February 17, 2025
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Volume 27, Issue 3 (Fall 2023)
Board Game Shows Children How to Avoid Mine Dangers
Long Term Devastation Syria’s Environment is Another War Victim
New Study on Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Launched by GICHD
Landmines Proposed as Solution for Israel’s Border Protection
A Landmine Survivor's Resilience, in "Carpenter"
Ukraine Security Remains a Top Priority for the United States
Russian Air Force Accelerates Use of Cluster Bombs in Ukraine
Minesweeper Game Drives Awareness of the World's Active Landmines
War-Time Bombs Deactivated in Quang Binh Province
Tetra Tech Assists Ukraine by Demining Agricultural Lands
There Are Now More Land Mines in Ukraine than Almost Anywhere Else on the Planet
Special Report on Cluster Munitions and Submunitions in Syria
The Invisible Killer Haunting Laos 50 Years after the Vietnam War
Civilian Areas in North-West Syria Hit with Submunitions
Economy Ministry Launches Accelerator for Demining Startups
Drones and AI Could Locate Land Mines in Ukraine
War in the Breadbasket: Landmines and Food Security in Ukraine
A Glimpse Into the Mine Risk Education Activities in Poland
Nearly 600,000 Pieces of UXO Cleared in Laos’ Northern Province
Conflict Pollution, Washed-up Landmines and Military Emissions: How War Trashes the Environment
Innovation Conference 2023: November 14–16
How Can a City Recover From a Brutal Conflict?
North Koreans Maimed or Killed by Landmines During Defection Attempts
Six Things to Know About Mine Action in Afghanistan
US Landmine Eating Vehicle Spotted in Ukraine
Trimble Partners with HALO Trust for Landmine Clearance in Ukraine
Syria Regime Using Cluster Munitions in Bombing Campaign on Civilians in Idlib
Colombian Campaign Against Landmines Provides Training to Indigenous Community
3D Printed Prosthetic Limbs Help Ukrainians Live Normal Lives or Rejoin the Fight
Between Tradition and the Law: Artisanal Firearm Production in West Africa
More Than 260 Civilians Killed by Landmines and UXO
Landmine Blast Kills 20 In Northeast Nigeria
Landmine Incident Prompts CMAA Safety Advisory
Unexploded Ordnance Haunts Southern Lebanon
The Middle East Is Burning – But the Crisis in Ukraine Must Not Be Forgotten
Hungary Hosts Training for Divers Who Salvage UXO
Bringing Normalcy to War-Torn Ukraine
Bulgaria and Romania Begin Demining Black Sea
Lessons From Mine Action: Integrated Care for Civilians in Conflict
Landmine Blasts Injures Deminers in Sri Lanka
Mitzi Perdue Hosts Charity Auction to Support Ukrainian Landmine Clearance
Scientist Expands Research on Landmine Blast Exposure Treatment
Wartime Bomb Safely Disposed in Lao Cai Province
Ukraine Demines Half of Farming Lands Designated for Mine Clearance
Cambodia hosts the Third Global Conference on Mine Action Victims
Volume 27, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
UK Dstl Adopts UAV-Mounted Sensor Concept for Mine Clearance
Reviving Old Mosul: 3D Modeling Aids Safe Clearance in Iraq
Department of State’s Quick Reaction Force: Twenty-three Years of Service
MAG Emergency Response: Digital Explosive Ordnance Risk Education in Somalia
Mine Action in Lebanon: Innovation, Learning, and Finishing the Job
Ammunition Identification Guide for Ukraine: A Collaborative Project Amidst War
Integrated Cooperation in Implementing Firearm Deactivation Capabilities: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Empowering Host Nation Counter-IED and Counter-Insurgency Efforts: Innovative Application of Ordnance Recycling
An Accessible Seeded Field for Humanitarian Mine Action Research
A Message from the Director
In Ukraine: Demining Paves Way for New Capabilities in Humanitarian Clearance
MAG Works to Reduce the Impact of Conflicts in West Africa
APOPO’s Commitment to a Mine-Free Future for Zimbabwef UXO Under the Sea?
Is There a Safe Way to Get Rid of UXO Under the Sea?
