Dr. Holly Yanacek image


Associate Professor, German
Contact Info
Website: https://www.hollyyanacek.com/


Keezell 422

Spring 2025 Office Hours:  
M 12:30-1:30pm & T 10:00-12:00pm in Keezell 422 and by appointment via Zoom


Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh (German Studies; PhD Certificate in Cultural Studies)
M.A. University of Pittsburgh (German Studies)
B.A. Heidelberg University (German)


GER 307: History of German Culture and Society
GER 341: Translation Competencies
GER 375: Business and Society in Germany
GER 386: German Short Stories
GER 415: German Romanticism and Realism
GER 421: German Drama Workshop
GER 425: Modern German Literature
GER 446: Special Topics in German Literature
GER 446 Berlin Stories in Lit and Film
GER 448 German Phonetics
GER 461: Contemporary German Literature
GER 490: Special Studies in German
HUM 200: Great Works of Literature (Humans, Animals, Machines)
HUM 200 Great Works of Literature (Narratives of Belonging & Identity)

Research and Teaching Interests

19th—21st-Century Germanophone Literature and Culture, History of Emotions, Narrative Theory, Animal Studies, Posthumanism, Artificial Intelligence in Fiction, Gender Studies, Care Ethics, Drama Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, Historical Semantics, Literary Translation.


Books (Co-Editor)

Animals, Machines, and AI: On Human and Non-Human Emotions in Modern German Cultural History. Eds. Erika Quinn and Holly Yanacek. Berlin: DeGruyter, November 2021. https://www.degruyter.com/serial/IGCS-B/html 

Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary. The Keywords Project. Ed. Colin MacCabe and Holly Yanacek. Oxford University Press, October 2018.

Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Articles

Yanacek, Holly. “Love in the Time of Hubots: Imagining Posthuman Care and Intimacy in Emma Braslavsky's 'Ich bin dein Mensch: Ein Liebeslied' (2019).” Feminist German Studies 39.2 (Fall / Winter 2023): 98-124. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/917809 

Yanacek, Holly. “Benevolent Bots: Human-Robot Friendship and Empathy in German Children's Literature.” In Animals, Machines, and AI: On Human and Non-Human Emotions in Modern German Cultural History. Eds. Erika Quinn and Holly Yanacek. Berlin: DeGruyter, November 2021. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110753677-010/html

Quinn, Erika, and Holly Yanacek. “Introduction: Feeling beyond the Human.” In Animals, Machines, and AI: On Human and Non-Human Emotions in Modern German Cultural History. Eds. Erika Quinn and Holly Yanacek. Berlin: DeGruyter, November 2021. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110753677-001/html 

Arac, Jonathan, and Holly Yanacek. “Keywords, Structures of Feeling, and the Novel.” Forthcoming in “Virtual Archives” feature in NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction 54.1 (Spring 2021).

Yanacek, Holly A. “Mobilising Disgust and Compassion: Elpis Melena's Gemma; oder, Tugend und Laster (1877) and the Anti-Vivisection Movement.” German Life and Letters 73.4 (October 2020): 564-580. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/glal.12282 

Yanacek, Holly A. “Fighting Fascism through Theater: Defining a Socialist Humanist Aesthetic in Willi Bredel’s Die Enkel (1953).” Monatshefte 112.1 (Spring 2020): 20-37. http://mon.uwpress.org/content/112/1/20.short 

Yanacek, Holly A. “Nasty Women: Female Anger as Moral Judgment in Fontane’s Grete Minde and Effi Briest.” In Fontane in the Twenty-First Century. Eds. John B. Lyon and Brian Tucker. 31-47. Camden House, April 2019. https://boydellandbrewer.com/fontane-in-the-twenty-first-century.html 

Yanacek, Holly A. “Investigating the Unexplained: Paranormal Belief and Perception in Kleist’s ‘Die heilige Cäcilie’ and ‘Das Bettelweib von Locarno.’” Colloquia Germanica 45.2 (2012): 163-178. Published in August 2015.

Short Keywords Essays Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Yanacek, Holly. “Intelligence.” Critical Quarterly, November 2023. Early view published online before inclusion in an issue. https://doi.org/10.1111/criq.12756 

Yanacek, Holly. “Care.” Critical Quarterly 65, no. 3 (May 2023): 51–54. https://doi.org/10.1111/criq.12727 

Peer-Reviewed Translations

Yanacek, Holly. I’m Your Man: A Love Song. English translation of Emma Braslavsky’s novella Ich bin dein Mensch: Ein Liebeslied (2019). Forthcoming in Summer 2024.

“The Symbol.” English translation of Friedrich Theodor Vischer’s philosophical treatise “Das Symbol”(1887). Art in Translation 7.4 (February 2016): 417-448. Published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis Online. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17561310.2015.1107314 

Manuscripts in Progress

Yanacek, Holly A. “Rethinking Feeling: On the Renegotiation of Emotions in German Novels at the Fin de Siècle” (book project)

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