing an incident of incivility? What does civility mean to various individuals—is this the word we should be using to identify the conditions of intolerance, and find ways to address it? 


  • What could we learn from demonstrations of incivility on other college campuses toward promoting civility on our campus?

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Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility Campaign

August is Civility Awareness Month, and we are excited to invite you to become a visible partner in the “Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility” campaign in August and all year!

This campaign will feature conversation starters accessible via a QR Code, displayed on cups in D/E Hall, as well as during CiviliTea Pop-Up Beverage Service during Family Weekend and Homecoming Weekend. Thanks to one campaign co-sponsor, JMU Dining, one side of these cups will display a word (diversity, inclusion, accessibility, belonging, civility), while the other side will feature the QR Code. Additionally, the campaign includes (but is not limited to):

  • Steep yourself the #Dukes Ace Civility website and social media (August 1 launch) with conversation starters.
  • Contests with mug giveaways, with winners showcased on our social media
  • Get the Tea on Civility during the relaunch of the Freedom of Expression Series (Launch is September 26th from 2-3 pm. 2024 dates forthcoming)
  • Film Screenings
  • Promoting JMU events or initiatives that align with the “Dukes AceCivility” theme. Share yours with us at VPDEI@jmu.edu.
  • Did we mention the CiviliTea available during pop-up beverage service throughout the month/year?
  • We’ll enjoy demonstration of this theme throughout the academic year through existing and new pursuits (i.e. actions and results of the SpeakUpDukes Climate StudyTask Force on Racial Equity, etc.)


  • As a Duke, how can you “Ace” Civility?

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Freedom of Expression Series

Passionate disagreements, divisive protests, insensitivity toward those who think differently and an increase in acts of violence demand focused discussion. 

James Madison University is hosting a virtual event series featuring multi-industry panelists who will discuss Freedom of Expression and applicable rights and responsibilities.

This series is sponsored by: Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


  • Is there an importance of the First Amendment and the impact of speech on community and civility on our campus?

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Nominating a Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility Champion

Know someone who is a walking, talking example of Civility? Help the campus recognize their efforts by sending a nomination to the Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility Campaign at vpdei@jmu.edu.

Place Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility Champion [Insert Champion’s Name] in the subject line and in up to 250 words tell us about your nominee in the body of your email.

Each nomination will be considered and, if selected as a Civility Champion, will be announced at the Dukes ‘Ace’ Civility website on the first day of each month throughout the academic year.. Nominations are now OPEN.

JMU Climate Study ‘SpeakUpDukes’

JMU stared a university-wide campus climate study in 2021 also known as ‘SpeakUpDukes’. In part, the results yielded information about comfort with campus, workplace, and classroom climate.


  • What JMU pursuits do you know of that facilitate civility?

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Aesop Fable: The Two Goats

Tells a story of two goats who are at a river with a narrow bridge that allowed no room to pass. They argued and fought over who should cross the bridge first, and neither would budge. The moral of the story is that when you argue and fight, you lose sight of what is right.


  • Have you ever discovered that you were incorrect about something you had believed to be true?

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Better Conversations Together Orientation Program

The Better Conversations Together Orientation program is a multi-part initiative designed for students to learn and build upon their civic dialogue skills.


  • In support of Governor Youngkin’s request that all new students receive training in freedom of expression and free speech, and building on JMU’s mission as an engaged university, students will participate in this program to help them develop and refine their civic dialogue skills. Have you ever participated in a formal program to discuss freedom of expression and free speech?

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Ladder of Inference

The ladder of inference, a concept introduced by organizational psychologist Chris Argyris, sheds light on how our thoughts and beliefs can shape our actions and influence the outcomes of our interactions. The ladder of inference illustrates the mental process we go through when making sense of the world around us.


  • Where on the ladder are you often located when you fundamentally disagree with another person?

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  Dukes ACE Civility

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