James Madison University provides a variety of resources for faculty and staff to utilize as they navigate the campus community. The Office of Access & Inclusion seeks to pull together a list of these resources that can be easily accessed here.  If you are aware of other resources that will benefit the diverse needs of the JMU faculty and staff, please submit a link to us at diversity@jmu.edu 

Cultural Observation Calendar

JMU is committed to creating a more inclusive campus. This is an effort to build awareness and understanding of important holidays and observances of the diverse groups that comprise our university community.

Feedback or recommendations are welcome. Please use this form or click the gray button on the Cultural Observation Calendar to submit recognized non-partisan and apolitical holidays/events and awareness months or days that are celebrated by a cultural, national, religious, ethnic or affinity group.


The ALANA Network draws its name from African, Latino, Asian and Native American and serves as a network offering professional support and fosters a sense of community among multicultural faculty and staff. The Office of Access & Inclusion sponsors a meet and greet reception each fall welcoming the new multicultural faculty and staff into the JMU community.  

Employee Advisory Committee

As an advisory committee reporting to the President of James Madison University, the Employee Advisory Committee fosters open, honest and productive communication between employees and the university administration with an emphasis on matters of concern to all employees.  Visit their Website.

International Faculty and Staff Listserv and Group

The Center for Global Engagement helps organize regular happy hour and dinner potluck events for international faculty, staff, and researchers to which all members of the JMU community are welcome. The goal is to provide informal networking opportunities that include international members of the JMU community.

JMU Human Resources

The James Madison University Human Resources departmental site provides detailed information including employment, benefits and HR services.  To find your specialist go to HR Contact Search

Advertising resources available to search committees are available on HR's Advertising Sources webpage. 

Visit Human Resources Website.

JMU Talent Development

James Madison University is committed to providing professional development opportunities for all JMU community members. In support of JMU defining characteristic five under infrastructure – The university will invest in the professional development of its people – the JMU Talent  Development offers personal and professional development opportunities for administrative and professional (AP) faculty, classified staff and wage employees.JMU Talent Development focuses on learning areas which help each of us reach our own potential as well as work effectively with others. By accessing the links on this page you will find a wide variety of professional development opportunities which are provided free of charge to JMU AP faculty, classified staff and wage employees.Faculty and staff are encouraged to pursue professional development utilizing internal and external resources. Please let the JMU Talent Development staff know how we can assist you in your personal, professional and departmental development needs. Visit Talent Development's website

LGBTQ Employee Group

Do you consider yourself a member or ally of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) community? Are you an employee at James Madison University? Please consider joining the JMU LGBTQ Employee Group! Current interests and activities include benefits advocacy, data collection, and social events.

More ideas and energy are welcome.  Visit their Website.

Madison Caucus on Gender Equality

The Madison Caucus for Gender Equality updates the historic Faculty Women’s Caucus that was initiated in 1973 to address discrimination against women in the JMU workplace. The caucus reaches out to all professional women and men on campus, understanding that gender based workplace bias affects not only women but men and families as well. In the 2011-2012 academic year, dedicated JMU citizens gathered to discuss how we might continue the activism of the original caucus in the 21st century. We have revised our constitution, updated our name, and identified goals and activities to guide us. Please consider joining the Madison Caucus for Gender Equality; there is plenty of work and good community to be shared.  Visit their Website.

Madison Hispanic Caucus

The Madison Hispanic Faculty Caucus at James Madison University is an organization whose purpose is to be an advocate for Latino issues in higher education, including the educational welfare and advancement of Latinos/as at our University. Our goals are to cultivate a supportive and inclusive community on campus, promote social and cultural dimensions of Latino topics as related to education and well-being, and encourage a vibrant engagement with the diversity of Latino cultures. Visit the Madison Hispanic Caucus website.

Sisters in Session

The Sisters in Session Caucus (SIS) seeks to represent the interest and wellbeing of African, Black, and African American women who occupy various roles or positions across on the JMU campus. We provide support, professional development, and peer mentorship through initiatives and gatherings. Beyond our primary focus on staff and faculty, SIS strives to support graduate and undergraduate students. Learn more at the Sisters in Session webpage.

The Young Children’s Program

The Young Children's Program is an early learning program operated by the James Madison University's College of Education.  Its curriculum, environment, and organization are based on professional standards and research related to learning and development of young children.  The program operates Monday-Friday with two full day 4-year old classes, a full day 3-year old class, and a morning session for 3-year and 4-year olds. 

The Young Children's Program recognizes that children's development is best facilitated through cooperative efforts of families and school.  Family members are welcome contributors to the ongoing curriculum and are encouraged to be involved in ways that support their children's adjustment and growth.  Avenues for communication are varied and personal in order to meet the needs of all families. 

The YCP is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Learn more at the JMU Young Children's Program webpage.


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