Dr. Rudy M Molina, Vice Provost for Student Academic Success and Enrollment Management and Assistant Professor of Educational Foundations & Exceptionalities was featured in a Q&A in Inside Higher Ed. The piece deals with Rudy’s approach cross-divisional approach to student success.

Diana Galarreta-Aima, Associate Professor of Spanish, partnered with JMU Libraries and received a $30K VIVA Open Course Grant to create a no-cost, open textbook for intermediate medical Spanish. “Language and culture are so important in providing better healthcare for these communities,” said Dr. Galarreta-Aima. “And we were like, ‘Okay, let's make it free!’”

George Vidal, Associate Professor; Neuroscience Concentration Coordinator. The JMU STEM Center and Department of Biology faculty member George Vidal hosted the state-wide Brain Bee event earlier this month with nearly 50 13 to 19-year-old students. The Bee provides hands-on neuroscience-related demos, lab visits, and interaction with JMU faculty and students, as well as a neuroscience competition for high schoolers, the winner of which will go on to compete at the national Bee at UC Irvine in April. 

Ruthie Bosch - 2022 Provost Distinguishing Career Award for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

George Vidal - Finalist (top 25) for the SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award this year.

Tomás Regalado - Published a book chapter. “Reescribir el Caso Cassez. Violencia simbólica y estrategias de subjetivización en Una novela criminal de Jorge Volpi”. Fronteras de violencia en México y Estados Unidos, Ed. Oswaldo Estrada, Albatros, Serie Palabras de América, 2021, pp. 47-66.

Robert Aguirre - Lead the successful realization of CAL’s Latinx cohort hire. New Latinx colleagues joining SCOM, SMAD, WLC, Debate, Sociology, and English (2).

Angel Garcia - Interview on Etnogeología en el Caribe Kárstico Antillano 

Angel Garcia and Felix Wang - Will be co-teaching HON300: Global Environment Studies and Perspectives in the fall. The course will explore how social, cultural, political, and economic processes could impact the environment on a local and global scale. Students will learn and interact with students and faculty from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Colombia using the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model as a mechanism for communication. Students will design a final project focused on sustainability and social entrepreneurship in collaboration with COIL-peers.

Diana Galarreta - Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure and received a CAL Summer 2022 Grant

Diana Meza - Completed her Ph.D. in Education from George Mason University

Tiffany Gonzalez - Received the Bill and Rita Clements Research Fellowship at the Clements Center for Southwestern Studies at Southern Methodist University

Andrea Martinez - Gonzalez – Received a CAL Spring 2022 Mini-Grant

Rachel Torres - Received a CAL Summer Course Development Grant

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