Click instrument to see more details. For videos and other resources about how to use the microscopes, see this practical resources page.
- Leica SP8 Stellaris Laser Scanning Confocal with Lightning and Falcon (inverted)
- Nikon Eclipse Ti-2 (inverted) (color/DIC/fluorescence/high-content-acquisition)
- Nikon TE2000 C2si Laser Scanning Confocal and Widefield Microscope (inverted)
- Leica DM6b (color/DIC/polarization/fluorescence)
- Zeiss Axioscope.A1 (color/fluorescence)
- Zeiss Discovery V12 Stereoscope
- Zeiss SV6 Stemi Stereoscope
- Leica Macroscope
WideTEK25 Large-Format Flat-Bed Scanner
Leica SP8 Stellaris Laser Scanning Confocal
The aquisition of this microscope system was funded by NSF MRI grant DBI-2214633.
- Technical Specifications
- Inverted microscope base
- DIC/fluorescence
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 20x (multi-immersion), 40x (glycerol), 100x (oil)
- Lightning enhanced resolution
- Falcon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)
- Tokai-Hit incubation chamber (temperature, CO2, humidity)
- Focus stabilization
- Peizo-z-drive
Nikon Eclipse Ti-2
The acquisition of this microscope system was funded by NSF MRI grant DBI-1725855.
- Technical Specifications
- Inverted microscope base
- DIC/fluorescence (phase contrast with 10x only)
- Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x (1.3NA), 60x (1.4NA), and 100x (1.45NA)
- Fully motorized and encoded
- Perfect-focus
- Tokai-Hit incubation chamber (temperature, CO2, humidity)
- SPECTRA-X LED fluorescence light source
- Fluorescence filters: blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red, far-red, + multi-pass fluorescence filters for rapid acquisition
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3 sCMOS monochrome camera
- DS-RI2 colorc cMOS camera
- High-content acquisition automation capabilities
- Laser ablation system
Nikon TE2000 C2si Laser Scanning Confocal and Widefield Microscope
The acquisition of this microscope system was funded by NSF MRI grant DBI-0619207.
- Technical Specifications
- Inverted microscope base
- DIC/Fluorescence
- Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, 20x (extra-long working distance), 40x, 60x (1.4NA), and 100x (1.4NA)
- Motorized focus with focus-drift correction
- Motorized stage
- Active vibration isolation table
- Widefield mode
- Fluorescence filters: blue, green, orange, red, far-red
- Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3 sCMOS monochrome camera
- Nikon DSFi1 color camera
- Confocal mode
- Lasers: 405, 457, 488, 515, 561, and 647 nm
- Three-channel (plus transmitted) detection
- Spectral detector
Leica DM6b
- Technical Specifications
- DIC/Fluorescence
- Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x
- Fluorescence filters: blue, green, red
- Leica DFC 7000T color CCD camera
- LAS X imaging software
- Automated focusing with ability to acquire z-stacks
Zeiss Axioscope.A1
- Technical Specifications
- Brightfield/Fluorescence
- Objectives: 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 63x (NA1.25)
- Fluorescence filters: blue, green, red
- QImaging PV1 color CCD camera
- Ocular imaging software
- BioQuant imaging and analysis package
Zeiss Discovery V12 Stereoscope
- Objective: Achromat S 1.0x
- Axiocam 305 color camera
- Diascopic and incident light illumination
- Oblique and darkfield illumination
- Polarization
Zeiss SV6 Stemi Stereoscope
- Objectives: 0.63x, 1.0x
- Insight 2 color camera
- SPOT imaging software
Leica Macroscope
- Objectives: 0.32-2x
- Motorized focus drive for capturing “z-stacks”
Image Analysis Workstations
- HP computer with Nikon Elements, including deconvolution and high-content analysis packages
- Dell Optiplex computer with Nikon Elements, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and FIJI/ImageJ
WideTEK25 Large-Format Flat-bed Scanner
- 25x18.5 inch scan area
- Optional back-light