Last Update: 2020-08-23 KEK
General Guidelines for All Researchers Using Bioscience 2035
Everyone conducting research in 2035 must follow this SOP, which governs scheduling usage of common areas, basic safety precautions, and disinfection procedures. Additional details for microscope users are listed, below.
Two bottles of general disinfectant are provided by the department for general use. Do NOT use this disinfectant on microscopes or other instruments. The Microscopy Facility has provided bottles of 70% ethanol for disinfecting microscopes. Do NOT use these bottles of 70% ethanol for other uses.
Specific Guidelines for Microscopy Users
- Before restarting work in the Microscopy Facility, all registered users MUST
- Read the general SOP and this entire webpage.
- Email Dr. Kubow ( so that he can review these guidelines with you and answer any questions.
- Image analysis workstations may be used for image/data analysis as long as the capacity of bay is not exceeded. The computers may NOT be used for routine tasks that can be completed on a personal computer (e.g. writing, email, homework). Use of the macroscope and stereoscope takes precedence over workstation use.
Scheduling Time on a Microscope
- Users must sign-up in advance using the Google calendar booking system. You may not just "drop-in" and sign-up after the fact. All usage (even “quick checks” and use of the computer only) MUST be logged in the Google calendar.
- Only three people are allowed in Bay #1 (Leica Macroscope and Zeiss Stemi stereoscope).
- A maximum of two people are allowed in each microscope room: Room A (Nikon confocal and Leica DM6b) and Room B (Nikon Eclipse and Zeiss Axioscope). Nevertheless, only one microscope may be used. If the experiment allows, the door to the room should be propped open when two people are present. A third person may briefly (< 15 min.) visit an inner room when permitted by the current occupants and provided that the door is propped open.
- Because only one microscope in each room/bay may be used at a time, you must check the complete microscopy facility calendar to be sure that no one is booked for the other microscope in the room.
- You must ensure that there is a gap of at least 30 min. between you and the preceeding/following bookings.
During Your Scheduled Time on the Microscope
- Microscope users may NOT enter 2035 until their reservation begins.
- You must wear a face mask at all times; you may NOT remove it while working on a microscope.
- Disinfect the microscope and work area prior to usage unless the instrument has been unused for >3 days. Follow the disinfection protocols posted next to each microscope.
- Users are only allowed to occupy the designated room/area for their microscope, except for occasional excursions to the sink, refrigerators/freezers, fume hood, color printer, and the exit.
- Maintain a minimum 6-ft. distance from others at all times.
Completing Your Time on the Microscope
- You must exit the facility by the end of your booking. Plan your time so that you have enough time to complete the decontamination procedure (which should NOT occur during the 30 min. gap period between users).
- All changes to your booking (e.g. starting late, extending your time) should not interfere with other books and MUST be logged immediately on the Google calendar.
- You must disinfect the microscope and work area. Follow the disinfection protocols posted next to each microscope.
Getting Assistance and Reporting Problems
- For immediate assistance, TEXT (do not call) Dr. Kubow. His cell phone number will be provided when you contact him about restarting work in the Microscopy Facility.
- All other issues: email Dr. Kubow (
Specific Guidelines for Histology Lab Users
- This policy applies to bays 3 and 4 in Bioscience 2035 and is to be followed in addition to the procedures in the Room 2035 SOP.
- You must schedule your use on the shared histology Google Calendar. For access, please contact Dr. Kubow ( Users of the fume hood who need it for a single usage less than 5 minutes need not sign up but could request users of bay 4 to vacate the bay to allow them access for a specified purpose and time.
- When you sign-up, you must indicate
- The name of your lab
- Your name
- The bay (3 or 4) and the workstation(s) you will be using
- Bay 3: microtome, paraffin oven/hotplate, vibrotome, cryostat
- Bay 4: microtome, sink and adjacent counter, slide staining area, fume hood
- Sign-ups must be self-regulated to avoid more than 1 person per work station (except for training purposes) and more than 3 persons per bay at one time. People working in the same bays at the same time are required to practice physical distancing. Two users can share one or two work stations during a time period, but they must arrange that before they sign up and sign up as two people.
- As a general courtesy, sign-ups should be made at least 24 hours before the work period, though anyone can “jump in” to reserve an unused workstation after that time as long they as record it on the calendar. Because of the potentially high demand from upwards of 25 people for the 2 bays and the inability of 12 BIO 318 students to schedule use more than 1 week in advance (due to the timing of their project development), student users should be discouraged from reserving weekly blocks of time throughout the term unless they are definite about using that time every week, and commit to canceling their reservation in advance whenever that is not possible.