Demining Teams Find New Landmines After Each Yemen Truce
Humanitarian Demining Training Center Welcomes New Director
Cambodia Confirms 26 Mine/UXO Casualties Over Past Nine Months
Cambodia Warns of UXO Risk During Floods
The Environmental Dimensions of Libya’s Flood Disaster
How Abandoned War Weapons are Poisoning the Baltic Sea
Local Photographer Captures Human Side of Ukraine War
Landmines in Ukraine: Lessons for China and Taiwan
North Vancouver Trails Closing for Explosives Search
Slowed 'Demining' Means Global Breadbasket Has Only Crumbs
International Mine Clearance Training Concludes
How Are Old, Unexploded Bombs Safely Detonated?
Unexploded Weapons Pose New Risk After Libya Flood
Cambodia and Thailand Talk Mine Clearance on Borders
A Glimpse into Explosive Ordnance Disposal with the ICRC
Streets of South Darfur Capital Littered with UXO/ERW
Flooding in Libya Displace Landmines as Death Toll Rises
Ukraine Interested in Cambodia’s Humanitarian Demining Experience
Yemen's Explosives Contamination Among World's Worst
With Drones, Geophysics and AI, Researchers Prepare to Do Battle Against Landmines
MAG and Partners Mark Milestone in Lebanon
Blinken Focuses on Mine Clearing in Ukraine as U.S. Lays Groundwork for Life After War
Ukraine Surpasses Syria With the Most Cluster-Munition Casualties in the World
Dayton’s International Peace Museum Features Exhibit on Cluster Bombs and Vietnam War
Civilian Injured by Explosive Remnant of War in Eastern Hama Countryside
Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA) Calls on Land Developers to Ask for Demining Assistance
UNICEF Geneva Discusses Impact of War on Children's Education
Kayah Landmine Clearers Working With Pliers and Bare Hands
Switzerland to Send Remote-Controlled Deminer to Ukraine
Cambodia to Host International Gathering on Landmines & ERW
Norwegian Deminers Helping Replant Angkor Park
Children make up 85% of unexploded ordnance casualties in Afghanistan
Cambodia Deminers Remove UXO from Sunken Ship
Colombia: Rejection of the Use of Anti-personnel Mines in the Department of Nariño
How Drones Are Helping Demine Ukraine
One Thing May Save Ukraine From Russia's Mine Warfare Nightmare: Spider Boots
Solomons Communities Warned to Stay Clear of Bomb Demolition Exercise
Zimbabwe Defence Forces Conduct Demining Operations
Alumna turns home into sanctuary for Ukrainian relatives
Deadly Surprises From Putin Lurk Under These Family Homes
Thousands of Pieces of Unexploded Ordnance Found Buried at Cambodian School
Harvest of Duds: What Cluster Munitions in Laos Can Teach Ukraine
Women Make South Sudan Safe, One Explosion at a Time
Clearing Landmines From Ukraine Will Be a Huge Task (But It Can Be Done)
Over 5 Million Square Meters Cleared of Landmines in Kurdistan
U.S.-Funded Demining Strengthens Food Security in South Sudan
A Rocket Took Her Leg: She Defines the Pain and Resilience of Yemen
Russian Forces Hiding Landmines in Everyday Items say Ukrainian Military Engineers
Landmine Explosion Kills Child and Injures Two Others in Al-Bokamal City
A Lurking Threat: Landmines Await Lay Kay Kaw Returnees
Ugandan Peacekeepers Clear Unexploded Ordnance in Eastern DRC
Ukraine Will Produce its Own Mine Clearance Machines
Unexploded Bomb Safely Defused in Nghe An, Vienam
Croatia Allocates 1 Million Euros for Demining in Ukraine
Incendiary Bomb Found in Kurdistan Region’s Choman District
Ukrainian Farmers Invited to Apply for Land to Demined
Disabilities in Syria: A "Hidden" Crisis
Wildfire in Greece Triggers Explosions at an Ammunition Depot
Russian Landmines Pose a Persistent and Deadly Threat in Ukraine
US and Norway Promise $20.8 Million to Increase UXO Clearance in Southern Laos
Forest Fire Triggers Landmine Explosions in Croatia
Ukraine Says Allies Commit $244 Million for Humanitarian Demining
UN Watchdog Says Landmines Are Placed Around Ukrainian Nuke Plant Occupied by Russia
Almost 700 People Killed and Injured by Landmines in Ukraine
“Metal Detectors Are No Use”: Challenge of Removing Landmines in Ukraine
"There is always risk": The Zimbabwean Deminer in South Sudan
UXO Continues to Harm Development, People’s Livelihood in Laos
Over 900 Kilometers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are Mine Suspected Areas
What Are Cluster Munitions and Why Is the United States Sending Them to Ukraine?
