Policy name Policy Number Revision Date
University Policy Management 1000 2023-03-21
Responding to External Requests for Information 1103 2015-09-18
Prohibition of Weapons 1105 2023-01-30
Internal Controls 1108 2023-10-10
Alcohol and Other Drugs 1110 2018-05-11
Emergency Response and Recovery 1112 2023-02-20
Violence Prevention 1115 2024-01-10
Information Technology Resource Management 1201 2022-03-09
Information Security 1204 2022-03-15
Electronic Messaging 1209 2021-03-11
E-Commerce 1210 2021-08-02
Information Technology Accessibility 1211 2021-04-19
Information Technology Infrastructure, Architecture and Ongoing Operations 1212 2021-07-19
Information Technology Project Management 1213 2021-07-19
University Information Technology Security Program 1214 2021-07-19
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination 1302 2022-04-12
Provisions for Granting Overtime and Compensatory Leave 1303 2013-10-01
Outside Employment of Faculty 1304 2013-03-01
Performance Evaluation of Administrative & Professional Faculty 1307 2022-04-05
Family and Medical Leave 1308 2023-03-24
Alternative Work Schedules 1310 2023-04-06
Classified and Wage (non-student/part-time) Positions - Recruiting, Selecting and Hiring 1313 2023-08-16
Classified Employee Standards of Conduct and Performance 1317 2022-10-04
Emeritus Staff 1318 2022-06-13
Classified Employee Leave Without Pay 1319 2022-08-12
Employment Reference Information - Providing and Obtaining 1320 2023-09-27
Classified Employee Probationary Period 1322 2023-11-09
New Employee Orientation 1323 2023-05-09
Wage Employment 1325 2022-06-13
Immigration Reform and Control Act 1326 2017-01-19
Leave Sharing 1328 2022-05-04
Animals on University Property 1330 2015-09-01
Disabilities & Reasonable Accommodations 1331 2012-08-01
Retirement Incentive Plan for Faculty 1333 2018-04-18
Student Employment 1334 2011-06-01
On-Call Status and Compensation 1336 2022-06-13
Faculty Leave 1338 2022-04-19
Administrative & Professional Faculty - Negotiated Amicable Separation Agreements 1339 2022-08-23
Tuition Waiver Program for Faculty and Staff Course Work Taken at James Madison University 1402 2022-04-13
Training and Development - A&P Faculty and Classified Staff 1403 2020-09-03
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect 1406 2022-05-09
Space Management 1503 2023-03-03
Rental Charges and Recoveries for Continuing Occupancy or Use 1504 2023-01-30
Telephones and Telecommunication Services 1505 2023-02-20
Media Relations and Social Media Publishing 1508 2017-05-24
Use of Images 1509 2023-06-01
Auditing Program/Charter 1601 2023-03-13
Fraud, Waste and Abuse Reporting 1603 2019-05-17
Energy Use 1704 2023-02-28
Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) Information Security Policy 2010 2024-01-18
Faculty Selection and Hiring Procedures 2101 2015-08-01
Part-time and Adjunct Faculty 2104 2012-01-01
Instructional Faculty Separation from Employment 2106 2023-08-28
Honorary Degrees 2117 2022-04-13
Student Organizations - Faculty/Staff Advisers 3101 2019-10-17
Lost and Found Property 3106 2017-09-21
Health and Safety 3108 2015-07-01
Bloodborne Pathogens 3109 2023-02-28
Student Complaint Log 3110 2022-03-31
Contracts - Signature Authority 4100 2023-11-30
Student Clubs and Organizations - Contractual Agreements 4101 2020-12-10
Student Financial Obligations 4102 2020-12-10
Student Loan Activities 4104 2010-01-01
Procurement of Goods, Supplies & Services 4201 2020-12-21
Abandoned and Unclaimed Personal Property 4202 2023-03-23
Building Security 4301 2022-10-25
Facility Modification/Maintenance 4302 2022-04-15
