Spring 2025

Language tables offer a casual online setting to practice your target language. Some languages practice conversation, while others play games, but all have fun.

Arabic Table

Wednesdays  3:30-4:30
Student Success Center, 1st Floor

Israa Alhassani alhassix@jmu.edu
Aram Shahin  shahinax@jmu.edu
Nasser Alsaadun alsaadna@jmu.edu 

Chinese Tea Club

Keezell 103

Monday, February 24, 4:45-5:45pm
Monday, March 24, 3:30-4:30pm

Yunju Wang wangyj@jmu.edu 


German Kaffeestunde

Wednesdays 1-2
Keezell 103
Holly Yanacek  yanaceha@jmu.edu 

French Pause Café

Wednesdays 4-5
Keezell 103
Amina Saidou  saidouax@jmu.edu 

Italian Table
Keezell 103
The following Tuesdays 12:45pm to 1:45pm:
February 4
February 18
March 4
April 1
April 15
April 29
Mariagrazia Fiorello   fiorelmx@jmu.edu
Giacomo Polinelli      polinegx@jmu.edu 
Japanese Table
Keezell 101
2/13 and 2/27
Yuho Nemoto nemotoyx@jmu.edu 
Korean Table
The following Thursdays 1:10-2:10 pm
2/13, 3/27 and 4/17 
Keezell 101
Seung Hee Han han2sh@jmu.edu 
Spanish Table

Keezell 103 on the following days and times:

Thurs. Feb. 6, 1:00-2:00
Wed. Feb. 19, 3:00-4:00
Thurs. March 6, 1:00-2:00
Wed. March 26, 3:00-4:00
Thurs. April 10, 1:00-2:00
Wed. April 23, 3:00-4:00

Jennifer Lang-Rigal langrijr@jmu.edu 


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