Matthew Lovesky, Ph.D.
Dissertation Title:
Promoting Attainment: Examining the Impact of Institutional Expenditure Patterns on Graduation Rates
Dissertation Committee:
Benjamin S. Selznick, Ph.D. (chair) |
Strategic Leadership |
Margaret F. Sloan, Ph.D. |
Strategic Leadership |
T. Dary Erwin, Ph.D. |
Strategic Leadership, Professor Emeritus |
James D. Krauss, Ph.D.
Dissertation Title:
The Relationship between Leader Composure and Career Derailment Potential, and the
Moderating Effect of Race
Dissertation Committee:
Adam J. Vanhove, Ph.D. (chair) |
Strategic Leadership |
Margaret F. Sloan, Ph.D. |
Strategic Leadership |
Nara Yoon, Ph.D. |
Strategic Leadership |
Stephanie V. Wormington, Ph.D. |
Center for Creative Leadership |
Hunter Swanson, Ph.D.
Dissertation Title:
The “New” Normal: A Mixed Methods Study of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on College Student Sense of Belonging
Dissertation Committee:
Benjamin Selznick, Ph.D. (chair) |
Strategic Leadership |
John Hathcoat, Ph.D. |
Graduate Psychology, JMU |
Adam Vanhove, Ph.D. |
Strategic Leadership |
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