Demining Ukraine: Bringing Lifesaving Expertise Back Home
Kingdom Continues Demining Training for Ukraine Officers
At Least Eight People Killed in Somalia Landmine Explosion
Advancing U.S. Alliances and Partnerships through Security Sector Governance Initiatives
Iraq Begins Program to Support Mine Victims
Long After Wars End, Landmines Continue to Kill
Bozena-5 Demining System Assembly Begins for Ukraine After Fundraising
Farmer Injured in Landmine Explosion in Kherson Oblast
Heroic Deminer Carries on Father’s Fight
African Rodents Set To Clear Nagorno-Karabakh Minefields
Explosive Remnants of War Threaten Farming Activities, Add Layer to Dire Food Crisis in Tigray Region
State Department Funded Deminer Training Kicks off in Azerbaijan
Campus collaboration supports emerging African leaders
Years After the War Ends, Bombs Continue to Kill
Vietnam Approves UXO Consequence Action Programme
Iraq Launches Strategy for Mine Action 2023–2028
Mine Action and Food Security: The Complexities of Clearing Ukraine’s Agricultural Lands
Mines Dislodged by Ukraine Dam Could Wash Up on Beaches
How UAV Lidar Imaging Can Locate and Map Minefield Features: Cuito Cuanavale, Angola
Mine Action and South-South Cooperation: Case of JICA and CMAC
Land-Grabbing, Tribal Conflict, and Settler-Nomad Disputes: Land Rights in Mine Action
Environmental Mainstreaming in Mine Action: A Case Study of Moving Beyond “Do No Harm”
Computer Vision Detection of Explosive Ordnance: A High-Performance 9N235/9N210 Cluster Submunition Detector
Mine Mark Digital EORE: Being Innovative as a Small NGO in the Mine Action Sector
A message from the director
IMAS: An Overview of New and Amended Standards
Landmine Explosion Kills Shepherd on Kurdistan-Iran Border
Demining Working Group to Develop Mine Action Strategy
WWII Ordnance Threatens Civilians in the Solomons
Eight Security Officers Killed in Garissa Landmine Attack
Securing International Airspace Through U.S.-funded Training Programs
Nigeria Raises Alarm Over Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons
Tragedy Underscores Need to Address UXO Danger in Somalia
Dislodged Landmines Major Concern as Residents Flee Kherson
Civilians Suffer as Landmines Play Growing Role in Myanmar’s Conflict
Deepening the Fight Against Small Arms Proliferation
'Best' Russian Drone Pilots Killed by Own Landmine
NGO Signs MoU with the Solomon Islands to Map UXO
Landmine Explosion Kills Two Construction Workers in Northern Samar
In Yemen, Landmines Kill 121 People This Year
Algeria Leads the Way Towards a ‘Mine-Free Africa’
Russia Lays Mines at 'Industrial Level' Ahead of Ukrainian Counteroffensive
South Sudan Clears Mines as People Return Home After War
Government and UXO Companies to Forge Partnership
New Phase of UXO Clearance Project Begins in Khammuan Second International Conference on Mine Action Held in Azerbaijan
New Phase of UXO Clearance Project Begins in Khammuan
Royal Navy Divers Help Clear the Baltic Sea of Unexploded Ordnance
Farmer Finds UXO’s at His Field in Battambang Province
Almost One Third of Mykolaiv Region Territory, 140 Kilometers of Coast Require Demining
Russia’s ‘Petal’ Mines Are the Stuff of Nightmares
Man Seriously Injured by Landmine While Walking in the Forest
Sudan Is Awash With Weapons: What That Means for the War
Yemen Landmines Kill 6 in Hodeidah in April
For Turning ‘Mines to Vines,’ Roots of Peace Founder Wins World Food Prize
United Nations Peacekeepers Clear Minefields in Lebanon
Project Raises Awareness of Landmines and UXO in Armenia
West Africa Has a Small Weapons Crisis
Aid Agencies in Sudan Face Massive Reboot as War Takes Hold
Germany Makes Available Additional Funds for Victims of Landmines in BiH
