Expand any language below to view important contact information for the language coordinator.
Major and Minor
Dr. Aram Shahin, shahinax@jmu.edu
Arabic Website
Dr. Cynthia Chalupa chalupcs@jmu.edu
Hong Embree, weihx@jmu.edu
Major and Minor
Dr. Peter Eubanks, eubankpj@jmu.edu
Dr. Dorothée Polanz, polanzdx@jmu.edu
Major and Minor
Dr. Holly Yanacek, yanaceha@jmu.edu
Beate Warden, wardenba@jmu.edu
Iris Hasseloff, haseloic@jmu.edu
German Section Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GermanJMU/
Major and Minor
Dr. Giulia Cardillo, cardilgx@jmu.edu
Laura Cangiano, cangialx@jmu.edu
Italian Literature
Dr. Giulia Cardillo, cardilgx@jmu.edu
Language Coordinator; Italian 300, 320 and Italian Placement Exams.
Laura Cangiano, cangialx@jmu.edu
Elementary Level (101-102) Advisor
Valentina Riso, risocv@jmu.edu
Intermediate Level (231-232) Advisor
David Campora, campordx@jmu.edu
JAPN Courses and FL Courses with Japanese Topics
Yuho Nemoto, nemotoyx@jmu.edu
FL 490 Modern Japanese Culture
Ayami Makino, makinoax@jmu.edu
Dr. Seung Hee Han, han2sh@jmu.edu
Paul Klemt, klemtpw@jmu.edu
Dr. Stephany Plecker, pleckesg@jmu.edu
Dr. José Ignacio Barrio Olano, barrioji@jmu.edu
Dr. Tomas Regalado, regalatx@jmu.edu
Dr. Yenisei Montes de Oca, montesyx@jmu.edu
John Tkac, tkacja@jmu.edu
Business Spanish Minor
Veronica Haun, haunvx@jmu.edu
Medical Spanish Minor
Dr. Diana Galarreta, galarrdf@jmu.edu
Spanish-English Translation and Interpretation Minor
Dr. Marianne Mason, masonmx@jmu.edu
Beginning & Intermediate Spanish Advisor (101-232)
Karina Kline-Gabel, klinegkx@jmu.edu
SPAN 300
John Tkac, tkacja@jmu.edu
SPAN 320
Dr. Verónica Dávila Ellis, davilave@jmu.edu
B.A. French, German, Spanish with Prek-12 Teaching Licensure
Dr. Cynthia Chalupa chalupcs@jmu.edu
Latino Community Engagement Minor
Karina Kline-Gabel, klinegkx@jmu.edu
Linguistics Minor
Dr. Jennifer Lang-Rigal, langrijr@jmu.edu
Russian Studies Minor
Dr. Stephany Plecker, pleckesg@jmu.edu