Use of State Vehicles 4303 2016-05-19
Moving: Changing Department/Office/Laboratory/Classroom Space 4308 2023-03-21
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) 4310 2020-12-10
University Supported Travel 4401 2020-12-10
Business Activity 4501 2019-11-21
Debt Collection - Owed By Employees to the University 4502 2022-10-25
Annual Planning Policy 5001 2018-09-24
Program Review Plan and Compliance 5002 2021-04-07
Fundraising - Private 5101 2020-05-04
Naming of University Facilities and Entities 5103 2023-05-24
Student Privacy 2112 2024-02-15
Graduate Assistantships 2103 2022-09-06
Property Use (University) 1506 2024-02-21
Sustainable Procurement 1701 2024-02-23
Contingency Management for Technology-based Information Systems 1206 2024-02-26
Sexual Misconduct 1340 2024-03-06
Title IX Sexual Harassment 1346 2024-03-06
Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources 1207 2024-04-24
Paid Parental Leave 2108 2024-05-02
Smoking, Vaping, Tobacco and Nicotine Regulations 1111 2024-05-02
Affiliates 1337 2022-03-30
Notification Regarding Death 1315 2024-05-24
Legal and Chosen Names 1345 2024-05-24
Closings, Class Cancellations and Exam Postponements Due to Inclement Weather or Emergencies 1309 2024-06-05
Data Stewardship Policy 1205 2024-06-17
Gift Acceptance 5105 2024-06-17
Holidays 1102 2023-03-24
Information Systems Implementation & Project Management 1202 2024-06-24
Degree Attainment Bonus 1408 2022-08-23
Institutional Review Board – Use of Human Subjects in Research 1104 2023-04-27
Sponsored Programs Proposals: Pre-Award/Post-Award Procedures 2201 2004-02-01
Policy for Institutional Biosafety 2204 2023-03-10
Research and Scholarship Misconduct 2205 2016-09-26
Conflict of Interests Disclosure for Sponsored Programs 2203 2013-01-01
Discrimination and Retaliation Complaint Procedures (Other than Title IX Sexual Harassment (Policy 1346) and Sexual Misconduct (Policy 1340)) 1324 2023-01-10
Classified Employee Performance Evaluation 1305 2023-03-10
Employee Records - Release of Information 1316 2024-08-01
Emergency/Disaster Leave 1113 2024-08-01
Substantive Change Reporting Requirements 2102 2024-08-19
Records Management 1109 2024-08-19
Administrative & Professional Faculty - Terms and Conditions of Employment 1335 2023-06-13
Radiation Safety 2207 2023-03-10
Academic Coursepack Service 1507 2024-09-10
Conflict of Interests 1106 2024-09-11
Nursing Employees - Break Time 1341 2024-09-27
Extra Employment for Faculty and Exempt Staff Members Within the University 1306 2012-07-01
Programs, Events, and Camps Involving Minors 3118 2024-10-10
Ordering Textbooks 2110 2024-10-18
Sustainable Construction 1703 2024-10-23
Recycling 4305 2024-10-29
Telework 1332 2024-11-19
Criminal Background Checks 1321 2024-11-19
Institutional Care and Use of Laboratory Animals 2202 2024-12-05
Export Controls 1119 2024-12-05
Intellectual Property 1107 2024-12-13
Work-Related Education or Training from an External Source 1401 2024-12-19
Public Expression on Campus 1121 2025-01-14
Tent Use 1125 2025-01-14
Bulletin Board Use & Posting Public Notices 3104 2025-01-14
Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program 2212 2025-01-22
Parking 3107 2025-01-08
Emeritus Faculty 2105 2025-01-27
Mandatory Training Required of all Employees 1400 2025-02-13
University Communications, Marketing and Branding 1502 2025-02-17
Advertising 1501 2025-02-13
Workers' Compensation/Return to Work 1312 2025-02-18
Nepotism and Employment of Family Members 1301 2025-02-18

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