Irish Troops Train Ukrainian Deminers in Cyprus
Ukrainian Government Launches Fundraising Platform for Humanitarian Demining
Kyiv Says Six Deminers Killed By Russian Shelling
Half a Dozen Land Mines Destroyed Along Loc in Balakote
Magway Region Landmine Attack on Myanmar Junta Convoy
Colombia: Help for Landmine Survivors ‘Our Islands Are Plagued by Bombs From the Second World War’
Colombia: Help for Landmine Survivors
Revolutionary Autonomous Tractor Tackles Ukraine’s Landmine Problem
Ukrainian Farmer Comes up With Novel Way to Demine His Fields
CMAA, Vallon Hold Tech Workshop on Demining
The humanitarian toll of explosive hazards
WWII Bomb Destroyed in Kota Belud by Royal Malaysian Navy Divers
Using Design Thinking to Invent a Low-Cost Prosthesis for Landmine Victims
Co-op in Cambodia Teaches Northeastern Student to Be Comfortable in Uncomfortable Situations
High Risk, High Reward: EOD in Kosovo
In Ukraine, a Nasty Cleanup Job With No End in Sight
Landmine Injures Two UN Peace Keepers in Mali
Quang Tri Completes Survey of Unexploded Ordnance Areas
Using OSINT to Help in Mine Clearance Operations in Ukraine
University Student is Sole Undergraduate Winner of NSF Fellowship
Ukraine Farmer Risks Life Clearing Shells From Fields
Frontline Cemeteries Shut to Ukrainians for Easter Because of UXO
Experts Review Civilian Possession of Arms in ECOWAS
Hidden in the Grass: Russia’s Trip Wires and Landmines
TetraTech Sends Fifteen Pickup Trucks to Help Ukraine Demine Liberated Territories
Seven Truffle Pickers in Syria Killed by Landmine
Shepherd in Erbil Province Diffuses Thousands of Landmines
New Report Showcases U.S. Global Leadership in Conventional Weapons Destruction and Landmine Clearance
Ukraine Is Top Recipient of U.S. Mine Clearing Aid
Angola Landmines: The Women Hunting for Explosives Left From Civil War
Humanitarian Ministry, GICHD Partner on Environmental Demining
Persisting Challenges in Demining in Post-Conflict Areas
Child Casualties from Houthi Landmines Increase Eight-Fold in Yemen
Documentary photographer Giles Duley to speak on JMU campus
Unexploded Rockets, Mines, and Grenades: Inside the Hunt to Destroy Lethal Ordnance in Ukraine
Protecting the Innocent, the Land, and the Body: Traditional Sources of Restraint on Landmine Use
Civilians in Northern Myanmar Face Growing Risks From Landmines
OSCE and Spain’s Guardia Civil Build Capacity to Prevent Illicit Trafficking of SALW
Cambodia to Host Int’l Mine Victim Conference
Civilians Surrender Illegal Small Arms in the Philippines
Metal-Detecting Drone Could Autonomously Find Landmines
Before Power Is Back, Deminers Must Make Ukraine’s War Repairs Safe
Iraq War 20 Years On: The Most Mined Country on Earth and Clearance Efforts Will Take ‘Decades’, Experts Warn
OSCE Organizes Explosive Ordnance Disposal Level 3 Course in Dushanbe for Central Asian Demining Specialists
CMAC, JICA to Cooperate on Landmine Clearance
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 12 Participates in Humanitarian Mine Action in Croatia
Demining Ukraine: “The Most Important Thing Is to Protect People”
Ukraine Calls for Equipment From Partners to Help Demine Some 2.5 Million Hectares of Land
Mainstreaming Gender in Albanian Police Through the OSCE's SALW Project
Libya’s First Female Deminers Must Deal With More Than Bombs
Two Thai Park Rangers Injured in Landmine Explosion in Chiang Mai Forest
200 Units of Erw’s and Ammunitions Cleared From Village in Kratie Province
US Donates Vehicles, Equipment for UXO Clearance in Laos
In Kosovo, Ukrainians Are Trained in Demining
Three Killed in Landmine Explosion in Syria
Mine Clearing, the Work of Heroes
Volume 27, Issue 1 (Winter 2023)
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