
At the banquet I was able to meet someone from the Chemistry department that became someone I could approach about questions about my major. I was glad to be able to meet more of our faculty in this type of event. - Latino Student Alliance Member


The following caucus members would love to meet you and get to know you so that we can foster academic and professional mentoring relationships with our students. Feel free to reach out to any of us, in any of the following ways:


Vanessa Rouillon, WRTC

My name is Vanessa Rouillon; I'm originally from Lima, Peru, but lived in Chile for many years before moving to Illinois with my husband. I'm an Assistant Professor at WRTC with focus on Rhetoric (art of persuasion) and Composition. I specialize in archival and historical work, which means that most my writing revolves around reading and exploring old and faded texts. I integrate visual rhetoric in my research and teaching; that is, I use plenty of historical photographs. I read mystery and biographical novels in my spare time; I take photographs of and draw trees, specially those with no leaves; I do plenty of cooking at home, since I don't like (an understatement) restaurants in this town!

Email me: rouillvi@jmu.edu

Allison Collazo

Allison Collazo is a Liaison of Access and Belonging for Underserved Students in Virginia. She has worked in higher education for six years and enjoys working with the college population. She cares deeply about empowering students to find their voice, gain meaning, and build confidence in who they are. She is Puerto Rican with Spanish heritage and has grown up in Pennsylvania. She does not speak Spanish, but desires to and is working on it. Her personal interests include traveling, reading, health, spending time with friends and family, and quality time with her dog, Mellow. 

Email: collazap@jmu.edu

Fernando Pargas, College of Business, Dept. of Management

Experience establishing and managing businesses in over 40 countries. Email me at pargasfa@jmu.edu.

Carlos Aleman, School of Communication Studies

I study communication, culture, relationships and identity. I coordinate the academic, leadership, and mentorship development activities of a non-profit organization that serves area Latino high school students. I generally choose salsa verde, except on occasion when an enchilada de pollo calls for mole poblano. View my profile

Email me: alemancg@jmu.edu

Tomás Regalado, Department of World Languages & Cultures

Latin America is my passion, and I am happy to be spend time at JMU with everyone related to it: students, faculty, Latino Student Alliance, the Madison Hispanic Caucus, Latin American and Caribbean Studies and my classes in World Languages. Please e-mail me (regalatx@jmu.edu) and let's build community! 

Verónica del Carmen Haun, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures, & Cultures

¡Hola! I’m Verónica del Carmen Haun and I currently teach as a Lecturer of Spanish in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at JMU. I was born and raised in Managua, Nicaragua, where I lived for 27 years until I moved to the U.S. I love folkloric dances from my country and like watching different dances from other Hispanic countries as well. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, cooking, watching movies, listening to latin music and rhythms (dancing when I can, too), traveling, sipping a great central or south American coffee, and doing sports activities – all better if it’s with my family. Email me haunvx@jmu.edu 

Diana Meza, Learning Technology and Leadership Education

I am a native from Colombia and love to dance, listen to music, and read. I also love spending time with my family and always find a reason to celebrate! I have been at JMU for 13 years. Some as a student and some as faculty. I always enjoy meeting new people and learning from others. Email me: mezadx@jmu.edu 

Yenisei Montes de Oca, Department of World Languages & Cultures

My name is Yenisei Montes de Oca, I am originally from Mexico and I teach Spanish courses here at JMU. I was also a First-Generation college student while completing my education. I love getting to know new people and I especially enjoy interacting with students and getting to know their experiences. I also like to read, listen to music, and love to pretend I know how to dance :) Email me at: montesyx@jmu.edu or follow me at: @yenisei_mdo 

Yamilette Chacon, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

As a Latina immigrant and first generation college graduate, I am particularly sensitive to and understanding of the diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds of students. In my academic journey from taking English as a Second Language (ESL) classes to completing graduate school, I encountered individuals from underrepresented groups that, despite many challenges, sought through education, a path for a better future for themselves and for their communities. Therefore, I have a special interest in encouraging members of underrepresented populations, as well as first generation college students, to pursue higher education. I will allocate a weekly time slot dedicated exclusively to providing guidance to Hispanic students. Contact me at chaconyd@jmu.edu

Karina Kline-Gabel, Department of World Languages & Cultures

In addition to the Spanish language and Hispanic culture, I am also a fan of film and social issues affecting our Latino community. My mother is Colombian and my dad is from Virginia so I was raised bilingually and enjoy communicating with all type of people! My two girls speak Spanglish but have been fortunate to have been raised near their abuelita. Care to share abuelita stories or talk about how many wonderful opportunities there are to professionally use your Spanish and Hispanic heritage? Contact me at klinegkx@jmu.edu 

Rudy Molina, Vice Provost for Student Academic Success and Enrollment Management

Rudy received his B.A. in Mexican American Studies and his M.A. in Bilingual/Special Education and Rehabilitation and his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona. He received his doctorate from the Socio Cultural Studies department from the College of Education in 2014 with his dissertation titled, “I Wouldn’t Change Anything”: The Everyday Realities of Living with Autism from a Parent’s Perspective. His academic background provides a unique perspective on cultural implications, the learning process, and the role of the family, all of which have contributed to Dr. Molina’s ‘philosophy of care’ when working with and supporting college students from all walks of life. 

Samuel Hernández, Department of World Languages and Cultures

I love languages and love to teach Spanish. I am passionate about diversity, inclusion, justice and any topic than can help us learn from one another and live a more enriched life together. I was born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico and have been teaching at JMU for ten years. I would love to talk about soccer, learning a language, career choices, immigration topics, how to use our gifts for a better world, and carne asada. 

George Vidal, Department of Biology

My parents grew up in Mexico City, and I was born and raised in upstate New York, very far away from my roots in Mexico, south Texas, and Catalonia. I grew up speaking Spanish, my first language, at home. In college, I learned Catalan! I am greatly indebted to my parents, who instilled in me the value of education and hard work in the pursuit of happiness. I was the first in my family to go to college in the United States.I am a developmental neurobiologist. I am passionate about teaching and mentoring JMU students of all majors. I have taught a GenEd course about the brain and mind, human anatomy (taken by many pre-professional health students), and several upper-level neuroscience courses. I am equally enthusiastic about my research. My JMU research lab is trying to understand how “nature” (genetics) and “nurture” (neural activity) work to help the cerebral cortex develop normally, and how dysfunctions of brain development lead to disorders like autism. You can view my contact information, and my faculty profile. I encourage you to reach out to me and make a connection!

Ingrid García de Lazo, Department of Early, Elementary & Reading Education

Ingrid Garcia de Lazo is an Administrative Assistant in the Early, Elementary and Reading Education Department at JMU College of Education. Mother of 3 wonderful kids. Speak fluently Spanish. Attorney at law from El Salvador. Pursuing her license to practice laws in Virginia. She likes spending time with her family, reading and hiking. Member of a local Salvadoran Committee, which focuses on helping the Hispanic community to know their duties and rights as residents of this city. She really enjoy helping others and learn from other cultures and from people of different backgrounds.

Rebeca Barge, Associate Director in the Center for Multicultural Student Services

Rebeca is the Associate Director in the Center for Multicultural Student Services and works with multicultural student organizations and the DEEP Impact program. She received her undergraduate degrees in Social Work from Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA and a Masters in Social Work from Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. Rebeca has 10 years of professional experience within the fields of social work and education providing diversity training, engagement, support and leadership to students. She has served as an Adjunct Professor in the JMU Social Work Department. She is passionate about motivating and empowering students to gain meaningful life skills, build resiliency and cultural competency strategies. She grew up in Guatemala, her first language was Spanish, and she moved to Harrisonburg, VA when she was 12. She would love to meet with you for a chat & cafecito. She can be reached at bargers@jmu.edu. Bienvenidos y muchas gracias! 

Onesimo Baltazar Corona, Futuro Latino Coalition Coordinator

Onesimo Baltazar Corona is the Futuro Latino Coalition Coordinator. In this role, he supports efforts to improve Latino youth's health and well-being by preventing the use and misuse of alcohol and drugs, educating the community, and seeking out funding sources.

He has collaborated with several community projects over the last two years, making a positive impact in the Hispanic community. He is an active leader and a member of various community organizations.

Onesimo is from Hidalgo, Mexico. He has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from “Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo” and a Master’s in Public Administration from “Instituto de Administración Pública del Estado de Hidalgo” in Mexico. He has worked for both private and public organizations in accounting and finance roles.

Mr. Baltazar founded “Dibujando Sonrisas” in Hidalgo Mexico, an initiative to bring toys, clothes and the most important, smiles, to kids in the mountainous region in Hidalgo each year during the “Día de Reyes Magos” celebration.

Onesimo is friendly, creative, responsible, detail-oriented, and resourceful. He lives in Harrisonburg with his wife and his two daughters. Dedicating quality time to his wife and daughters is the most valuable activity for him. He also enjoys spending time with his friends, traveling, participating in cultural events, designing and taking professional pictures.

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